

golden ticket member


Well-Known Member

I would think we are closer in mind on this subject than you realize.

People are gay --they are proud --should be--and have all rights.
People are straight --they are proud --and should not be forced to change religious beliefs or tradition.

Gays will never be called "straight" -and most do not want to be

Straights will never be gay and do not want to be called GAY.

They will never be the same.

If Gays do not like "civil union" --name it what YOU want --Like Gayarriage.

People hating over Marriage or Gayarriage is stupid. GAY IS gay Straight is straight ---marriage is marriage and Gayarriage is gayarriage.

All legal and finanacial rights to all -----Churches that do not want to perform marriage or gayarrige should not be FORCED TO DO EITHER. PROBLEM SOLVED MOVE ON.

Same as today --Gay is Gay --Straight is Straight.:wink2:


Your argument is with the wrong person. Where in this post did I say gays should suffer a financial penalty from the government ?

In my opinion and many of my gay friends that agree --stop all the hatred --see above post -and everyone moves on ---happy and gay !!

I do have a problem with anyone who accuses people of being HATERS just for professing their beliefs --without a trace of venon or hatred.

Some would call it plain old common sense.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
You would be amazed(or not) at how many 'straight' men throughly enjoy this. Notice, I didn't include women. No offense to anyone, but mine is an exit only area. You can do what you want with yours. I don't want anyone nosing around in my bedroom telling me what I can and can't do. I am sure I would upset someone somewhere.


I do not disagree with what you are saying--especially about the exit. I am smart enough to know that this is a sensative subject and was not looking to offend gay or straight.:peaceful:

But unlike politicians --I try to find REAL solutions to problems.

If the Gays had all financial rights and legal rights in this country --why insist on calling it the same as straight people ???

You want to do your own thing --exit or whatever --do not like "civil union" name it Gayairrage --and all of us can move on without all the hatred !!!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
My wife loves the ar 15--she will not shoot the shotgun -and got rid of her .357 Lady Smith and Wesson--because of the kickback --even the .38 did not work.

The ar 15 ---NO PROBLEM !


Well-Known Member
I have heard it is against the law to fire a gun outside your home in Delaware.

If you hit someone --thief, dog , or UPS driver you are going to be in alot of trouble --Joe.

Inside the home --after a Breakin --much different story !

Vice President should be careful what advice he gives ---may have to testify for the defense at someones manslaughter trial.:wink2:


golden ticket member
I have heard it is against the law to fire a gun outside your home in Delaware.

If you hit someone --thief, dog , or UPS driver you are going to be in alot of trouble --Joe.

Inside the home --after a Breakin --much different story !

Vice President should be careful what advice he gives ---may have to testify for the defense at someones manslaughter trial.:wink2:
If I did what Joe said to do at the time he said to do it......I'd have killed the guy from the landscaping co. , trimming the pine trees in my back yard.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

I would think we are closer in mind on this subject than you realize.

People are gay --they are proud --should be--and have all rights.
People are straight --they are proud --and should not be forced to change religious beliefs or tradition.

Gays will never be called "straight" -and most do not want to be

Straights will never be gay and do not want to be called GAY.

They will never be the same.

If Gays do not like "civil union" --name it what YOU want --Like Gayarriage.

People hating over Marriage or Gayarriage is stupid. GAY IS gay Straight is straight ---marriage is marriage and Gayarriage is gayarriage.

All legal and finanacial rights to all -----Churches that do not want to perform marriage or gayarrige should not be FORCED TO DO EITHER. PROBLEM SOLVED MOVE ON.

Same as today --Gay is Gay --Straight is Straight.:wink2:


Your argument is with the wrong person. Where in this post did I say gays should suffer a financial penalty from the government ?

In my opinion and many of my gay friends that agree --stop all the hatred --see above post -and everyone moves on ---happy and gay !!

I do have a problem with anyone who accuses people of being HATERS just for professing their beliefs --without a trace of venon or hatred.

Some would call it plain old common sense.:wink2:

If you are saying that civil unions should grant all of the same rights as marriage--including taxes and Social Security--then I agree with you. The label that is applied to the relationship means nothing as far as I am concerned.


Well-Known Member
If you are saying that civil unions should grant all of the same rights as marriage--including taxes and Social Security--then I agree with you. The label that is applied to the relationship means nothing as far as I am concerned.


Thank you. That is exactly what I am saying --even more --why call them Civil Unions ?? The leaders of the Gay Communities of each State --should come together.
They should name what the union would be called. Each state should than put it on the Ballot giving ALL rights of Marriage --but naming it --besides marriage--what the gay community decides.

I believe this approach would be passed easily in all 50 states --takes the religious and traditional aspect out --but puts the FAIRNESS and the Right thing to do front and center.

People will fight over this for the next generation --unless a COMMON SENSE approach will be acted on.

I would bet me and you could solve many of the problems this country is facing --Why can't the dopey Politicians.

Again thank you for the thought and the civil response--sorry If I jumped in the last post --just tired of being called a racist if I disagree with President, being called homophob if I do not believe in gay Marriage, I am called bitter and clinger to my gun and bible and if I am vocal about the 55 million Abortions --I am accused of hating women . Just gets real old.:peaceful:

I look forward to your posts --you may lean liberal --I lean conservative but we are intelligent enough to always respect each other !!


Well-Known Member
Why do the "leaders of the Gay Communities" have to make up a new name? Marriage seems to work just fine.


I know this is difficult for you to understand. Many people object to Gay Marriage for a whole host of reasons --many you would never understand.

The point I was making along with sober the MAIN problem --the financial benefits and rights for the Gays.

Why bother fighting over a name --Gay is not straight . Straight is not gay --Common sense.

Straight is Marriage----Gay is gayarriage or whatever they want to name it --CASE CLOSED.

For people like you --my way or the highway -you do not know what -COMPROMISE-is- everyone is happy and GAY.

keep fighting the religious right and the conservatives over a NAME. ????

In case you do not know MARRIAGE has been voted down in many states--seems not to be working --preventing people from obtaining financial rights .

No religious or conservative would wage war over Gayarriage--easy pass in 50 states:sick:

Does anyone want to talk about GUNS ???


Staff member

I know this is difficult for you to understand. Many people object to Gay Marriage for a whole host of reasons --many you would never understand.

The point I was making along with sober the MAIN problem --the financial benefits and rights for the Gays.

Why bother fighting over a name --Gay is not straight . Straight is not gay --Common sense.

Straight is Marriage----Gay is gayarriage or whatever they want to name it --CASE CLOSED.

For people like you --my way or the highway -you do not know what -COMPROMISE-is- everyone is happy and GAY.

keep fighting the religious right and the conservatives over a NAME. ????

In case you do not know MARRIAGE has been voted down in many states--seems not to be working --preventing people from obtaining financial rights .

No religious or conservative would wage war over Gayarriage--easy pass in 50 states:sick:

Does anyone want to talk about GUNS ???
The gay marriage fight is pretty close to being over and at this point everyone can see how it's going to end. If you don't want to call it marriage that's your business, but I don't understand why you think it's the task of the gay community to come up with a new name for you to use. I reckon they'll call it whatever they want and most will probably use marriage for the simple fact that when two people say they're married everyone knows what it means. It doesn't bother me one way or the other and in 20 years no one will care about the semantics.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
My wife loves the ar 15--she will not shoot the shotgun -and got rid of her .357 Lady Smith and Wesson--because of the kickback --even the .38 did not work.

The ar 15 ---NO PROBLEM !

Be aware though that the AR-15 can overpenetrate and go thru several walls and potentially endanger your neighbors unless you use frangible or hollowpoint ammunition.

If your wife is small and cant deal with the recoil of a 12-gauge, consider a 20 gauge instead. Much less kick, but still an effective choice for close range home defense when loaded with buckshot.