
Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Strength through joy
I cant wait for the death toll to increase in texas!

Talk about population control, there is nothing better than a bunch of armed white people with a limited education walking around with guns solving all their problems with bullets.

I support this action.

Let the killing begin!

You racist .
So only uneducated white people shoot guns , according to you.
Where did you get that fact ?
Did you pull in out of your royal behind as usual ?


Strength through joy
This story is for all those out there who have wished for a weapon free utopia .

The statement appears in the Frequently Asked Questions section of – a site that is operated by the Police National Legal Database.
Information provided by the PNLD and its site are used by local police constabularies to help inform the public.
The question at issue asks, “Are there any legal self defence products that I can buy?” Succinctly epitomizing the sad state of natural rights in Great Britain, the first sentence states, “The only fully legal self defence product at the moment is a rape alarm.”
“You must not get a product which is made or adapted to cause a person injury. Possession of such a product in public (and in private in specific circumstances) is against the law.”
The statement then addresses the legality of inert dye sprays that merely mark one’s attacker for later identification , “be aware that even a seemingly safe product, deliberately aimed and sprayed in someone’s eyes, would become an offensive weapon because it would be used in a way that was intended to cause injury.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You racist .
So only uneducated white people shoot guns , according to you.
Where did you get that fact ?
Did you pull in out of your royal behind as usual ?

Like the rolling stones used to sing...

"TI-iiime, is on my side, yes it is."

It will only be a matter of time, before the statistics of gun crimes is gathered in Texas. Shootings will go through the roof once open carry is standard practice. People who have guns arent the brightest bunch of people in the country.

There is an inherent weakness in a person who believes they need to carry a gun, own a gun and worship a gun.

Why are white people so obsessed with guns and carrying guns?

Over any other race of people as a whole, WHITE people feel the overwhelming need to own more than one weapon and as each year passes, they need bigger and bigger guns.

Unlike the early 40's and 50's, where a handgun and/or shotgun was all that was needed in the home for protection, now white americans believe they need an arsenal in the home for protection.

What changed?

Easy, the NRA has convinced them it has to be the way. The NRA knows what kind of dummies they are dealing with. They work for the gunmakers and ammo makers and they have been successful in brainwashing white gun owners into thinking that they need thousands and thousands of dollars in weapons and ammo just to "feel safe"

Stupid is as Stupid does.

In my book, that makes people uneducated.

This is the typical white gun nuts scenario at home.

As if this represents SAFETY.

This photo represents a sickness. A mental illness that is more dangerous to society than it is a safety element for the community.

Sorry folks, I just dont believe the brainwashing.



Strength through joy
I guess you missed the story about The New Black Panther Party's attempt to grow their own army .

Open carry will be good for Texas , now the drug cartels will be free to walk every street they control without any fear .

Hate to break the news to you but Texas is not a completely lily white state as you believe .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I cant wait for the death toll to increase in texas!

Talk about population control, there is nothing better than a bunch of armed white people with a limited education walking around with guns solving all their problems with bullets.

I support this action.

Let the killing begin!

You need a neon GUN FREE ZONE poster that you can carry with you.

Guns are not the problem.

Criminals with guns and people that want to ban law abiding citizen access to their legal guns, like you, are the problem.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Like the rolling stones used to sing...

"TI-iiime, is on my side, yes it is."

It will only be a matter of time, before the statistics of gun crimes is gathered in Texas. Shootings will go through the roof once open carry is standard practice. People who have guns arent the brightest bunch of people in the country.

There is an inherent weakness in a person who believes they need to carry a gun, own a gun and worship a gun.

Why are white people so obsessed with guns and carrying guns?

Over any other race of people as a whole, WHITE people feel the overwhelming need to own more than one weapon and as each year passes, they need bigger and bigger guns.

Unlike the early 40's and 50's, where a handgun and/or shotgun was all that was needed in the home for protection, now white americans believe they need an arsenal in the home for protection.

What changed?

Easy, the NRA has convinced them it has to be the way. The NRA knows what kind of dummies they are dealing with. They work for the gunmakers and ammo makers and they have been successful in brainwashing white gun owners into thinking that they need thousands and thousands of dollars in weapons and ammo just to "feel safe"

Stupid is as Stupid does.

In my book, that makes people uneducated.

This is the typical white gun nuts scenario at home.

As if this represents SAFETY.

This photo represents a sickness. A mental illness that is more dangerous to society than it is a safety element for the community.

Sorry folks, I just dont believe the brainwashing.

What is the problem with that photo?

I don't see anything wrong in it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If I had my way, non of the weapons or magazines would be illegal to have.

I had been trained on most of his weaponry in my Army days, and I find nothing wrong with owning them.

Funny thing, the taliban, ISIS, Al Qaeda, somalies, and every terrorist in the middle east says the same thing.
