

Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I'm going to respectfullly disagree (tell me where I'm wrong).

Bloomberg is rich as friend... however, when he was Mayor of NYC, presumably he had an armed detail, which makes sense for the Mayor of NYC.

Bloomberg now? Still a target: regardless of Bloomberg's politics, he's a very important, and very rich public figure...if anyone reading this was that rich and that public, yes of course you'd have security.

Bill Gates? I'm not sure he has armed guards at all. If he does, and I don't think he does, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Gates is worth about a ZILLION, probably not a target (potentially a target).

Bloomberg is an azzhat, but he's definitely a target (potentially).

These guys simply don't follow the same rules as the rest of us.

Major Point:

Sober, if you were worth X,000,000,000 + dollars, you would have armed security.

I'm not sure that make you a hypocrite for doing so.
Justice is supposed to be equal.

How much money you have should not give you any special rights or privileges than someone who is poor. At least when it pertains to the law.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Sober, if you were worth X,000,000,000 + dollars, you would have armed security.

I'm not sure that would make you a hypocrite for having said armed security, even if you simultaneously disagreed with current gun laws.

I am having a real problem with the idea that the wealthy should somehow be exempt from the laws that they would have the rest of us follow.

I have no problem with Bloomberg or Gates having armed security. They certainly need it. My problem is when they tell me that my status as an ordinary working-class person should disqualify me from having the same protections that they enjoy.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Bloomberg or Gates having armed security. They certainly need it. My problem is when they tell me that my status as an ordinary working-class person should disqualify me from having the same protections that they enjoy.

So, this is what it comes down to...

My guess is that Gates or Bloomberg have absolutely no issue with you having a gun.

I will agree with you that most of the proposed 'regulations' against guns make little logistical the '64 oz' soda restriction...not quite that good on paper, even less convincing in real life...

So, I think we agree about 99%.

I guess I'm just bummed out by the remainder...maybe this is just the cost of living in an increasingly armed society...there will be blood.


Well-Known Member
Until Bill Gates was hit in the face by a pie from a random pie assailant, his security was rather limited but the pie changed everything. One company that Gate has used is Executive Security Concepts which provides high profile security details including bomb sweeping ability too advanced protection detail. ESC on it's website boasts Gates and Microsoft as customer. It's not clear ESC covers the Gates private estate but if such measures are needed elsewhere, it's likely on some level at the Gates Estate. This piece describes Gates as a big spender when it comes to security and although specific are not mentioned, there's likely a gun in the room somewhere. Many such security details either have the power to arrest in some form or in certain settings and at the estate I would think that even more so.

The real question is why such security is needed in the first place? Extreme wealth? A sitting President is not always from extreme wealth and yet the highest level of security is given. Maybe the problem is that Gates, Bloomberg and any sitting President all have one thing in common that requires such security in the first place. The 64 oz soft drink is a very good hint. It also could be a core reason that both guns and violence seem to follow in all of this.


Well-Known Member
I've had guns all my life, owned my first gun at 12. Over the years shot numerous fully automatic weapons including an Uzi. I like the Mac 10 better personally.

But teaching a 9 year old to shoot a fully automatic weapon in this case I would submit the instructor for a Darwin Award. Sometimes gun folk in their zeal for their own cause make foolish decisions. I consider this just such a case and it's likely this 9 year old is scared for life even though IMO the fault lay with the instructor.


Staff member
I don't know how to post links. Could someone please look up the Shaneen Allen case in New Jersey and post a link to it? Basically we have a gainfully employed, law-abiding, African-American mother who...after being robbed twice...legally purchased a handgun, got the background checks and the training, and obtained a Pennsylvania concealed handgun license in order to protect herself and her family. Her crime? Driving across the river into New Jersey under the mistaken assumption that her permit (valid in 30 other states) was recognized there. After getting pulled over by the police for a traffic infraction she notified the officer that there was a gun in her purse and was promptly handcuffed and put in jail for 40 days. She is now facing almost 10 years in prison if convicted, for doing nothing more than crossing a state line.

What is particularly disgusting about this case is that the same judge and prosecutor who granted Pre Trial Intervention (basically probation and a warning+ community service) to NFL player Ray Rice for beating his fiancé unconscious in an elevator have chosen to deny this opportunity to Ms. Allen even though she is a nurse with no criminal record and who is not being charged with a violent crime.

I cant wait to hear what sort of spin TOS tries to put on this one. He constantly rails against white male gun owners killing their families and being the root of all evil....what about a law-abiding African American mother of two? Does she really deserve 10 years in prison for doing nothing more than crossing a line on a map?
For the most part, I agree with you on this. But that must have been some pretty crappy training that didn't inform her that state laws differ and she needs to know what they are.


Staff member
I've had guns all my life, owned my first gun at 12. Over the years shot numerous fully automatic weapons including an Uzi. I like the Mac 10 better personally.

But teaching a 9 year old to shoot a fully automatic weapon in this case I would submit the instructor for a Darwin Award. Sometimes gun folk in their zeal for their own cause make foolish decisions. I consider this just such a case and it's likely this 9 year old is scared for life even though IMO the fault lay with the instructor.

Guilt ridden

You simply can't overstate the tragic effect this will have. Forget placing blame. This is just terrible.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The real question is why such security is needed in the first place? Extreme wealth? A sitting President is not always from extreme wealth and yet the highest level of security is given. Maybe the problem is that Gates, Bloomberg and any sitting President all have one thing in common that requires such security in the first place. The 64 oz soft drink is a very good hint. It also could be a core reason that both guns and violence seem to follow in all of this.

In addition to being a target for assassination (as Lincoln, McKinley, Kennedy, Ford and Reagan were) the President has the launch codes to the second largest nuclear arsenal on earth so he and his family must be protected at all costs.

Gates and Bloomberg and other extremely wealthy people are all potential victims of kidnapping for ransom, so logically they also need to be protected.

I'm fine with all that, but I deserve to be protected too. I take exception to the fact that Bloomberg is a hypocrite who has used his wealth and political connections to arrange for his ex-NYPD bodyguards to be armed at all times, whereas a mere peon like myself has virtually no chance at all of getting permission to legally carry a gun in New York or New Jersey.


All Trash No Trailer
I agree that those who wish for a gun free society should be the firsts to rid themselves of guns .
These know it-alls have plenty of money to spread around for their causes , but shouldn't these same monies be used to make more people better : housing , clothing , & food ?

Bill Gates interview: I have no use for money. This is God’s work
Having already given away $28bn, Bill Gates intends to eradicate polio, with the same drive he brought to Microsoft . He speaks to Neil Tweedie.


All Trash No Trailer
9-Year-Old Girl Kills Shooting Instructor in Machine Gun Accident

Jay Hathaway


A shooting instructor at a gun range near Las Vegas is dead after being accidentally shot by a 9-year-old girl as he taught her to use an Uzi.


Young Girl Shoots Her Shooting Instructor in the Head
Authorities in Arizona say that a 9-year-old girl accidentally shot her shooting instructor in the…Read on

Charles Vacca, a 39-year-old instructor at Kingman, Arizona's Bullets and Burgers, suffered "at least one shot to the head," Monday morning, Mohave County sheriffs told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

The sheriff's office said the girl had successfully fired the 9mm machine gun on single-shot mode, but when the weapon was switched to full auto, it recoiled and she lost control. Vacca, who was standing to her left, was hit with "an undetermined number of rounds."

Vacca was airlifted to a Las Vegas Hospital, where he died Monday night.

The Review-Journal notes that fully automatic weapons are a selling point on the Burgers and Bullets website:

"Our guests have the opportunity to fire a wide range of fully automatic machine guns and specialty weapons," the website states. "At our range, you can shoot FULL auto on our machine guns.

"Let 'em Rip!"

The girl and her family were on vacation from New Jersey. The sheriff said no charges will be filed, and the shooting range won't be cited because it's "licensed and legal."

Update: Via BNO News, this is allegedly a partial video of the lesson, not including the fatal accident.


golden ticket member
On the I-15 just coming into Vegas (from CA.) there are billboards advertising that you can come shoot our AK 47's. Don't know if it's this place or another. I've seen several of the signs.