
It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You know, I like this idea .

Damn gun toting red necks can pay for this along with their cigarettes.

I’m not ready to jump on board but I like the feel of this idea.
It's not the worst idea I've had. Gun nuts get to keep their guns and pay for the security that requires. It would also slow the sale of guns and ammo. What's not to like?

El Correcto

god is dead
You know, I like this idea .

Damn gun toting red necks can pay for this along with their cigarettes.

I’m not ready to jump on board but I like the feel of this idea.
Nah, if Florida or a state wants this fine. But we don’t need more massive federal programs and taxes especially ones that could keep the poor from defending themselves.


Well-Known Member
A background check was done properly. The shooter had no criminal record. He was a law abiding citizen before he so dramatically wasn't. He was troubled, he committed minor offenses that in hindsight should have been charged so he'd have a criminal record. That's all hindsight though, law enforcement should use their discretion on when to arrest and when to turn youth back over to their guardians.

The problem is the gun. The problem is the easy access to guns.

The NRA and Dana Loesch are funded by gun manufacturers. They are a lobbying organization in the business of selling guns. That's why all their solutions are more guns. Follow the money.

Fund increased school security with massive taxes on firearms and ammo. Everyone wins.

you're rewrite of history is not even close .


Nine Lives


Nine Lives
Aren't firearms a rich man's pleasure anyway? When I go shooting I'm always shocked how expensive ammo is, let alone the weapons.
It’s top 10%~ and the criminals.
Country folks own 30-30 rifles and shotguns.
I don’t own rifles because they are terrible weapons for home defense which is my perceived need.
I own 9 pistols and 12 shotguns and 0 rifles.