

You are right. In congress, a very moderate gun safety bill BACKED BY 90% OF AMERICANS went down, by a very scared, weak kneed group of UNrepresentatives. It didnt even have the assault weapons ban or magazine clip limits in the bill AND IT STILL FAILED. Once again the slimy GUN INDUSTRY has bought itself another "victory"and the 90% lost. But the gun people will still have their toys to play with. So the rest of us have to worry about another mass shooting by someone with a WMD, someone so selfish and greedy , someone not content with a simple rifle or handgun to either hunt or "protect" himself. NO, these gun people seem to need an :censored2: arsenal. Yesterday, the purists, the extremists, the fundamentalists won. Common sense and justice lost!!
I hope you never get a paper cut.
Your momma might not be there to kiss it and make it better.


Well-Known Member
Please, tell the truth. Do you really believe that if the bill that lost yesterday was in effect one year ago, even two years ago, would that have prevented the tragedy at Sandy Hook? If you do truly believe that please support that belief with what provisions of the law would have done the job.

Further more the 90% support of all Americans? Really? That number came from a poll, a freakin' poll and we all know that even the best polls are suspect in application.

Tell the truth?? About background checks?? We already have some background checks. Why is it such a "slippery slope" just to extent it to all gun shows and internet sales?? What are you afraid of?? If it could PREVENT a nut or criminal from getting a wmd, WHAT IS THE HARM?? Remember EVERY GUN STARTS OUT AS A LEGAL GUN. It is not having strong regulations on these weapons that causes so many to end up in the wrong hands.
National (US) Poll - March 22, 2013 - Overwhelming Support For Unive | Quinnipiac University Connecticut


Well-Known Member
Also, the government didnt want an armed citizenry. After the Whiskey rebellion and Shays Rebellion, they feared the citizenry with arms. Thats probably why they wanted only a militia (today's national guard) to deal with these occurrences.


Got the T-Shirt
It starts like this.


And ends like this.


Then.... the childish tantrum ensues.

Obama Takes Senate to Task for Failed Gun Control Measure - ABC News

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It starts like this.


And ends like this.


Then.... the childish tantrum ensues.

Obama Takes Senate to Task for Failed Gun Control Measure - ABC News

Another mark of a failed leader.... He has never learned how to take a defeat gracefully, and once again, tries to put a wedge between people with opposing views with his comments.

I listened to O'Reilly yesterday and believe that if we make the possession of an illegal firearm a mandatory 5 year federal prison sentence that is something I could get behind.

Honestly - I don't trust the government we have right now, so I have some misgivings about my next statement but I would not have an issue registering a handgun (not rifle) because a handgun can be concealed if the program "stop & frisk" was instituted in gun crime ridden areas to put these criminals away. We need deterrents to stop the illegal use of firearms.

Legislation has to be about criminal use and sick people not about law-abiding citizens.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Also, the government didnt want an armed citizenry. After the Whiskey rebellion and Shays Rebellion, they feared the citizenry with arms. Thats probably why they wanted only a militia (today's national guard) to deal with these occurrences.

1.The Constitution was written and ratified before the Whiskey rebellion, not after. If the Founding Fathers did not want the people to be armed, then they wouldnt have put the phrase "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" into the Second Amendment.

2. Our Constitution and our government is intended to be a system of checks and balances. An armed population is part of that system. The government should fear an armed citizenry. Massacres and totalitarian regimes occur when governments are given a monopoly of force over their people. Just ask the Chinese who were at Tianamen Square, or the Eastern Europeans who spent 50 years under Soviet domination during the Cold War.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Watching the events unfold on TV in Boston..... Being told to stay in your homes - keep the doors locked - There is an armed and dangerous suspect possibly with explosives on the loose and could be anywhere!

YEAH! This is the situation I want to be in without a firearm. :whiteflag:


Staff member
Watching the events unfold on TV in Boston..... Being told to stay in your homes - keep the doors locked - There is an armed and dangerous suspect possibly with explosives on the loose and could be anywhere!

YEAH! This is the situation I want to be in without a firearm. :whiteflag:

Give up your guns! Don't worry, the Nanny State will protect you!
Just like they did the spectators at the Boston Marathon....


Retired 23 years
There are only two groups of people on lock down right now. Those that wish they had a gun and those that do.