

Well-Known Member

Are We Witnessing The Last Generation Of Real Men? A Nation Full Of 'Soy Boys' & Feminazis Is Doomed For Extinction ?
That top is like so super cute .


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Hawaii, where smoking laws are already tough, considers ban on cigarette sales

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - In 2016, Hawaii became the first state in the nation to ban the sale of cigarettes to anyone under 21.

Now, lawmakers are looking at even tougher prohibitions around cigarette sales.

Under a proposal before the state Legislature, cigarette sales would be effectively banned outright by 2024.

The ban would go into effect progressively, starting with raising the minimum age for buying cigarettes to 30 in 2020.

By 2022, no one under 50 could buy cigarettes.

And two years later, no one under 100 would be allowed to buy cigarettes.

I guess pot is still okay, or maybe you'll have to be 100 years old.:teethy: