

Well-Known Member
...I am teaching you the history of the founders and how they viewed the authority behind the Bill of Rights...

The 'history of the Founders' is a subject which is hotly debated. It's clear which side of the debate you fall on, but also be clear that the question of how 'Christian' or 'Deist' or 'Theistic Rationalist' the Founding Fathers were is most definitely up for debate and discussion.

Again, I appreciate the strength of your particular belief, but I don't need you to 'teach' me a history lesson. Of course I don't believe that history is whatever I wish to believe it is. I also understand that history is nuanced and that multiple things can be simultaneously true. You take such a rigid line, and I disagree with you - I don't think it's as stark and inflexible as you make it out to be.

We can have a conversation about it, or you can declare that I don't understand what you're saying, in which case, yes neither one of should waste our time.


Strength through joy
FOX NEWS | On Friday, the nation watched as the Boston area went under lockdown during a manhunt for the armed and dangerous marathon bombing suspect. If you were in that situation, would you want a gun at your side?
Most American voters say yes, according to a new Fox News poll.
Sixty-nine percent say if they were in a situation similar to Bostonians, they would want a gun in their house.
That includes a large 88-percent majority of those in gun-owner households, as well as 50 percent of those in non-gun homes.


THATS what an education does for you DILLIGAF, you don't have to rely on being told what to think. YOU should be able to research and form your own opinions. The written word of the constitution is simple and its construction in the 1700's does NOT have 21st century interpretations and that's the flaw of todays guns owners. People like Brett see the second amendment and INTERPRET whatever he wants out of words that clearly don't support his argument, yet he still believes it because he is told to believe it.

And you don't choose to interpret what you learn the way you want to? You slant things to your views all the time.


Well-Known Member
THATS what an education does for you DILLIGAF, you don't have to rely on being told what to think. YOU should be able to research and form your own opinions. The written word of the constitution is simple and its construction in the 1700's does NOT have 21st century interpretations and that's the flaw of todays guns owners. People like Brett see the second amendment and INTERPRET whatever he wants out of words that clearly don't support his argument, yet he still believes it because he is told to believe it.

So you're the one; the chosen one, the only poster on browncafe with an education. I've always wondered who that person was.


Strength through joy
Outside VFW hall in Lincoln, Nebraska:


Staff member
OMG, that is hilarious!!! What a couple of SORE LOSERS.

Thankfully, the PEOPLE called their senators and demanded this foolish bill not pass. Unfortunately, the person who occupies the White House will now attempt Executive Order to BYPASS the will of the people. Thank God he's done after this term, not sure how much more DAMAGE the country can sustain.


Strength through joy
Have you seen the story about a Federal judge that is overturning his Executive Order concerning ICE ?
Hopefully more will do the same .

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The 'history of the Founders' is a subject which is hotly debated. It's clear which side of the debate you fall on, but also be clear that the question of how 'Christian' or 'Deist' or 'Theistic Rationalist' the Founding Fathers were is most definitely up for debate and discussion.

Again, I appreciate the strength of your particular belief, but I don't need you to 'teach' me a history lesson. Of course I don't believe that history is whatever I wish to believe it is. I also understand that history is nuanced and that multiple things can be simultaneously true. You take such a rigid line, and I disagree with you - I don't think it's as stark and inflexible as you make it out to be.

We can have a conversation about it, or you can declare that I don't understand what you're saying, in which case, yes neither one of should waste our time.

To me, "history" is very subjective, now that I have a few years under my belt. When we were children just about everything had some historical reference and as we become older citizens we have become part of the historical dialogue. When I was young and really ignorant, I believed everything I read.... again told from the perspective of who was in charge and their POV.

History is written from a subjective point of view. Those in power, write the history from their perspective. We really don't know for sure what the intent was. The closest we can get to interpretation of history is the evidence left behind and that is still an interpretation of what actually happened or what was meant.

Bringing this back to the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment, nobody has the true answer to what the writers meant. All the evidence and writing is there for our interpretation. The real question is, who can make the best case for their side AND who will decide that case. What the people decide is what the law is.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

If you are going to quote James Madison, then do it correctly: """The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..." (James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434 [June 8, 1789]) "" There is NO mention of a private persons right to own anything contain there.


Well-Known Member
So funny to see everyones reaction on this topic I bet I could make guesses about where people with their opinions live, yes i own and carry guns at times


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Because the sad reality is that there are people in this world who need to be killed, and a gun is the most effective tool available for that purpose. That statement sounds harsh and brutal and uncaring; unfortunately, it is also true.


Nine Lives
If you are going to quote James Madison, then do it correctly: """The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..." (James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434 [June 8, 1789]) "" There is NO mention of a private persons right to own anything contain there.

Step back one link in the logic.

Madison who essentially wrote the first 10 Amendments said that the first 9 Amendments were to protect the individual's rights and the tenth was to protect the States rights.