

Strength through joy
I need to try that out in Boston .
They have a gun shoot locator system in operation .


Strength through joy
The surplus military equipment is given to local LEOs for their use , and must be maintained . Because technically they are still considered property of the military . Nice way to stockpile equipment through out the country .


Strength through joy
ATF is looking for 12.5M rounds for the next 5 yrs of .223 ( total of 62.5M ).
Funny just last month they were trying to stop the production of .223's .
Of course it's only to be used for training of guards for the Border Control , who are'nt allowed to fire their weapons while on duty .


Well-Known Member
ATF is looking for 12.5M rounds for the next 5 yrs of .223 ( total of 62.5M ).
Funny just last month they were trying to stop the production of .223's .
Of course it's only to be used for training of guards for the Border Control , who are'nt allowed to fire their weapons while on duty .

Thanks for the info. That is helpful.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
ATF is looking for 12.5M rounds for the next 5 yrs of .223 ( total of 62.5M ).
Funny just last month they were trying to stop the production of .223's .
Of course it's only to be used for training of guards for the Border Control , who are'nt allowed to fire their weapons while on duty .


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Ever wonder why police departments seem to suddenly be getting armored vehicles?

Connect the dots and then look a little beyond the dots.
Go back to 1997 and the North Hollywood bank shootout.

Bad guys with AK-47's versus cops with 9mm handguns.

Bad guys AK's blow right thru cop's body armor; cop's 9mm's bounce off of bad guy's body armor.

The cops had to commandeer an armored car from a private company in order to get wounded officers out of the line of fire because their patrol cars were getting blown apart.

That was the point at which we started seeing local police agencies getting armored vehicles and AR 15's.


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
Go back to 1997 and the North Hollywood bank shootout.

Bad guys with AK-47's versus cops with 9mm handguns.

Bad guys AK's blow right thru cop's body armor; cop's 9mm's bounce off of bad guy's body armor.

The cops had to commandeer an armored car from a private company in order to get wounded officers out of the line of fire because their patrol cars were getting blown apart.

That was the point at which we started seeing local police agencies getting armored vehicles and AR 15's.
Aren't ak's , armor piercing bullets, automatic magic weapons illegal in Cali ?


Well-Known Member
Yep. Shows how well these laws work out.
And delivering MRaPS to small town USA where this NEVER happens is militarizing the my small town of 5000....they have 3 MRAPS...and tons of under article 1033. People who try to rationalize it by saying all that weaponry is needed for the 1 crazy person are blind!