
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That is from the depleted uranium munitions that we used against Iraq.

Exactly.. That isnt something these yahoos understand. We littered IRAQ with radiation from munitions, and the contamination alone that we left behind will cause cancers in the civilian population for decades.

I cant believe there are still americans who believe there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq, despite george w bush's own personal hand picked inspector concluding there WERE NONE.

Amazingly stupid.



Well-Known Member
There were plenty there. The DoD is sending urine analysis kits to troops that spent time in the al quiam rail depot in Baghdad. That place is loaded full of radiation.
Al Qaim is nowhere near Baghdad. It is on the Syrian border. It is a well known nuclear facility that did not operate after 1991.

If you want to be taken seriously, it would be advisable not to lead with BS.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Al Qaim is nowhere near Baghdad. It is on the Syrian border. It is a well known nuclear facility that did not operate after 1991.

If you want to be taken seriously, it would be advisable not to lead with BS.
So i made a mistake...where do you think all the wmd were manufactured and hidden before moved to syria?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So i made a mistake...where do you think all the wmd were manufactured and hidden before moved to syria?

Why do people repeat this lie over and over as if was true?? The only chemical weapons hussein had, were the remnants of the chemicals we gave him in the 80's, and I dont know if you understand how chemical weapons work, but they have a shelf life of less than a year once mixed.

Most of the ordinance that was found by US troops, was in a decayed state, and unstable, not to mention completely UNUSABLE.

There were no weapons moved to syria, and GW BUSH's own weapons inspector concluded so in his final report, the day after he finished his investigation.

But people like you, rely on FOX news and their surrogate guests who make these unsubstantiated claims on the air knowing people like you will never check out the claims.

The pre war hype by the bush administration was all contrived, and the world knows it, except for people like you who are still holding on to the lie.

Many US troops died for nothing in that desert, and thousands more will die once we have to go back in and fight a fight that the arab countries should be fighting on their own.

Not that you would understand any of that, you are still stuck on "YAY MURRICA"



Well-Known Member
Why do people repeat this lie over and over as if was true?? The only chemical weapons hussein had, were the remnants of the chemicals we gave him in the 80's, and I dont know if you understand how chemical weapons work, but they have a shelf life of less than a year once mixed.

Most of the ordinance that was found by US troops, was in a decayed state, and unstable, not to mention completely UNUSABLE.

There were no weapons moved to syria, and GW BUSH's own weapons inspector concluded so in his final report, the day after he finished his investigation.

But people like you, rely on FOX news and their surrogate guests who make these unsubstantiated claims on the air knowing people like you will never check out the claims.

The pre war hype by the bush administration was all contrived, and the world knows it, except for people like you who are still holding on to the lie.

Many US troops died for nothing in that desert, and thousands more will die once we have to go back in and fight a fight that the arab countries should be fighting on their own.

Not that you would understand any of that, you are still stuck on "YAY MURRICA"


could you please provide links on these assumptions of yours?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
could you please provide links on these assumptions of yours?

I realize you live in oblivion when it comes to the Iraq war, but let me help you out...

read this paragraph directed quoted from GW BUSH's own weapons inspector....

"When chief weapons inspector David Kay bluntly told the senate there were, in fact, no WMDs, he forced a humiliating U-turn in Washington and London. Now, in his first newspaper interview, he tells Julian Borger that the president must admit he got it wrong"

OOOPS... looks like you got it wrong, again.

Maybe you and that other goof can stop repeating that the USA found "weapons of mass destruction in iraq"...


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Realizing that he was going to be a part of the greatest lie ever told ( outside of the bible) David Kay resigned after his final report.

David Kay resigns[edit]
On 23 January 2004, the head of the ISG, David Kay, resigned his position, stating that he believed WMD stockpiles would not be found in Iraq. "I don't think they existed," commented Kay. "What everyone was talking about is stockpiles produced after the end of the last Gulf War and I don't think there was a large-scale production program in the nineties." In a briefing to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Kay criticized the pre-war WMD intelligence and the agencies that produced it, saying "It turns out that we were all wrong, probably in my judgment, and that is most disturbing."[1] Sometime earlier, CIA director George Tenet had asked David Kay to delay his departure: "If you resign now, it will appear that we don't know what we're doing. That the wheels are coming off."[2]


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As for moving things to syria... this was the best david kay could offer as an explanation..

"There is ample evidence of movement to Syria before the war -- satellite photographs, reports on the ground of a constant stream of trucks, cars, rail traffic across the border. We simply don't know what was moved," ~ David Kay said.

they saw cars and trucks and rail traffic, but had no conclusive evidence that ANY weapons of mass destruction was moved. It was just another one of the bush administrations LIES, using "traffic" as some kind of proof that weapons were being moved.



Strength through joy

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yet Hillary & Kerry with all their intelligence knowledge still voted for going to war .

The whole country believed the LIES the BUSH administration told to the country.

The people believed the FAKE intelligence, and the congress and senate believed it as well.

That doesnt make it right, it only goes to demonstrate the power of bullcrap.

When the MI6 agent committed suicide when he was about to be exposed for colaborating with the BUSH administration in FAKING yellow cake intelligence, that is when the cat was let out of the bag.

Just because hillary and kerry voted for military action, that doesnt justify the phoney intelligence, just as you repeating it doesnt suffice as intelligence either.



swollen member
The whole country believed the LIES the BUSH administration told to the country.

The people believed the FAKE intelligence, and the congress and senate believed it as well.

That doesnt make it right, it only goes to demonstrate the power of bullcrap.

When the MI6 agent committed suicide when he was about to be exposed for colaborating with the BUSH administration in FAKING yellow cake intelligence, that is when the cat was let out of the bag.

Just because hillary and kerry voted for military action, that doesnt justify the phoney intelligence, just as you repeating it doesnt suffice as intelligence either.


is that the grape flavored kool aid you drink?