

Strength through joy
[h=2]Parents of British Students Murdered In Florida Slam Obama For Lack of Compassion After They Reached Out Multiple Times…[/h]

The families hit the nail on the head when they said it appears “Mr. Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Jonny M • Carbondale, Illinois
If Trayvon was on top when Zimmerman shot him, then forensics should be able to determine if that is the case. Bullet wound, entry/exit patterns, powder residue....all should be looked at to determine the veracity of Zimmerman's story.​
Gee, do you think the police even thought about this new fangled trajectory stuff ??

NO...thats why the FBI is doing the investigation. Get with the program.




Staff member
hahaha, now thats going way back.
My first thought was "why did she keep it, and if she kept it why didnt she wash it" nasty.
LOL. That was my first thought then and when I posted this morning I thought the same thing again. Filthy McNasty.


Well-Known Member
How 'bout these facts, brett?

I would hardly call speculation on an internet news site "facts". Sort of like the argument that the video shows Zimmerman without a head injury when you are basing that claim on a low quality video camera after Zimmerman would have been cleaned up. My guess is a medic was on scene and cleaned him up hence the lack of blood in the video. The daily caller blew up a picture of the back of Zimmerman's head and you can clearly see a 3 inch gash is present.

The more this story unfolds the more I see Zimmerman as an innocent man. From the sounds of it Trayvon fell into the trap a lot of young black males do, and thats immersing themselves into a culture that glorifies violence and death. As Trayvon attempted to sharpen his street thug skills he decided to pick a fight with someone that he assumed he could take, only he picked a fight with someone carrying a gun and it cost him his life.

You see, this is the difference between you and I. At the beginning of this I went on the facts we knew at the time and speculated that Zimmerman would be facing a 2nd degree murder charge, but as more facts have come out my outlook has evolved with it. Instead of accepting the narrative that this was a race based shooting I kept my mind open to all possibilities. If Zimmerman's story is true, and is corroborated by the evidence the police collected along with the eye witness reports then I don't see why he can't get let off a free man. Do not forget the police took this case to the local DA for prosecution and were told they didn't have a case worth prosecuting. It should be interesting to see if the grand jury comes to the same conclusion.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

AGAIN with the massive SPIN.... what happened to the NO SPIN ZONE??

You take a garbage site like GUTTER WEASALs point that is intended to CONFUSE the reader (not hard to do to their subscribers) and compare that to a scientific poll conducted by CNN?

CNN polls the american public and 73% want zimmerman arrested, then GUTTER WEASAL runs "their own" non scientific poll and comes up with 48%.

HOW realistic is that??

They poll their own morons and somehow that speaks to the sentiment of the american public at large?

Foolish how you follow the car over the cliff.




Pees in the brown Koolaid
You think if jesus was black in this picture, his "wood staff" would be considered a "burglary tool" by the right wing nuts?



I always get a good laugh when I see paintings or pictures of Jesus that portray Him as a white man with blue eyes and brownish/blonde hair. In reality, He would have been fairly dark-skinned, with brown or black hair.


AGAIN with the massive SPIN.... what happened to the NO SPIN ZONE??

You take a garbage site like GUTTER WEASALs point that is intended to CONFUSE the reader (not hard to do to their subscribers) and compare that to a scientific poll conducted by CNN?

CNN polls the american public and 73% want zimmerman arrested, then GUTTER WEASAL runs "their own" non scientific poll and comes up with 48%.

HOW realistic is that??

They poll their own morons and somehow that speaks to the sentiment of the american public at large?

Foolish how you follow the car over the cliff.


Thank the great JuJu that this country is ruled by law, not polls.