

Inordinately Right
Most in the middle are pro second amendment. That's one issue that democrats (true democrats and not liberals) and republicans can at least somewhat agree on. It's the flaming overly sensitive liberals that are scared to death of guns. And The Constitution, liberty, personal responsibility, a steady job, etc. etc. And it amazes me how liberals SUPPOSEDLY want to ban guns because it will protect some innocent bystander from getting mowed down by anyone one of what they think are millions of gun crazy whackos (when in reality 99% of us are law abiding citizens) but are ok with ending a baby's life. Now THAT is where a shameful amount of money is wasted.
I'd say abortions are far from a waste of money if you really think about it. But I think we both know your stance on that doesn't actually have anything to do with money, and certainly nothing to do with guns, which is the thread we're in.


swollen member
  • Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 5 million deaths per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030.
  • Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including an estimated 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure.This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I'd say abortions are far from a waste of money if you really think about it. But I think we both know your stance on that doesn't actually have anything to do with money, and certainly nothing to do with guns, which is the thread we're in.
Are you saying that abortions are not a waste of money?
Is there a group of people that you are glad that they were not born?


golden ticket member
I'd say abortions are far from a waste of money if you really think about it. But I think we both know your stance on that doesn't actually have anything to do with money, and certainly nothing to do with guns, which is the thread we're in.
Killing everyone who reaches 65 could save a lot of money too....if you just " really think about it " !!!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
fruit loops.jpg

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Who threatens us?

If you are privy to threats, please report them.

Overpaid? For sure. Thug? Maybe at Disneyland. Union? It's dead.

You are blind and ignorant. Look around you. Liberals have been chipping away at the Second Amendment for years. In some states there might as well be no Second Amendment. Now go hide in the closet. There is bound to be an evil gun in your area somewhere.


nowhere special
As long as GUN worshippers continue to kill themselves and their families, YOU will have lost the argument. I can still laugh at the stupidity of another human life taken by the gun and the bullets they project each and everyday.

You can hold on to that dream that guns will keep you safe, and 30,000 dead americans will continue to disagree with you each and every year.


Ban that deadly water!


Well-Known Member
It would be great if we could eliminate deadly water. Everyone should have access to clean water. I think education, and bigger government could correct that.

Your figures are way off, though. They don't seem to be science based.

it would be great if we could eliminate crime by getting all firearms out of the hands of criminals. everyone should have access to safe communities. i think education and SMALLER government could correct that.


Well-Known Member
it would be great if we could eliminate crime by getting all firearms out of the hands of criminals. everyone should have access to safe communities. i think education and SMALLER government could correct that.
How do you plan to enforce your ideal with smaller government?

If you are in the USA, I'm pretty sure government provides your law enforcement. I would think that one would need some sort of firearm control, to actually control the firearms, wouldn't you?

Love to hear your plan, though, that is, if you've actually thought it out.