
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


golden ticket member
How is this comparable?? There are thousands of americans killed by guns in this country, and most of us feel bad for all of them. What makes this case stand out from the rest?? Its a drive by, hundreds of those every month in every state.

There is no controversy there.


Because it involves A CHILD !!! And it's in Miami....he's in the nighborhood, you know?


golden ticket member
How is this comparable?? There are thousands of americans killed by guns in this country, and most of us feel bad for all of them. What makes this case stand out from the rest?? Its a drive by, hundreds of those every month in every state.

There is no controversy there.


Exactly, so why does Rev. Al (the kiddies pal) pick just this one Martin kid's murder to rile everybody up about if it's so common and it happens all the time ???? Al, Jessie, etc are just a bunch of camera & fame whores................


Staff member
Exactly, so why does Rev. Al (the kiddies pal) pick just this one Martin kid's murder to rile everybody up about if it's so common and it happens all the time ???? Al, Jessie, etc are just a bunch of camera & fame whores................

Where have you been? The uproar is not about the crime. Tragedies happen. It is about an inept or corrupt justice system that at least appears to have botched the investigation. It's not about hoodies, parenting, Obama, Sharpton, or Trayvon's truancy. If it helps you to understand, consider it similar to the Natalie Holloway case.


golden ticket member
Where have you been? The uproar is not about the crime. Tragedies happen. It is about an inept or corrupt justice system that at least appears to have botched the investigation. It's not about hoodies, parenting, Obama, Sharpton, or Trayvon's truancy. If it helps you to understand, consider it similar to the Natalie Holloway case.
Where have you been? Even Hollywood has portrayed police ineptness and corruption many times. I'm not saying that's the case here, but we don't have robo-cops.
Holloway is not a good comparison because it's out of the country.


Staff member
Holloway is a good comparison because the outrage was at the perception of inept investigation and judicial process as it is in the Trayvon Martin case. Set aside all the distractions and that is at the core of both.


golden ticket member
I's like comparing mounties or gendarmes to cops. Has to be US cops to US cops to be the same.
One crime has a body, one crime doesn't.
One is in the US, one is outside the country.
It's apples & oranges to me.


Staff member
And all of those differences are of less importance than talking about hoodies and Sharpton and Limbaugh and Obama.


Strength through joy
NBC to do ‘internal investigation’ on Zimmerman segment
NBC told this blog today that it would investigate its handling of a piece on the “Today” show that ham-handedly abridged the conversation between George Zimmerman and a dispatcher in the moments before the death of Trayvon Martin. A statement from NBC:
“We have launched an internal investigation into the editorial process surrounding this particular story.”​


golden ticket member
Comparing T.M. to J.C. is way over the top!! I don't remember Jesus tweeting obscenities !

(NEWSER) – Leaders from the NAACP and other groups led a massive crowd through the streets of Sanford, Florida, today to demand the arrest of George Zimmerman—and deny reports of an economic boycott, the Orlando Sentinel reports. “We want an arrest, shot in the chest,” chanted the crowd, which MSNBC estimated in the thousands. They stopped outside police headquarters for speeches and a benediction comparing Trayvon Martin’s death to that of Jesus Christ.

Civil rights luminaries like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and NAACP President Benjamin Jealous were in attendance. Speaking to reporters before the march, Sharpton and Jealous denied reports that black leaders are planning an economic boycott of Sanford—but said actions against corporations supporting “Stand Your Ground” laws are in the works. In other Trayvon news, MSNBC reports in this video that Zimmerman was ordered to take anger management classes after a brush with the law in 2005.


golden ticket member
Via Daily Caller:
Despite liberal protesters’ claims that Florida’s so-called “stand your ground” gun law demonstrates that Republican policymakers are responsible for the February death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, an analysis of its legislative history shows that it was a bipartisan effort — and that no Florida Democratic state senator voted against it.

One Democrat, Fort Lauderdale state Sen. Mandy Dawson, missed the vote. But the rest of the Senate chamber supported it, 39-0.

The Florida House vote was 92-20. Twelve Democrats voted in favor.

And of the 15 states that have passed variations of the law since 2005, the year Florida’s model legislation became law, eight — a majority — had Democratic governors when the laws were enacted. None issued a veto.
The bills in Louisiana and West Virginia passed with Democratic control of both houses in the states’ legislatures, in 2006 and 2008, respectively.
Our daughter turns 18 this Thurs, We're going to go out and get her a voter registration card and a foid card. She can celebrate by shooting a hole in a ballot.
I'd agree because first off, we have documented evidence that Trayvon Martin actually existed!

How much documented evidence to you need that Jesus existed? I'm pretty sure his existence has been proven. I understand your not being convinced Jesus is the son of god, but what difference does that make? You don't even believe that God exists.
Really Mac, that was a pretty weak statement.
Holloway is a good comparison because the outrage was at the perception of inept investigation and judicial process as it is in the Trayvon Martin case. Set aside all the distractions and that is at the core of both.
You used a really powerful word in this statement, whether intentional or not. IDK. PERCEPTION....."the perception of inept investigation and judicial process". It is really unknown to the outside exactly what the investigation entailed. Without that knowledge we don't know for certain that the judicial process has been inappropriate or not. IMO, the media's roll in this has been inaccurate and incomplete at best and subverted at worst and can apply to ALL media. We know within reason that agenda driven groups have added to the perception of ineptness of the system. Without ALL the facts in this case the best we can do, as outsiders, is speculate as to what the truth, the whole truth really is.


Staff member
How much documented evidence to you need that Jesus existed? I'm pretty sure his existence has been proven. I understand your not being convinced Jesus is the son of god, but what difference does that make? You don't even believe that God exists.
Really Mac, that was a pretty weak statement.

The Roman historian is said to have written of Jesus as a Jewish teacher and leader. Considering his accuracy in other areas, it doesn't follow logically that he would fabricate hpthe existence of Jesus.


Staff member
You used a really powerful word in this statement, whether intentional or not. IDK. PERCEPTION....."the perception of inept investigation and judicial process". It is really unknown to the outside exactly what the investigation entailed. Without that knowledge we don't know for certain that the judicial process has been inappropriate or not. IMO, the media's roll in this has been inaccurate and incomplete at best and subverted at worst and can apply to ALL media. We know within reason that agenda driven groups have added to the perception of ineptness of the system. Without ALL the facts in this case the best we can do, as outsiders, is speculate as to what the truth, the whole truth really is.
Considering what has been leaked throughout the case and corroborated by video, I think it is safe to say that perception in this case is strongly rooted in fact. If in fact the investigation prove solid, then I think as Bill Kristol pointed out, it is time to reconsider the wisdom or constitutionallity of such "stand your ground" laws.