

Pees in the brown Koolaid
It doesn't appear to have much armament.
Maybe they keep the rifles that shoot ping pong balls locked up below deck.
TOS would be proud.
It has four .50 caliber machine guns, a BOFORS 57mm cannon, anti aircrsft missiles, and it can carry helicopters and drones armed with Hellfire missiles, so I wouldnt want to pick a fight with it. I do agree that it is an odd name for a warship.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Another proud day for American GUNOWNERS!!

Another mass shooting to be proud of!! A troubled young white kid, with parents with crap for brains, recieved a gun for his 21st birthday from his father!

This despite his many arrests, trouble in school, poor grades and overall :censored2:baggery, his father thought it a "GOOD" idea to give this monster a .45 caliber handgun for his hard work at becoming a deep south white trash soul.

This "family" held strong "conservative" values, as reported by other family members. This little monster was reported to have yelled during the shooting "you are raping our young white women, so you have to go"..

Regardless, you all can be proud gun owners today, knowing that another family of gun owners terrorized the nation on your behalf, killed innocent americans and showed the country why as a group, you are the most violent people in the country.

Thanks again!



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Another proud day for American GUNOWNERS!!

Another mass shooting to be proud of!! A troubled young white kid, with parents with crap for brains, recieved a gun for his 21st birthday from his father!

This despite his many arrests, trouble in school, poor grades and overall :censored2:baggery, his father thought it a "GOOD" idea to give this monster a .45 caliber handgun for his hard work at becoming a deep south white trash soul.

This "family" held strong "conservative" values, as reported by other family members. This little monster was reported to have yelled during the shooting "you are raping our young white women, so you have to go"..

Regardless, you all can be proud gun owners today, knowing that another family of gun owners terrorized the nation on your behalf, killed innocent americans and showed the country why as a group, you are the most violent people in the country.

Thanks again!

Get over it already.

We will always have guns in this country.

The reason we have these mass shootings isn't because some nut had a gun.

We have mass shootings because good people chose or were not legally allowed to carry a gun so that they could shoot back.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Get over it already.

We will always have guns in this country.

The reason we have these mass shootings isn't because some nut had a gun.

We have mass shootings because good people chose or were not legally allowed to carry a gun so that they could shoot back.

BE proud bro, take ownership of the fact that another gun owner felt like you, acted like you and cared less about other human beings only to use his GUN to solve his problems.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
BE proud bro, take ownership of the fact that another gun owner felt like you, acted like you and cared less about other human beings only to use his GUN to solve his problems.

When someone is shooting at you, just a hint here, the correct response it to take out your gun and shoot back.

Otherwise you get a mass shooting.

I'll take a gunfight any day over a mass shooting.