

Strength through joy

Citi’s new “US Commercial Firearms Policy” requires firearms only be sold to people age 21 or older, that gun purchasers pass a background check, and restricts sales of bump stocks or “high-capacity magazines.”

If retail clients refuse to enact Citi’s “best practices over the coming months,” they are free to part ways with the bank, Corbat wrote.

“If they opt not to, we will respect their decision and work with them to transition their business away from Citi,” reads the email to employees.

Additionally, potential clients would be screened to ensure their businesses adhere to the new policy.

The policy is ostensibly “designed to respect the rights of responsible gun owners while helping keep firearms out of the wrong hands.”


Strength through joy
At age 18 , you can join the military & see combat , get married , enter into a legal binding contract but not buy a beer nor now purchase a fire arm .


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
At age 18 , you can join the military & see combat , get married , enter into a legal binding contract but not buy a beer nor now purchase a fire arm .
And you can stay on your parents' insurance until 26. The "adult age" has become meaningless. Either settle on something, or do away with it.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
At age 18 , you can join the military & see combat , get married , enter into a legal binding contract but not buy a beer nor now purchase a fire arm .
And you can stay on your parents' insurance until 26. The "adult age" has become meaningless. Either settle on something, or do away with it.
They cannot change the military age to 26 ... by that time the individual has figured out wars are fought for the defense industry and to protect American corporations investments overseas.

If you served ... Thanks you for your service.


swollen member
PSA "OneMore" Stripped AR-15 Safe/Fire Engraved Lower Receiver



Strength through joy

In 2013 and 2014, China embarked on an aggressive air and island campaign to dominate the South China Sea, much to the dismay of Japan and other countries in the region. When Vice President Joe Biden visited the country in 2013, he emphasized trade between the U.S. and China and did not focus on the South China Sea. Secretary of State John Kerry did the same in 2014.

Meanwhile, Biden's son Hunter and Kerry's stepson Chris Heinz carried out massive business deals with Chinese officials and the state-owned Bank of China. Worse, Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz even invested in a Chinese nuclear company under FBI investigation.


Strength through joy
“It’s easier in Massachusetts to come out as a lesbian than to come out as a gun owner.”
So says Dee Dee Edmondson, a Boston attorney and member of the LGBT community who consults for the Massachusetts Gun Owner Action League (GOAL).


Well-Known Member
“It’s easier in Massachusetts to come out as a lesbian than to come out as a gun owner.”
So says Dee Dee Edmondson, a Boston attorney and member of the LGBT community who consults for the Massachusetts Gun Owner Action League (GOAL).
Lesbians don't need guns. The haircuts will usually scare people away.