

I always get a good laugh when I see paintings or pictures of Jesus that portray Him as a white man with blue eyes and brownish/blonde hair. In reality, He would have been fairly dark-skinned, with brown or black hair.
In two sentences you totally destroyed my illusions, after 12yrs of Catholic


Well-Known Member
I always get a good laugh when I see paintings or pictures of Jesus that portray Him as a white man with blue eyes and brownish/blonde hair. In reality, He would have been fairly dark-skinned, with brown or black hair.

Not to say your right or wrong, but when you have a person who was born from a virgin then I think its safe to throw all conventional wisdom out the window. :)


Well-Known Member
I always get a good laugh when I see paintings or pictures of Jesus that portray Him as a white man with blue eyes and brownish/blonde hair. In reality, He would have been fairly dark-skinned, with brown or black hair.

ssshhhh! you may offend someone here. The "right" doesnt like to hear he resembled a black man. It goes against all thier religious beliefs they get from FOX.


golden ticket member
AGAIN with the massive SPIN.... what happened to the NO SPIN ZONE??

You take a garbage site like GUTTER WEASALs point that is intended to CONFUSE the reader (not hard to do to their subscribers) and compare that to a scientific poll conducted by CNN?

CNN polls the american public and 73% want zimmerman arrested, then GUTTER WEASAL runs "their own" non scientific poll and comes up with 48%.

HOW realistic is that??

They poll their own morons and somehow that speaks to the sentiment of the american public at large?

Foolish how you follow the car over the cliff.


Here's the spin you want.............Dumbo Maher....And I can't tell you how I have been longing to hear Van Jones take on things....NOT!!

Bill Maher On George Zimmerman Tape: Is There Any Doubt That He Is A ‘Big :censored2: Liar?’ | Mediaite


Staff member
You do know that Jesus probably look like an arab, correct? Someone you would be nervous getting on a plane with? I only say that because, well, he was an arab.


golden ticket member
"GutterWeasel" was mentioned, but on the articles from there, the article many times says "keep reading" at the botom and the link goes to CBS News, AP, Reuters,Daily Caller, CNN News, Fox News,.........many site where news is reported. So it's just the regular news with a personal comment that I usually agree with.
Like I said before, all the news sources reported the killing in Florida...................including Zipper...............does that mean that the Zipper coverage is a lie?

It's called fredom to choose my news sources and I don't choose Maher, Stewart, or Colbert like you do. I would take Ralphie Mays as a serious news person before I would listen to those guys!


Staff member
Wrong. Honesty with polls requires declaration of methodology, context, and representative subset. WZ maliciously ignored all three to garner a desired result. Ed schultz does it every night when he takes his poll but he doesn't equate it to a CNN, WSJ, or Quinnipiac poll either.


golden ticket member
I view "polls" and news coverage as 2 totally different things.

For polls, I like Real Clear politics because they use many polls......Gallup, Q., ABC, CBS, Fox,Rasmussen, etc


Staff member
Polls ask 1000 people their opinion. I know the population of the US . Take it for what it's worth.

1000 US regular readers of WZ. Hardly a cross section of the US population. Yes. Take it for what it is worth, but be aware of what it's worth is.


golden ticket member
After just talking about polls, Morris's lunch video was on how polls are done was sent to me. You don't have to like Morris, he's just telling how polls are done.


Staff member
Are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson leaders of African Americans like Limbaugh is a leader of the Republicans?

Just wonderin....


Strength through joy
Texas lawyers offer $10,000 for George Zimmerman's legal defense
The National Association for Legal Gun Defense wants to contribute $10,000 toward George Zimmerman's legal expenses, a member said today.
The group represents gun owners involved in self-defense shooting cases, said attorney Blue Rannefeld of Fort Worth, Texas.
Rannefeld said he has not been able to contact Zimmerman, 28, and is trying to reach Zimmerman's attorney, Craig Sonner of Altamonte Springs to make the group's offer of assistance.