

nowhere special
Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.
Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.
Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.
Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.
Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.
Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.
Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.
Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.
Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

Is that all you could find OLDGRAY?

There have been 162 mass shooters since the sniper tower incident in the 60's... you better try and do your homework before making ridiculous statements.



Strength through joy
Here's one that tos couldn't find .

For two bloody months, an armed jihadist serial killer ran loose across the country. At least four innocent men died this spring and summer as acts of "vengeance" on behalf of aggrieved Muslims, the self-confessed murderer has now proclaimed. Have you heard about this horror? Probably not.

The usual suspects who decry hate crimes and gun violence haven't uttered a peep. Why? Like O.J.'s glove: If the narrative don't fit, you must acquit. The admitted killer will be cast as just another "lone wolf" whose familiar grievances and bloodthirsty Islamic invocations mean nothing.

I say: Enough with the whitewashing. Meet Ali Muhammad Brown. His homicidal Islamic terror spree took him from coast to coast. The 29-year-old career thug admitted to killing Leroy Henderson in Seattle in April; Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young in Seattle on June 1; and college student Brendan Tevlin, 19, in Essex County, New Jersey, on June 25. Tevlin was gunned down in his family Jeep on his way home from a friend's house. Ballistics and other evidence linked all the victims to Muhammad Brown. Police apprehended him last month hiding in an encampment near the Watchung Mountains of West Orange, New Jersey.
When a detective asked him to clarify whether all four murders were "done for vengeance for the actions of the United States in the Middle East," Muhammad Brown stated unequivocally: "Yes." He added that he was "just doing (his) small part."


nowhere special
Liberals have always have been big donors for gun control. Nothing new. Yet liberals complain about anyone who dares to oppose their agenda.


Retired 23 years
I'll bet anything that Bill Gates has hired armed security to protect him and guard his estate.

Typical liberal hypocrite.

Voted the richest person year after year----hell-- I bet he has as much fire power around him as Barry does---you just don't notice them like you do the the secret service.


All Trash No Trailer
Voted the richest person year after year----hell-- I bet he has as much fire power around him as Barry does---you just don't notice them like you do the the secret service.
can any one prove or disprove this theory? you think so,sober thinks so but i cant find anything to substantiate it. I'd be ver y interested in teh amswer


Pees in the brown Koolaid
can any one prove or disprove this theory? you think so,sober thinks so but i cant find anything to substantiate it. I'd be ver y interested in teh amswer
It is, admittedly, an assumption on my part but I would be absolutely amazed if it were not true. The man is a billionaire, and billionaires are seldom without some sort of armed protection. Look at Michael Bloomberg, with his ex-NYPD security detail who are allowed to carry concealed, or when Rosie O'Donnel threw her tantrum about how all gun owners should go to jail, and then we found out that the guy she hired to guard her children was armed. What these kinds of people really mean when they talk about "gun control" is...."guns are OK to protect rich important people like us but you common folk are unworthy and undeserving of such protection."


All Trash No Trailer
It is, admittedly, an assumption on my part but I would be absolutely amazed if it were not true. The man is a billionaire, and billionaires are seldom without some sort of armed protection. Look at Michael Bloomberg, with his ex-NYPD security detail who are allowed to carry concealed, or when Rosie O'Donnel threw her tantrum about how all gun owners should go to jail, and then we found out that the guy she hired to guard her children was armed. What these kinds of people really mean when they talk about "gun control" is...."guns are OK to protect rich important people like us but you common folk are unworthy and undeserving of such protection."
i wouldn't argue with your post. I am VERY suspicious whenever a someone who is Wealthy,Rich,A Celeb etc take a public interest in a belief and go public with it


Strength through joy
I really enjoy it when those " Do you know who I am " idiots demands that we rid ourselves of those nasty automatic weapons but can't honestly describe what an automatic weapon is .
Don't they realize that a majority of the weapons they want to be banned have been of the market to be sold for decades ?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
i wouldn't argue with your post. I am VERY suspicious whenever a someone who is Wealthy,Rich,A Celeb etc take a public interest in a belief and go public with it
I don't have a problem with people using their fame and fortune to support causes they believe in. I merely ask that they follow the same rules and live up to the same ideals they expect the rest of us to follow. If Bill Gates or Michael Bloomberg truly feel that guns should be outlawed that is fine, they are entitled to their opinion, but instead of merely throwing their money around they should be consistent in those beliefs and publicly announce that they will no longer utilize any sort of armed security. I can respectfully disagree with another person's opinion but I despise a hypocrite.


Strength through joy
I agree that those who wish for a gun free society should be the firsts to rid themselves of guns .
These know it-alls have plenty of money to spread around for their causes , but shouldn't these same monies be used to make more people better : housing , clothing , & food ?


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with people using their fame and fortune to support causes they believe in. I merely ask that they follow the same rules and live up to the same ideals they expect the rest of us to follow. If Bill Gates or Michael Bloomberg truly feel that guns should be outlawed that is fine, they are entitled to their opinion, but instead of merely throwing their money around they should be consistent in those beliefs and publicly announce that they will no longer utilize any sort of armed security. I can respectfully disagree with another person's opinion but I despise a hypocrite.

I'm going to respectfullly disagree (tell me where I'm wrong).

Bloomberg is rich as friend... however, when he was Mayor of NYC, presumably he had an armed detail, which makes sense for the Mayor of NYC.

Bloomberg now? Still a target: regardless of Bloomberg's politics, he's a very important, and very rich public figure...if anyone reading this was that rich and that public, yes of course you'd have security.

Bill Gates? I'm not sure he has armed guards at all. If he does, and I don't think he does, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Gates is worth about a ZILLION, probably not a target (potentially a target).

Bloomberg is an azzhat, but he's definitely a target (potentially).

These guys simply don't follow the same rules as the rest of us.

Major Point:

Sober, if you were worth X,000,000,000 + dollars, you would have armed security.

I'm not sure that would make you a hypocrite for having said armed security, even if you simultaneously disagreed with current gun laws.