
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Where does The Constitution state that it's meant to be a living document?

Why dont you READ Thomas Jeffersons OWN WORDS inscribed on the halls of congress and you tell me what he is saying?

Since you midwest edjumacated gun toters think you are constitutional scholars..



Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Why dont you READ Thomas Jeffersons OWN WORDS inscribed on the halls of congress and you tell me what he is saying?

Since you midwest edjumacated gun toters think you are constitutional scholars..


Where in that statement does he support the grossly negligent and deliberate re interpretation of The Constitution or Bill of Rights? Your liberal scumbag buddies in SCOTUS and in the House and Senate aren't following Jefferson's words at all. The Constitution is able to be amended and there is a process in order to do so that liberals think they dont have to follow. It is a document that can be amended. Not reinterpretated on a whim. It's not the "living" document that liberals claim it to be.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Where in that statement does he support the grossly negligent and deliberate re interpretation of The Constitution or Bill of Rights? Your liberal scumbag buddies in SCOTUS and in the House and Senate aren't following Jefferson's words at all. The Constitution is able to be amended and there is a process in order to do so that liberals think they dont have to follow. It is a document that can be amended. Not reinterpretated on a whim. It's not the "living" document that liberals claim it to be.

*** understand what Jefferson and the FOUNDERS intended for this country's direction.

NOTHING was to remain the same from day one.

Only in YOUR eyes, does the constitution prohibit changing with the times.

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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
*** understand what Jefferson and the FOUNDERS intended for this country's direction.

NOTHING was to remain the same from day one.

Only in YOUR eyes, does the constitution prohibit changing with the times.

Again..... amendments are possible. Reinterpreting or ignoring existing language on a whim to satisfy a trend is not SUPPOSED to be possible. The latter is what's happening. And not just SCOTUS.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
*** understand what Jefferson and the FOUNDERS intended for this country's direction.

NOTHING was to remain the same from day one.

Only in YOUR eyes, does the constitution prohibit changing with the times.

And there is a process put in the constitution to change it.

No one is arguing that you can't change it.

Good luck changing the 2nd.

If anything, we will get more gun rights, like open national carry and concealed carry, if anything changes.

About 80 million gun owners and 300 plus million guns say so.


Well-Known Member
*** understand what Jefferson and the FOUNDERS intended for this country's direction.

NOTHING was to remain the same from day one.

Only in YOUR eyes, does the constitution prohibit changing with the times.


the judicial branch acting as the legislative branch would be a complete violation of the constitution not a modern accommodation.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Its not the number of bullets fired OLDY, its the stupidity of it all.

It only took ONE bullet from this gun to kill this instructor at a vegas shooting range.

You like posting links that sort of, kind of, slant the story in your wanted direction.

Here is a link that has just the facts, and only the facts.

Sorry if it contradicts everything you think you know about guns and gun ownership in the USA.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.