

Pees in the brown Koolaid
lol, I've got a loaded(not in the chamber) shotty in my back seat..

it's legal where I live!!
I have a concealed handgun license so I can have anything I want in my car. Here in Oregon if you have a loaded handgun in an accessible place in your car and do not have a concealed handgun license, you are facing misdemeanor charges at the worst. You wont get 5-10 years and a felony conviction.


Staff member
According to New Jersey law, yes. But that isn't the point. The point is that he should not have to face 5-10 years in prison and a lifelong felony conviction. How about giving him a fine, or some community service?
How about a pardon from Christie? Isn't that what pardons are for? Situations when the system seems to have failed? Or do New Jersey folks actually support the law and even though the gentleman does not fit the profile of a criminal, they expect more care to be taken by gun owners?


swollen member
I have a concealed handgun license so I can have anything I want in my car. Here in Oregon if you have a loaded handgun in an accessible place in your car and do not have a concealed handgun license, you are facing misdemeanor charges at the worst. You wont get 5-10 years and a felony conviction.

here, you can transport any firearm without a license as long as they are in plain sight, with ammo separated from the firearm

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
lol, I've got a loaded(not in the chamber) shotty in my back seat..

it's legal where I live!!

I cringe when I hear stories about states like New Jersey or the like. In my state we can transport a fully loaded weapon in our vehicles. Castle Doctrine applies to my truck just as it does to my home. No permit required. There really needs to be a national right to carry law....OH WAIT...there already is. It's called The Second Amendment! LOL! At the very least people should be able to pack in their vehicles and homes. The very least.

I really need to purchase a hand gun for my truck because my AR 15, even though it's an SBR (short barrel rifle), would be a tad bit cumbersome to handle in a pinch.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
How about a pardon from Christie? Isn't that what pardons are for? Situations when the system seems to have failed? Or do New Jersey folks actually support the law and even though the gentleman does not fit the profile of a criminal, they expect more care to be taken by gun owners?
Better yet, how about some prosecutorial discretion? How about some rational sentencing guidelines? Even if the majority of voters in New Jersey agreed with the law, (which is doubtful) sentencing a nonviolent person with no criminal record to 5-10 years and a felony conviction is ridiculous.


Inordinately Right
Better yet, how about some prosecutorial discretion? How about some rational sentencing guidelines? Even if the majority of voters in New Jersey agreed with the law, (which is doubtful) sentencing a nonviolent person with no criminal record to 5-10 years and a felony conviction is ridiculous.
That's what he got though isn't it? He took the plea deal and didn't do 5-10 years.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
ooo, whatchya got!

I've got 3 lowers I need to build, and am wanting not a SBR, but a pistol.. haha

I built a "Frankengun." It has parts from 11 different companies on it. LOL! It's still in AR Pistol configuration and is waiting on the silly "tax stamp" so it can have a stock attached to it. It really is fun to shoot as a pistol though. REALLY FUN. I'm about to buy another stripped lower because they are for sale at a local "Tactical" store but will probably wait a while before I build anything on it. I might buy a 300 blackout upper and swap it out with my current 5.56/.223 upper every once in a while. I could even use the same mags I already have.


Staff member
Better yet, how about some prosecutorial discretion? How about some rational sentencing guidelines? Even if the majority of voters in New Jersey agreed with the law, (which is doubtful) sentencing a nonviolent person with no criminal record to 5-10 years and a felony conviction is ridiculous.
Good luck with all that.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
That's what he got though isn't it? He took the plea deal and didn't do 5-10 years.
Yes, but now he has a felony on his record for the rest of his life and cannot fulfill his dream of being a police officer. He will also be excluded from many other jobs, as well as losing his right to vote and own guns. He should have been offered a plea deal that did not force him to plead guilty to a felony simply for having a legally owned gun in his glove box.


Inordinately Right
Yes, but now he has a felony on his record for the rest of his life and cannot fulfill his dream of being a police officer. He will also be excluded from many other jobs, as well as losing his right to vote and own guns. He should have been offered a plea deal that did not force him to plead guilty to a felony simply for having a legally owned gun in his glove box.
I admit I have a hard time feeling sorry for this guy. I don't buy his story, and he basically got himself arrested by admitting to a crime the police weren't even trying to arrest him for.

But I do agree their gun laws are ridiculous, and ideally he would have been given a better deal. Unfortunately our criminal justice system is a rigged game and unless you have a ton of money for a well connected lawyer, you're gonna get the shaft.


Staff member
Yes, but now he has a felony on his record for the rest of his life and cannot fulfill his dream of being a police officer. He will also be excluded from many other jobs, as well as losing his right to vote and own guns. He should have been offered a plea deal that did not force him to plead guilty to a felony simply for having a legally owned gun in his glove box.
Yeah, it sucks. But it happens to people all the time with all manner of charges. He's one of many million in this country.


golden ticket member


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U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Last September the Obama administration produced an FBI report that said mass shooting attacks and deaths were up sharply—by an average annual rate of about 16% between 2000 and 2013. Moreover, the problem was worsening. “The findings establish an increasing frequency of incidents,” said the authors .
However new information has now revealed that the report was a fabrication .