

Strength through joy
Eric Holder’s list of citizens banned from gun ownership mostly hurts veterans
Chuck Grassley wants explanation of why Justice keeps VA’s names on background-check list
All federal agencies are required to report names of individuals who are dangers to themselves or others to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System’s “mental defective” category — a status that prevents them from owning or possessing guns.

That means that veterans “are particularly singled out,” Mr. Grassley said. Those veterans should not be required by the Department of Veterans Affairs “to prove that they have the ability to exercise their Second Amendment rights,” he said.

“Instead VA reports individuals to the gun ban list if an individual merely needs financial assistance managing VA benefits. Although the VA process is not designed to regulate firearm ownership, it results in veterans and their loved ones being barred from exercising their fundamental, Constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights,” he wrote.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but we can still use rubber band guns and squirt guns. Of course the squirt guns are on the chopping block due to the drought. :gunsmilie

And I'm waiting for them to now come after my drones.



Well-Known Member
Remember when "open carry" meant hitting the beer store after work to get a cold one for the drive home?

If you do, you're really "friend'ing" old! ;)


Well-Known Member
Back in the 70's I knew cops after work who stopped and got a can of suds for the ride home. My how times have changed.

When I was stationed here (1981) I had a few too many and tried to drive back on base. They told me to drive back to my dorm and to stay there. They followed me to make sure I complied. Do that today....


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Back in the 70's I knew cops after work who stopped and got a can of suds for the ride home. My how times have changed.
Up until 1975 it was legal in Oregon to have an open can of beer in the car and drink it while driving as long as you weren't drunk. I can remember my stepdad doing that when I was a kid.


Well-Known Member
Up until 1975 it was legal in Oregon to have an open can of beer in the car and drink it while driving as long as you weren't drunk. I can remember my stepdad doing that when I was a kid.

Same in Georgia. Changed in the late 70's or 80's, just can't remember when. The way it's going now, it will soon be illegal to drink a Starbucks or Coke too. LOL!


cap'n crunch
You could legally drive with an open container of alcohol in Texas until Sept. 1, 2001. It took 10 years of fighting among politicians to get the new law passed back then. Texans loved to drink and drive. They also led the country in alcohol related driving deaths in 1999.


Amatuer Malthusian
You could legally drive with an open container of alcohol in Texas until Sept. 1, 2001. It took 10 years of fighting among politicians to get the new law passed back then. Texans loved to drink and drive. They also led the country in alcohol related driving deaths in 1999.
Drive thru liquor stores too.


Well-Known Member
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

the violence in america is out of control and is nothing to be proud of.

Across U.S. history, hundreds of unarmed labor union members have been shot to death by vigilante groups working on behalf of coal, steel or mining concerns, and thousands more have been wounded. The United States has had the bloodiest labor wars in the industrialized world.

They are the bedrock of American fascism.

The raison d’être given by vigilante groups for the need to bear arms is that these weapons protect us from tyranny and keep us safe and secure in our homes. But history does not support this contention. The Communist Party during the rise of fascism in Nazi Germany did not lack for weapons. Throughout the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, citizens had assault weapons in their homes. In Yugoslavia during the war there, AK-47 assault rifles were almost as common in households as stoves. I watched in Iraq and Yugoslavia as heavily armed units encircled houses and those inside walked out with hands in the air, leaving their assault rifles inside. And neither will American families engage in shootouts should members of the U.S. Army or SWAT teams surround their homes. When roughly 10,000 armed miners at Blair Mountain in West Virginia rose up in 1921 for the right to form unions and held gun thugs and company militias at bay, the government called in the Army. The miners were not suicidal. When the Army arrived they disbanded. And faced with the full weight of the U.S. military, almost any armed group would disband, and that includes vigilantes. The militias in Nevada might have gotten the Bureau of Land Management to back down, but they would have scattered like frightened crows if the government had sent in the 101st Airborne.

seriously u guys dont fight for anything else, i dont think u will fight for your guns.


Well-Known Member
the violence in america is out of control and is nothing to be proud of.

Using actual crime data statistics, the violence in America has been on the decline over the last 2 decades.

But please, let's not use facts to get in our way.

Please by all means, continue.