
El Correcto

god is dead
That sounds like quite a distopian nightmare with masssive amounts of armed government agents filling our schools. I'd prefer my teachers focus on education rather than military training.
And that’s completely a valid point of view and something to consider when voting in local elections. Here in Texas we like arming our schools and our policies reflect that. We think dystopian hell would be confinscating guns and limiting freedoms.

El Correcto

god is dead
That sounds like quite a distopian nightmare with masssive amounts of armed government agents filling our schools. I'd prefer my teachers focus on education rather than military training.
Also you act like teachers who already enjoy shooting and have concealed carry permits would be causing our children to lose out on education. Why frame the argument to one scenario, why not ask should we be limiting people’s right to self preservation? What if there are teacher who want to conceal carry, but are hindered by school regulations and gun laws?

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Schools could Implement a TSA style check in before entrance. You can pay some of the teaching staff to man his operation. Seems to be working pretty good for the airlines I don't know why it wouldn't work for the school.

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
These mass murderers are terrorists. We should take the mentality that we are dealing with terrorists, and there are many similarities between foreign and domestic terrorism. Taking guns or limiting guns from the law abiding citizens does nothing... and is unconstitutional. Bad people are going to get guns, bombs, and will still ram their car into a crowd to cause terror.
What can you expect in a society bred to glorify violence. Video games like gta v are a great example of that. Movies and tv have violence like nothing I can remember from my youth. We live in a pill popping generation, people desire mind altering chemicals to be their crutch for day-to-day living... only to ignore problems and only treat symptoms. Society in our nation has chosen to live this way and not surprisingly does not like the consequences.

Casino's have security, so why not schools? I don't mean a resource officer or someone from PD who floats between the 3 schools in the district each day.


Inordinately Right
Schools could Implement a TSA style check in before entrance. You can pay some of the teaching staff to man his operation. Seems to be working pretty good for the airlines I don't know why it wouldn't work for the school.
Pay them with what?
Americans have proven they have no interest in investing any more money in education.


swollen member
ABC NEWS runs story of one AR-15 less .
'1 less? Nah, I just bought 2 more.' #2A advocates hilariously SHRED ABC's video of man destroying AR-15
He states that the barrel of his AR-15 will never be pointed at a person . Hey I got lots of duct tape , I can fix anything .

he didn't destroy it. The lower receiver looks fine... that's the thing that requires the 4473 back ground check.

He was probably going to upgrade the barrel and hand guard, probably going to switch to a piston driven system too!


nowhere special
he didn't destroy it. The lower receiver looks fine... that's the thing that requires the 4473 back ground check.

He was probably going to upgrade the barrel and hand guard, probably going to switch to a piston driven system too!

He also created an illegal short barrel rifle by hacking off part of the barrel.


Strength through joy
Great speech today by Trump about banning bump stocks , only he has no authority to do so .
It is not designed to fire multiply rounds like a machine gun.
It does not allow the weapon to fire multiple times for each function of the trigger; it just help the user pull the trigger incredibly rapidly.

El Correcto

god is dead
In this thread liberals are attempting to toss the bodies of children at their political opponents to attack the constitution and gun rights. In the thread below they are killing children to rewrite the constitution.
