

nowhere special
A parallax problem. The warhead itself isn't supposed to arm until a lot further downrange, but there could be a lot more backpressure up point blank in the launcher. His associates weren't much help, except for collecting his mangled remains.

I think it isn't supposed to arm until after the second stage ignites.


Fugitive From Reality
A parallax problem. The warhead itself isn't supposed to arm until a lot further downrange, but there could be a lot more backpressure up point blank in the launcher. His associates weren't much help, except for collecting his mangled remains.
Sucks to be him. I don't think you get 72 virgins in heaven, if you nearly decapitate youself.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
NAACP? Why hasn't the NRA helped this guy I wonder?

Seriously though, the guy took a plea deal knowing he would be a felon and now wants a pardon after the fact?
He would have been a felon either way, due to New Jersey's idiotic gun laws. He took the deal in order to avoid spending a decade in prison for doing something (having a handgun in his car) that is perfectly legal in most other states.


Inordinately Right
He would have been a felon either way, due to New Jersey's idiotic gun laws. He took the deal in order to avoid spending a decade in prison for doing something (having a handgun in his car) that is perfectly legal in most other states.
He wouldn't necessarily be a felon either way. If he wouldn't have taken the plea deal, the NAACP, or the NRA, or any lawyer could have fought for him in court, or fought the conviction afterwards. You can't fight a plea deal.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
He wouldn't necessarily be a felon either way. If he wouldn't have taken the plea deal, the NAACP, or the NRA, or any lawyer could have fought for him in court, or fought the conviction afterwards. You can't fight a plea deal.
He had no chance of beating the case in court. In the Peoples Republik of New Jersey, having a handgun in your car is a felony, period. Doesn't matter if you are law abiding, doesn't matter if the gun is legally owned, doesn't matter if you have a carry permit that is recognized in 36 other states. If its in your car you are guilty and you are going to the joint for 5-10 years unless you can get jury nullification which isn't going to happen for a black guy. He couldn't afford to take such a long shot gamble for 5-10 years of his life so he took the plea. New Jersey gun laws are draconian, oppressive, and blatantly unconstitutional. You couldn't pay me to even set foot in that hellhole, much less live there.


Inordinately Right
He had no chance of beating the case in court. In the Peoples Republik of New Jersey, having a handgun in your car is a felony, period. Doesn't matter if you are law abiding, doesn't matter if the gun is legally owned, doesn't matter if you have a carry permit that is recognized in 36 other states. If its in your car you are guilty and you are going to the joint for 5-10 years unless you can get jury nullification which isn't going to happen for a black guy. He couldn't afford to take such a long shot gamble for 5-10 years of his life so he took the plea. New Jersey gun laws are draconian, oppressive, and blatantly unconstitutional. You couldn't pay me to even set foot in that hellhole, much less live there.
I agree. You can't blame the guy for living in a state that took away his constitutional right to bear arms.

You can, however, blame the guy for willingly giving up his constitutionally protected right to privacy. If he wouldn't have been stupid enough to tell the cop he had the gun he wouldn't be in this situation.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I agree. You can't blame the guy for living in a state that took away his constitutional right to bear arms.

You can, however, blame the guy for willingly giving up his constitutionally protected right to privacy. If he wouldn't have been stupid enough to tell the cop he had the gun he wouldn't be in this situation.

He had the gun in his glove box, which is probably also where his registration and insurance card were. A guy...especially a black guy.... who opens his glove box without first notifying the cops that he has a gun in there during a traffic stop is almost certainly going to wind up with his brains splattered all over the dashboard.


Inordinately Right
He had the gun in his glove box, which is probably also where his registration and insurance card were. A guy...especially a black guy.... who opens his glove box without first notifying the cops that he has a gun in there during a traffic stop is almost certainly going to wind up with his brains splattered all over the dashboard.
Speculation. From personal experience, I've had all my windows rolled down and my insurance and registration out of the glove box, in my hand resting out of the window before the cop even got out of his car. I've also refused a search before and was given my ticket and was on my way without any problems. There is a way to deal with police encounters that makes things easier for both the citizen and the officer.

Bottom line is the guy took a plea deal accepting that he would be a felon. Now he is crying that the NAACP isn't helping him, which they are completely incapable of doing after he took a plea deal. We all make decisions and he should accept the ones he made and move forward instead of whining about what he perceives as the NAACP's agenda.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Speculation. From personal experience, I've had all my windows rolled down and my insurance and registration out of the glove box, in my hand resting out of the window before the cop even got out of his car. I've also refused a search before and was given my ticket and was on my way without any problems. There is a way to deal with police encounters that makes things easier for both the citizen and the officer.

Bottom line is the guy took a plea deal accepting that he would be a felon. Now he is crying that the NAACP isn't helping him, which they are completely incapable of doing after he took a plea deal. We all make decisions and he should accept the ones he made and move forward instead of whining about what he perceives as the NAACP's agenda.

1. He may have been too nervous to think about opening his glove box until after the officer was at his window.

2. Refusing a search is legal. Refusing to produce a vehicle registration and insurance card is not, and will in most cases result in the vehicle being impounded and subsequently searched.

3. He took the plea deal because a conviction in court was a virtual certainty and would have resulted in a felony charge and 5-10 years in prison. In other words...he was going to be a felon no matter which choice he made, the only variable was how much time he would face by pleading out versus going to trial.

He got screwed by New Jerseys gun laws, plain and simple.


Got the T-Shirt
He had no chance of beating the case in court. In the Peoples Republik of New Jersey, having a handgun in your car is a felony, period. Doesn't matter if you are law abiding, doesn't matter if the gun is legally owned, doesn't matter if you have a carry permit that is recognized in 36 other states. If its in your car you are guilty and you are going to the joint for 5-10 years unless you can get jury nullification which isn't going to happen for a black guy. He couldn't afford to take such a long shot gamble for 5-10 years of his life so he took the plea. New Jersey gun laws are draconian, oppressive, and blatantly unconstitutional. You couldn't pay me to even set foot in that hellhole, much less live there.

Draconian gun laws in NJ.... is almost an understatement. :biggrin:

"Gov. Christie on Thursday pardoned a Philadelphia woman who had faced up to five years in prison for bringing into the state a gun that was legally registered in Pennsylvania but not in New Jersey."