
We could try a real novel approach....enforce the laws aleady on the books........regarding guns, immigration, etc.

That is exactly right, in the last few years the amount of gun violations prosecuted by the federal government has steadily dropped, but the number of arrests have not.


Für Meno :)
Immigration on a 9 year old kid ?
These kids grew up as Americans. It was the American Socialty that made them the way they turned out.
I myself basically immigrated to Germany when I was 12 years old.
By the time I was in highschool and later in college, I considered myself more German than Canadian.
Spoke the language without an accent, and was better in German (language class) than most of my real German classmates.

So, whats next ? An adopted foreign child later turns into a criminal, blame it on the country of origin ?

And btw, they were NOT illegal immigrants !
Actually, US citizens.


golden ticket member
Immigration on a 9 year old kid ?
These kids grew up as Americans. It was the American Socialty that made them the way they turned out.
I myself basically immigrated to Germany when I was 12 years old.
By the time I was in highschool and later in college, I considered myself more German than Canadian.
Spoke the language without an accent, and was better in German (language class) than most of my real German classmates.

So, whats next ? An adopted foreign child later turns into a criminal, blame it on the country of origin ?

And btw, they were NOT illegal immigrants !
Actually, US citizens.
They stuck with their own kind.....attended mosques. Attended lectures about radical Islam ,had no American friends (by their own admission). They may have had the paperwork......but they were not Americans!!!

Why didn' they live with the parents? How can the parents now speak of their sons as angels, yet they haven't been with them. Did you hear about the mom's shoplifting charges to the tune of $1600.00 at Lord & Taylors?

Bombing suspect's mosque hosted author who criticized US, UK for 'war against Islam' | The Daily Caller


Well-Known Member
This thread started out answering why you carry a gun. But it ignores the question of should you carry one. Do you really think the writers of the constitution wanted individual americans armed to the teeth so they could kill cops and soldiers and other govt representatives??Those founding fathers thought that people would be protected against tyranny through a representative republic operating within a framework of the rule of law and checks and balances. A "well regulated militia" did not mean the right to own an unregulated arsenal in your basement or the right to walk into the public with a semi automatic rifle with a 100 bullet magazine!! Its real purpose was to maintain the "security of the State" NOT to undermine that security with mass killings !!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This thread started out answering why you carry a gun. But it ignores the question of should you carry one. Do you really think the writers of the constitution wanted individual americans armed to the teeth so they could kill cops and soldiers and other govt representatives??Those founding fathers thought that people would be protected against tyranny through a representative republic operating within a framework of the rule of law and checks and balances. A "well regulated militia" did not mean the right to own an unregulated arsenal in your basement or the right to walk into the public with a semi automatic rifle with a 100 bullet magazine!! Its real purpose was to maintain the "security of the State" NOT to undermine that security with mass killings !!

Gun control advocates say that those who support the 2nd Amendment are fear mongers. With a statement like this one above, who is the real fear monger?

As I said before, you don't want guns don't own one. No one is stopping you from following your conscious.

Attack the real problem, criminals and the insane.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This thread started out answering why you carry a gun. But it ignores the question of should you carry one. Do you really think the writers of the constitution wanted individual americans armed to the teeth so they could kill cops and soldiers and other govt representatives??

What a stupid question.

Like most liberals, you are incapable of differentiating between legal posession of a weapon and illegal use of a weapon. You assume, incorrectly, that mere possession of an inantimate object (in this case a gun) miraculously turns an otherwise law-abiding person into a bloodthirsty murdering maniac.

150 million+ law abiding gun owners didnt shoot anyone yesterday. And they wont shoot anyone tomorrow, either.


Well-Known Member
150 million+ law abiding gun owners didnt shoot anyone yesterday. And they wont shoot anyone tomorrow, either.

Lanza and the others WERE ''law abiding" UNTIL THEY BECAME KILLERS. Maybe the gun owners didtnt shoot anyone yesterday or tomorrow, but some of them will the next day or the next week or the next month. And maybe a background check might PREVENT the next killer from possessing a WMD at a small gun show. What is the harm?? Is it REALLY unreasonable to ask for a background check?? Yes there are lots of good people who own weapons but lets not forget EVERY gun is ORIGINALLY sold as a LEGAL weapon. It is the following exchanges that are UNREGULATED that creates illegal weapons. Laissez faire doesnt work in economics and it certainly doesnt work in public safety!!


golden ticket member
Lanza and the others WERE ''law abiding" UNTIL THEY BECAME KILLERS. Maybe the gun owners didtnt shoot anyone yesterday or tomorrow, but some of them will the next day or the next week or the next month. And maybe a background check might PREVENT the next killer from possessing a WMD at a small gun show. What is the harm?? Is it REALLY unreasonable to ask for a background check?? Yes there are lots of good people who own weapons but lets not forget EVERY gun is ORIGINALLY sold as a LEGAL weapon. It is the following exchanges that are UNREGULATED that creates illegal weapons. Laissez faire doesnt work in economics and it certainly doesnt work in public safety!!
There are already background checks....try and buy a gun at a gun about backgroundchecks (ID) for voting too??? Balking now, aren't you?

There are no backgroud checks on T-shirt purchases at gun shows......but I thin that's where a lot of the incorrect stats. come from!!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Lets see, I have owned a firearm for about forty-five years now. The first one was one of those semi-automatic rifles with an evil looking 30-round magazine. Not once have I thought about picking one up and shooting somebody with it. I guess I must hang out with the wrong people and places, I don't know anybody outside of military or law enforcement that has shot anybody either. None of my relatives, neighbors, school friends, co-workers, or anybody I can think of has shot anybody in all this time. So the argument that if you own a firearm you will somehow go crazy and start shooting people is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. Most of us live in the real world, and a few of you on here don't.


Für Meno :)
How many cops have shot and killed spouses, ex wives, family or others ?
How much more law abiding can you get than a cop ?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Half right. Criminals and the insane are not a real problem to the public UNLESS THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF WEAPONS!!

They are an even worse problem to the public if they are the only ones in possession of weapons.

Philosophically speaking, I dont really have a problem with the idea of background checks. What scares me the most about mandatory checks...are the politicians who are promoting them. Take NYC mayor Bloomberg for example. This is a man who would deny the subjects of his little empire the right to purchase a 32 ounce soft drink. There is no way in hell I want a man like that to have any sort of access to the serial numbers of the guns I buy or sell. I wonder how many of these politicians would still be advocating mandatory background checks if they also came with 50-state reciprocity for Concealed Carry permits. Probably none; they are less interested in background checks than they are with the unilateral disarmament of law-abiding Americans citizens.


Für Meno :)
It's no real mystery.... why you don't work at UPS anymore.
Wait until you see my next paycheck for 2 weeks. Should be over $3500 clear.
All that for light duty work, dressed nice in black dress pants and in sharp dress shirts, (which are tax deductable, so is my gasoline & insurance)
I get paid the minute I leave my house door and the minute I get back to my home, plus 38 cents per kilometer that I drive to work.

Everytime I see a UPS truck, I feel sorry for the driver !


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Lanza and the others WERE ''law abiding" UNTIL THEY BECAME KILLERS. Maybe the gun owners didtnt shoot anyone yesterday or tomorrow, but some of them will the next day or the next week or the next month. And maybe a background check might PREVENT the next killer from possessing a WMD at a small gun show. !!

You contradict yourself.

In the first sentence, you admit that Lanza was law-abiding prior to the shooting and would therefore have passed a background check.

Yet in the third sentence, you still advocate mandatory background checks in the hope that they "might" somehow prevent a would-be murder with premeditated intent from getting a gun.

Adam Lanza planned and premeditated the murders for over two years prior to carrying them out. Do you seriously think that he would have been unable to obtain a weapon, even illegally, in that time frame?

Rather than continuing to pretend that we can somehow keep guns out of the hands of criminals, perhaps instead we should accept the fact that a determined criminal will find a way to arm himself and make plans to deal with that contingency by giving teachers and school staff and law-abiding civilians the tools they need to protect themselves.

Adam Lanza had already broken over 50 laws before he pulled the trigger for the first time at Sandy Hook. Simply writing more laws isnt going to stop the future Adam Lanzas from doing the same thing with guns that they have obtained by whatever means are necessary. What will stop armed school staff who can fight back.

Heres a question; would you trade mandatory background checks on all purchases for 50-state reciprocity on cancealed carry permits and armed teachers? Or are you only interested in symbolic, feel-good measures that restrict rights without doing anything to prevent criminals from having their way with a room full of unarmed victims?


Got the T-Shirt
This is what America looked like yesterday.


238 years ago.... Boston was a different place.

Battles of Lexington and Concord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Amatuer Malthusian
I had a former coworker who is now on death row. He had a well hidden history of domestic violence. He killed his new wife and two of 3 step daughters. Weapon of choice? Large knife.