

cap'n crunch
I've got a 9mm S&W shield. It's a single stack with 7+1 and 8+1 clips. Less than an inch wide. Sure easy to hide with IWB holster. Only problem is I have pretty good sized hands. My bottom 2 fingers have nowhere to go on the grip. My son is trying to talk me out of it. lol.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
There are some 410 load made specifically for the Judge.
And none of them are any good. Thry are all hype and marketing and snake oil. The ballistics just arent there. Not enough lead, not enough velocity, too much dispersal of shot due to the rifled barrel. Google "the box o' truth" to see real life penetration tests using various loads in a Judge. The .410 round was designed for children and recoil-senstive people to hunt birds and squirrels with. It will never be adequate for self defense.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Unfortunately Glocks are only for sale to LEOs in Massachusetts .
Law Enforcement Sales Only...Don't Even Ask!
Glock and S&W Has made It Very Clear That These Handguns Are Not For Sale To The Residents Of Massachusetts.

You need to move.

Come on out here to Oregon. All the Glocks you want, plus high-cap magazines and "shall issue" concealed carry permits. No sales tax either!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
just remember not to be the cheap stuff

research and study.

I like hickok45's youtube channel as he' pretty much tried out everything that's out there.

for glock's

check it...

He was in my area recently. I actually don't live very far from him. I love his video where he shoots up a garbage can full of 250 unopened soda cans with an AK47.

He frequently giggles while shooting because he enjoys it so much and that's how many of us shooters are. We know, and benefit from, the fact that guns don't have to be just for self/home defense. Many of these gun grabbing sissies would probably enjoy guns too if they stopped foaming at the mouth out of fear and hate long enough to learn more about them (the true statistics) and actually try shooting them.


Strength through joy
  • Denise Chiffon Berry, 44, was driving in Hawthorne, California with her unidentified 12-year-old son on Wednesday
  • Around 12:30pm, her son saw a man riding in a Cadillac with his feet handing out the window and the two laughed at the scene
  • When the Cadillac began following their vehicle, Ms Berry pulled over to ask a police officer for help
  • That's when Raymond Washington, who was in the front passenger seat, got out of the Cadillac and started shooting at Ms Berry and her son
  • Ms Berry died at her scene while her son survived; Washington was shot dead by the police officer helping the mother and son
  • Washington, 38, was a father-of-two and had a previous felony conviction

  • Hawthorne shooting occurred after boy made eye contact with gunman


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Sober you guys get to mess around with any of this stuff up there in Oregon? Cool stuff they sell it at Gander Mtn. here.


Yes, we get to mess around with it. Its actually made here, in Pleasant Hill OR which is about 90 minutes from my house! They also sell it at my local Cabelas. I have never bought any but a guy at the range let me shoot at some once. Makes a big bang!


Pineapple King

Yes, we get to mess around with it. Its actually made here, in Pleasant Hill OR which is about 90 minutes from my house! They also sell it at my local Cabelas. I have never bought any but a guy at the range let me shoot at some once. Makes a big bang!
I assume you know what it's made of? Amazing how that stuff works.


Got the T-Shirt
Sober you guys get to mess around with any of this stuff up there in Oregon? Cool stuff they sell it at Gander Mtn. here.

Yes, we get to mess around with it. Its actually made here, in Pleasant Hill OR which is about 90 minutes from my house! They also sell it at my local Cabelas. I have never bought any but a guy at the range let me shoot at some once. Makes a big bang!

Completely legal.

But.... be careful.

Link to here:
*language warning*
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Well-Known Member