

Amatuer Malthusian
My Dad had a Star "Firestar" in 40. It was quite a little cannon, but neither of us could hit the broad side of a barn with it. It was beating itself apart because 40SW was just too much for the little frame. He sold it to a police reserve officer as a backup gun.


nowhere special
My Dad had a Star "Firestar" in 40. It was quite a little cannon, but neither of us could hit the broad side of a barn with it. It was beating itself apart because 40SW was just too much for the little frame.
Yeah, it can't take a lot of shooting but a lot of power in a small package. Mine was the Firestar .45. Steel frame so really heavy for its size.


swollen member
Held a g 27 today... felt pretty good.
Another guy on route told me he'd sell his g 30 for $450.
I already have a Springfield V10 so had to pass... and yes it's a bit heavy, lol


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Drive into tiny Conoy Township, Pa., and you'll see the standard "welcome" sign, but it also comes with a warning: "THIS IS NOT A GUN FREE ZONE."

The signs are meant to alert criminals to the fact that many people in the rural Pennsylvania town of 3,000 are armed. A dozen have been installed so far and three more are slated to go up, which would cover every major road into the town. Officials hope the signs give would-be criminals second thoughts before causing trouble.


Well-Known Member
It looks like since the so called assault weapons can't be banned it looks as if Obama's BATF is looking to go after the most commonly used ammunition that these weapons use by labeling them "armor piercing". The flawed logic being used here is the green tip .223 ammunition referred to as M855 or SS109 variants can be loaded into a pistol, and since armor piercing pistol rounds are not legal they want to classify this rifle ammunition in such a way that makes it illegal too. Its bogus as both the green tip and normal ammunition can pierce most law enforcement armor anyway so the point is mute. Its just another jab at our second amendment rights, and needs to be stopped. Article to follow...


Pees in the brown Koolaid
My grandfathers 30-30 Winchester that was originally made in 1894 can also defeat police body armour, and since you can also load this round into a T/C Contender handgun (along with any number of other conventional rifle rounds like the .243, the .308 and the 7mm-08) it looks like this ruling could just be the tip of the iceberg.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.