

swollen member


Come with a warning . Looks real .

how about getting one of these....




nowhere special
I think they used a similar argument recently because some obscure pistol nobody ever heard of could fire a rifle cartridge. I can't remember but think it was 7.62x39 and the odd pistol was only available in Europe.


Well-Known Member
GUN worshp and stupidity go hand in hand. Guns dont kill people, bullets do.

Imagine that! It came from a Liberal originally...
Pulling from 1993 are we? Maureen Dowd action TOS?
As Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan once put it, "guns don't kill people, bullets do."The problem of gun violence begins and ends with bullets, so let's focus on them.
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Strength through joy
I've had a long day .
Spent it adding numbers to all my cartridges, I decided to get ahead of this new requirement .
I used Mini Sharpies for the .22lr . and Sharpie Fine Points for the rest .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You must know you've lost the gun argument, and are now moving on to bullets.
You don't know it yet, but you have already lost that argument too.

As long as GUN worshippers continue to kill themselves and their families, YOU will have lost the argument. I can still laugh at the stupidity of another human life taken by the gun and the bullets they project each and everyday.

You can hold on to that dream that guns will keep you safe, and 30,000 dead americans will continue to disagree with you each and every year.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
As long as GUN worshippers continue to kill themselves and their families, YOU will have lost the argument. I can still laugh at the stupidity of another human life taken by the gun and the bullets they project each and everyday.

You can hold on to that dream that guns will keep you safe, and 30,000 dead americans will continue to disagree with you each and every year.

Guns can be dangerous. Being around guns can be dangerous. We know that and still want our guns. I'd ratherr be in a little danger than be an unarmed victim any day of the week.

And that 30,000 gun deaths includes perps shot by police and citizens. So it's a little inflated, don't you think?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I like how gun grabbing liberals conveniently ignore all of the other ways Americans kill each other every day despite the fact that all of those other ways kills thousands of more Americans than using guns. In fact....guns are pretty far down the list.


Inordinately Right
I like how gun grabbing liberals conveniently ignore all of the other ways Americans kill each other every day despite the fact that all of those other ways kills thousands of more Americans than using guns. In fact....guns are pretty far down the list.
I like how all the gun grabbing left nutjobs are counter weighed by the gun hoarding right nutjobs. Quite a balance we've struck in this country.
It's a shame so much money has to be wasted fighting these political battles when most Americans are in the middle, but I guess in some ways it actually works, almost.
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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I like how all the gun grabbing left nutjobs are counter weighed by the gun hording right nutjobs. Quite a balance we've struck in this country.
It's a shame so much money has to be wasted fighting these political battles when most Americans are in the middle.

Most in the middle are pro second amendment. That's one issue that democrats (true democrats and not liberals) and republicans can at least somewhat agree on. It's the flaming overly sensitive liberals that are scared to death of guns. And The Constitution, liberty, personal responsibility, a steady job, etc. etc. And it amazes me how liberals SUPPOSEDLY want to ban guns because it will protect some innocent bystander from getting mowed down by anyone one of what they think are millions of gun crazy whackos (when in reality 99% of us are law abiding citizens) but are ok with ending a baby's life. Now THAT is where a shameful amount of money is wasted.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I like how all the gun grabbing left nutjobs are counter weighed by the gun hoarding right nutjobs. Quite a balance we've struck in this country.
It's a shame so much money has to be wasted fighting these political battles when most Americans are in the middle, but I guess in some ways it actually works, almost.
Gun grabbers are not backed by the US Constitution like the gun hoarders are.