Like the rolling stones used to sing...
"TI-iiime, is on my side, yes it is."
It will only be a matter of time, before the statistics of gun crimes is gathered in Texas. Shootings will go through the roof once open carry is standard practice. People who have guns arent the brightest bunch of people in the country.
There is an inherent weakness in a person who believes they need to carry a gun, own a gun and worship a gun.
Why are white people so obsessed with guns and carrying guns?
Over any other race of people as a whole, WHITE people feel the overwhelming need to own more than one weapon and as each year passes, they need bigger and bigger guns.
Unlike the early 40's and 50's, where a handgun and/or shotgun was all that was needed in the home for protection, now white americans believe they need an arsenal in the home for protection.
What changed?
Easy, the NRA has convinced them it has to be the way. The NRA knows what kind of dummies they are dealing with. They work for the gunmakers and ammo makers and they have been successful in brainwashing white gun owners into thinking that they need thousands and thousands of dollars in weapons and ammo just to "feel safe"
Stupid is as Stupid does.
In my book, that makes people uneducated.
This is the typical white gun nuts scenario at home.
As if this represents SAFETY.
This photo represents a sickness. A mental illness that is more dangerous to society than it is a safety element for the community.
Sorry folks, I just dont believe the brainwashing.