

Strength through joy
And the alternative would be to always run away, leaving everything you have worked hard for & love, just so you won't hurt the feelings of some low life thug .

Oh, but that's the federal gov't's policy along our southern border.
Closing off sections of National Parks so the drug smugglers can have a safe passage.


Well-Known Member
How much documented evidence to you need that Jesus existed? I'm pretty sure his existence has been proven. I understand your not being convinced Jesus is the son of god, but what difference does that make? You don't even believe that God exists.
Really Mac, that was a pretty weak statement.

First off, I just commented on Trayvon and regardless of everything else, my point is factually true. Now does that automatically make Jesus not exist? No but that the evidence of Trayvon is much better. And besides, if your point of Jesus is true, then why is it then called faith and for believers being required to have such? Christianity should be called a form or history or even a science if it's fact based as you say. Faith is only necessary when lack of real evidence to prove the conclusion does not exist. Ain't that what you guys also say about evolution and that those who lack belief in a creative superbeing are in fact acting on faith as well because in your mind we can't disprove what you have faith in?

And for the record, I do believe it's possible that a historical figure maybe even named Jesus or the language equivalent existed but beyond the bible, the Judean Historian Josephus and a name in the Talmud some believe might be Jesus, so little else exists. Late 1st and early 2nd century Greco-Roman historians Pliny the Younger and Tacitus made note of the name of Christ but in the case of Younger circa 112, he wrote of those called Christians who refused to worship the emperor and who worshiped someone named Christus. Tacitus circa 116 wrote of Nero after the great fire in Rome assigning blame to a group known as Christians but Tacitus also goes on to say of this person in Christus also suffered death at the hand of Pilate in the days of Tiberius. This was included to give some reasoning of why Christians would burn Rome as in revenge. But all that I still can't prove my possibility as factually true based on evidence. And since Tacitus mentioned the death of Christ, why no mention of the resurrection which is far more miraculous anyway?

But neither Younger or Tacitus prove as fact and as historians rightly make note, neither Younger or Tacitus were contemporary to Jesus and thus the question begs, we're they just relating reports of the many stories that circulated about Jesus? These guys weren't christian but were Roman so were they also bringing the state narrative that served some political purpose? When you consider at the time there were also numerous accounts of Jesus in the non-canonical books or gospels and those are the one's we happen to know of. And many of these accounts vastly conflict with one another just as there are conflicts within the 4 gospels we have today. So which is the true Jesus? Even Paul's Jesus misses so much from the gospels but when you learned Paul's writings superceded the earliest gospel in Mark by 20 to 30 years and that Paul's writings were 20 years after Christ, then we are dealing not with firsthand accounts but at best the relaying of oral traditions and thus the question of accuracy are justified. But then here comes faith to salvage the situation.

I've always questioned if Paul was more influenced by the Roman Mithra cult and it's earlier Persian version of Mithra than he was of a historical Jesus figure and then ascribing the Mithraic traditions to Jesus to win converts outside the Judaic world with non-Judeans. Can't prove it conclusively but the question for me is still there because the Mithra traditions and the Pauline Jesus are so similar and the Mithra doctrines superceded Jesus by several centuries. But in the case of Martin, I stand by my response to which you replied.

And as an aside, I find it ironic that some here who leap at the least moment to defend belief and even Jesus and yet when the moments arise to advance some of the greatest teachings of Jesus, and yes there are many, they always run in the opposite direction. Some of you better hope I'm right about god because if I'm wrong and you're right, then some of you may hear those more dreaded words, "depart from me for I never knew you" and if so I'll keep your seat warm for you. Scratch that, warm seats are an unlimited benefit taking your point of view!

Fast forward to today and consider the fact that in our advanced civilization compared to 1st century life, we still can't get all the facts in regards to either Zimmerman or Martin and the truth is, both sides have played with the facts to fit their own narrative. So in a day and age when we have so much at hand and we still have a hard time separating myth from fact, should we believe that the 1st century didn't suffer from that problem?

Back to the issue of late in this thread, while having my contrarian fun yesterday with Moreluck (you called it a rant) I was also involved in another conversation elsewhere on the issue of Zimmerman/Martin and similar arguments made here were also made there with others thrown in but I did make one point and I'll make it here because IMO it's valid. Had the exact circumstances of the incident with Zimmerman and Martin taken place but the difference being that Zimmerman was armed with a baseball bat, would the same people defending Zimmerman now also be defending him and would they have ever gotten into the discussion game to begin with?

Is this really about Zimmerman or is this all about defending something else? Even consider the title of this thread where this issue has come to be debated!


Well-Known Member
So Trayvon is somehow less American than George? He deservered to be shot because George said so?

At times it would seem that way because when it comes to "standing your ground" it seems that right with some here don't apply. Now if he had had a gun but then he'd be an even bigger thug. A brother just can win can he?

And before some of you come screaming, on the night Trayvon was killed, what crime had he committed that would disqualify his own standing with the stand you ground law. What had he done that violated a local law or statute that made him a criminal in the eyes of the law and forbade him the right of self defense when he noticed Zimmerman acting in a possible threatening manner to him? How did Trayvon not know that Zimmerman was following him for the purpose of robbery or being a teenage boy, was Zimmerman some type of sexual predator? Could Trayvon be justified in asking those questions to himself in the moment all this went down?

Could both Zimmerman and Trayvon have thought very wrong of one another and the confrontation was a result of that and it went badly wrong? Sadly Trayvon is not here to tell his side of this so we are sadly disadvantaged at getting to the actual truth of the situation. Even the witnesses, regardless of how they place the 2 don't come into the mix until after the confrontation had begun so we don't know what was said other than from Zimmerman. This probably won't square with either side but I think the best place for this is in civil court and let Martin's parents sue Zimmerman for all he's worth. Zimmerman may not be a murderer but I still think he acted irresponsible and probably let his "cop wanna-be" mentality get the better of him.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The defenders of the shooter continue to want to deny the FACTS. The basic simple fact of this case was that the "LEAD DETECTIVE" investigating this case SWORE OUT an afidavit charging Zimmerman with murder based upon his investigation and interrogation of Zimmerman. In his OWN WORDS, the detective said "zimmermans story just does not add up".

What more do you need than the actual investigators words to know Zimmerman is a LIAR??

Why the DA refused to prosecute the case is another story alltogether. Thats why a special prosecutor and the goverment involved. The FBI will do the ballistics and trajectory analyst necessary to prove Trayvon was murdered. Its only a matter of time.

To say "all the facts" arent out yet, is to deny reality.

FACT, a phoney 911 call was placed.
FACT, zimmerman exaggerates the call to increase the urgency
FACT, zimmerman tells police Trayvon is on Drugs without proof.
FACT, zimmerman makes a racial slur while on the phone referring to Trayvon as a "coon"
FACT, zimmerman chases Trayvon and when told TWICE to stop, he continues anyways armed with a semi automatic pistol.
FACT, zimmerman engages Trayvon and a fight breaks out, zimmerman at some point shoots the kid.

what more do you need to know? This all could have been avoided if one person did nothing in the first place, and thats Zimmerman.

You cant escape the sworn afidavit for murder by the lead detective. All the excuses in the world cant get around that.


Considering what has been leaked throughout the case and corroborated by video, I think it is safe to say that perception in this case is strongly rooted in fact. If in fact the investigation prove solid, then I think as Bill Kristol pointed out, it is time to reconsider the wisdom or constitutionallity of such "stand your ground" laws.

You sure seem to show a lot of faith in the media, a lot more than I do. I have seen very little corroborated by video. The only video I have seen came from the police station. You video must be much clearer than mine to definably say that there were no signs of Zimmerman having been in an altercation. The police reports say that he had been cleaned up by paramedics, if this is true, it might be hard to tell from grainy videos. Plus I'm not so sure that , in of it's self, matters.
The overwhelming fact is that everything WE KNOW comes from the media, both sides have been accused of changing audio tapes, editing videos etc. It's gotten so out of hand that no one really knows what is true and what is not.

If Bill Kristol or anyone else for that matter, believes in their heart that the "stand you ground" law is unconstitutional they are free to challenge it through the courts.
The defenders of the shooter continue to want to deny the FACTS. The basic simple fact of this case was that the "LEAD DETECTIVE" investigating this case SWORE OUT an afidavit charging Zimmerman with murder based upon his investigation and interrogation of Zimmerman. In his OWN WORDS, the detective said "zimmermans story just does not add up".

What more do you need than the actual investigators words to know Zimmerman is a LIAR??

Why the DA refused to prosecute the case is another story alltogether. Thats why a special prosecutor and the goverment involved. The FBI will do the ballistics and trajectory analyst necessary to prove Trayvon was murdered. Its only a matter of time.

To say "all the facts" arent out yet, is to deny reality.

FACT, a phoney 911 call was placed.
FACT, zimmerman exaggerates the call to increase the urgency
FACT, zimmerman tells police Trayvon is on Drugs without proof.
FACT, zimmerman makes a racial slur while on the phone referring to Trayvon as a "coon"
FACT, zimmerman chases Trayvon and when told TWICE to stop, he continues anyways armed with a semi automatic pistol.
FACT, zimmerman engages Trayvon and a fight breaks out, zimmerman at some point shoots the kid.

what more do you need to know? This all could have been avoided if one person did nothing in the first place, and thats Zimmerman.

You cant escape the sworn afidavit for murder by the lead detective. All the excuses in the world cant get around that.



Here is a FACT that you choose to ignore....not at one point have I defended Zimmerman. I have only pointed out that YOU DO NOT know all the details of this case... THAT IS AN INDISPUTABLE FACT. I do not know all the details either.

Does it really make a difference what the lead detective said ? The words he spoke were his opinion. He may well be right but he could be wrong, IDK.

Yep. the DA's not prosecuting the case before ALL details and FACTS are known is another story. And yes, I need much more than an investigators knee jerk reactions and speculations before I call Zimmerman a liar. Do you know the "lead investigator" has had two trial acquittals due to faulty investigations?

You may be right that the FBIs ballistic and trajectory will prove Trayvon was murdered, but so far that hasn't happened. I actually doubt that those tests will prove murder but they will show approximately how close they were at the time of the shooting, a point that as far as I know is not in question.
Really, you think the FACTS are out??? That must be because your handlers have told you these are the facts, even though there are other facts that don't fit YOUR facts.
YOUR facts:
(1)FACT, a phoney 911 call was placed.
(2)FACT, zimmerman exaggerates the call to increase the urgency
(3)FACT, zimmerman tells police Trayvon is on Drugs without proof.
(4)FACT, zimmerman makes a racial slur while on the phone referring to Trayvon as a "coon"
(5)FACT, zimmerman chases Trayvon and when told TWICE to stop, he continues anyways armed with a semi automatic pistol.
(6)FACT, zimmerman engages Trayvon and a fight breaks out, zimmerman at some point shoots the kid.

(1) How is this a phoney 911 call? Zimmerman as part of a neighborhood watch saw what he deemed to be a suspicious person dressed in a hoodie (in Florida on a warm night), walking around and stopping to look around.
(2)What were Zimmerman's exaggerations? Exactly what part is exaggerated?
(3)In the part of the 911 call that I heard on ABC news, Zimmerman did not say anyone was on drugs. I did hear him say the person was acting strangely ( a point of opinion) and was POSSIBLY on drugs. So you are twisting the truth here....AKA lying.
(4) I personally have not heard this part of the 911 tape so I can give no opinion on what it sounds like. I have read somewhere that that part was misunderstood and meant something else. I also know nothing of the street language used in that area.
(5) From all that I have heard (again on ABC news) Zimmerman followed (not chased) Trayvon and when turning around to retreat, Trayvon rushed him. I do not know what is the truth here, and NEITHER DO YOU.
(6) according to witness accounts, it was Trayvon that engaged Zimmerman. Again, I was not there and did not see what happened. AND NEITHER WERE YOU. and THAT is a FACT.
What more do I need to know? Since you nor I do not know anything other than what we have read or heard from the media, I will reserve the right to NOT judge someone guilty when I do not have indisputable facts.
What YOU can not escape is that the "sworn affidavit" by the lead investigator was his opinion based on a single interview from someone who had just been involved in a shooting that lead to someone's death. I guess you think this lead detective in the one and only honest person in that county and is always 100% correct in his assessment.

Oh and BTW, above when I said "
Do you know the "lead investigator" has had two trial acquittals due to faulty investigations?", that is a complete fabrication of the truth. I only said that to show that you are not the only one that can make **** up.
First off, I just commented on Trayvon and regardless of everything else, my point is factually true. Now does that automatically make Jesus not exist? No but that the evidence of Trayvon is much better. And besides, if your point of Jesus is true, then why is it then called faith and for believers being required to have such? Christianity should be called a form or history or even a science if it's fact based as you say. Faith is only necessary when lack of real evidence to prove the conclusion does not exist. Ain't that what you guys also say about evolution and that those who lack belief in a creative superbeing are in fact acting on faith as well because in your mind we can't disprove what you have faith in?

And for the record, I do believe it's possible that a historical figure maybe even named Jesus or the language equivalent existed but beyond the bible, the Judean Historian Josephus and a name in the Talmud some believe might be Jesus, so little else exists. Late 1st and early 2nd century Greco-Roman historians Pliny the Younger and Tacitus made note of the name of Christ but in the case of Younger circa 112, he wrote of those called Christians who refused to worship the emperor and who worshiped someone named Christus. Tacitus circa 116 wrote of Nero after the great fire in Rome assigning blame to a group known as Christians but Tacitus also goes on to say of this person in Christus also suffered death at the hand of Pilate in the days of Tiberius. This was included to give some reasoning of why Christians would burn Rome as in revenge. But all that I still can't prove my possibility as factually true based on evidence. And since Tacitus mentioned the death of Christ, why no mention of the resurrection which is far more miraculous anyway?

But neither Younger or Tacitus prove as fact and as historians rightly make note, neither Younger or Tacitus were contemporary to Jesus and thus the question begs, we're they just relating reports of the many stories that circulated about Jesus? These guys weren't christian but were Roman so were they also bringing the state narrative that served some political purpose? When you consider at the time there were also numerous accounts of Jesus in the non-canonical books or gospels and those are the one's we happen to know of. And many of these accounts vastly conflict with one another just as there are conflicts within the 4 gospels we have today. So which is the true Jesus? Even Paul's Jesus misses so much from the gospels but when you learned Paul's writings superceded the earliest gospel in Mark by 20 to 30 years and that Paul's writings were 20 years after Christ, then we are dealing not with firsthand accounts but at best the relaying of oral traditions and thus the question of accuracy are justified. But then here comes faith to salvage the situation.

I've always questioned if Paul was more influenced by the Roman Mithra cult and it's earlier Persian version of Mithra than he was of a historical Jesus figure and then ascribing the Mithraic traditions to Jesus to win converts outside the Judaic world with non-Judeans. Can't prove it conclusively but the question for me is still there because the Mithra traditions and the Pauline Jesus are so similar and the Mithra doctrines superceded Jesus by several centuries. But in the case of Martin, I stand by my response to which you replied.

And as an aside, I find it ironic that some here who leap at the least moment to defend belief and even Jesus and yet when the moments arise to advance some of the greatest teachings of Jesus, and yes there are many, they always run in the opposite direction. Some of you better hope I'm right about god because if I'm wrong and you're right, then some of you may hear those more dreaded words, "depart from me for I never knew you" and if so I'll keep your seat warm for you. Scratch that, warm seats are an unlimited benefit taking your point of view!

Fast forward to today and consider the fact that in our advanced civilization compared to 1st century life, we still can't get all the facts in regards to either Zimmerman or Martin and the truth is, both sides have played with the facts to fit their own narrative. So in a day and age when we have so much at hand and we still have a hard time separating myth from fact, should we believe that the 1st century didn't suffer from that problem?

Back to the issue of late in this thread, while having my contrarian fun yesterday with Moreluck (you called it a rant) I was also involved in another conversation elsewhere on the issue of Zimmerman/Martin and similar arguments made here were also made there with others thrown in but I did make one point and I'll make it here because IMO it's valid. Had the exact circumstances of the incident with Zimmerman and Martin taken place but the difference being that Zimmerman was armed with a baseball bat, would the same people defending Zimmerman now also be defending him and would they have ever gotten into the discussion game to begin with?

Is this really about Zimmerman or is this all about defending something else? Even consider the title of this thread where this issue has come to be debated!
First off, lets get this straight. Here is the quotes that began the conversation on Jesus.
Originally Posted by moreluck
Comparing T.M. to J.C. is way over the top!!
MoreLuck made the above comment about Jesus being compared to Trayvon. In which you chided Moreluck with:
I'd agree because first off, we have documented evidence that Trayvon Martin actually existed!
Logical sentence structure says that to carry out the thought, it is being implied that there is no documented evidence that Jesus actually existed. BTW, that was a cute way to restate your reoccurring stated believe in the lack of a deity. Which is your right to hold.
When I said :
How much documented evidence to you need that Jesus existed? I'm pretty sure his existence has been proven.
I was only referring to what you said in that quote. I think your usual posts on God bares out the next sentence from my post which was an opinion.

What I posted had absolutely nothing to do what you believe or do not believe. I have no desire to try to change your mind and feel no responsibility to do so. My post was to dispute the assertion there was no documented proof of Jesus' existence. Trayvon's documentation is just more current and modern.

Let's once again fast forward to the present.
I agree with you in that the facts have been played with to fit narratives. I have said that repeatedly and still do. In fact, that has been my point all along.
The baseball bat scenario is valid to a point, but it is kind of hard to accidentally beat someone to death with a bat. There is still the possibility that Zimmerman's gun fired accidentally.


Well-Known Member
First off, lets get this straight. Here is the quotes that began the conversation on Jesus.

MoreLuck made the above comment about Jesus being compared to Trayvon. In which you chided Moreluck with:

Logical sentence structure says that to carry out the thought, it is being implied that there is no documented evidence that Jesus actually existed. BTW, that was a cute way to restate your reoccurring stated believe in the lack of a deity. Which is your right to hold.
When I said :
I was only referring to what you said in that quote. I think your usual posts on God bares out the next sentence from my post which was an opinion.

What I posted had absolutely nothing to do what you believe or do not believe. I have no desire to try to change your mind and feel no responsibility to do so. My post was to dispute the assertion there was no documented proof of Jesus' existence. Trayvon's documentation is just more current and modern.

Let's once again fast forward to the present.
I agree with you in that the facts have been played with to fit narratives. I have said that repeatedly and still do. In fact, that has been my point all along.
The baseball bat scenario is valid to a point, but it is kind of hard to accidentally beat someone to death with a bat. There is still the possibility that Zimmerman's gun fired accidentally.

First off, don't like the company sitting on your couch, don't open the door.

As to the historicity of Jesus, you made a claim that IMO at best is questionable and some might make a case that is downright disingenuous and I challenged it from my POV. More and more scholarship is raising questions and serious doubts in regards to the literalness of the bible, the accepted historicity of Jesus and with so many messiahs in Judea during the period from 100 BCE to 100 CE and then beyond, the Jesus figure may prove to be varying combinations of these different messiahs. Even in the gospels you have differing geneologies, born in a house or born in a manger, flee to Egypt or go to the temple for circumsion, (Matt 2 conflicts with Luke 2) why do Mark and John differ on when Jesus was crucified (after Passover or Before). Even with Judas, in Matt. 27-3, he was stricken with remorse, returned the 30 pieces of silver and then went and hung himself but in Acts 1:18 Judas bought a field with his silver and then fell in the field and his stomach burst open and spilled out his guts. God's payback? So which was it or is this from 2 different traditions and 2 different Jesus? Just as the non-canonical gospels taught a different Jesus, the historicity of Jesus if one were to use the bible as literal historical text would be a serious difficulty IMO. Also raises questions as to the inerrant and infallible bible ideal.

I do think some of the teachings in the gospels regardless of who or how has good value both in philosophical, moral and social values but beyond that they carry no extra merit and as history should be held with serious suspect.


Well-Known Member
Granted zimmerman seems to be already found guilty by public opinion, I think he should be arrested by the facts of the case so far. The police certainly have enough resonable suspicion to make an arrest. (Maybe the fact that zimmerman's father is a local judge has delayed this??) Whether he is guilty of those charges a jury will decide.
First off, don't like the company sitting on your couch, don't open the door.

As to the historicity of Jesus, you made a claim that IMO at best is questionable and some might make a case that is downright disingenuous and I challenged it from my POV. More and more scholarship is raising questions and serious doubts in regards to the literalness of the bible, the accepted historicity of Jesus and with so many messiahs in Judea during the period from 100 BCE to 100 CE and then beyond, the Jesus figure may prove to be varying combinations of these different messiahs. Even in the gospels you have differing geneologies, born in a house or born in a manger, flee to Egypt or go to the temple for circumsion, (Matt 2 conflicts with Luke 2) why do Mark and John differ on when Jesus was crucified (after Passover or Before). Even with Judas, in Matt. 27-3, he was stricken with remorse, returned the 30 pieces of silver and then went and hung himself but in Acts 1:18 Judas bought a field with his silver and then fell in the field and his stomach burst open and spilled out his guts. God's payback? So which was it or is this from 2 different traditions and 2 different Jesus? Just as the non-canonical gospels taught a different Jesus, the historicity of Jesus if one were to use the bible as literal historical text would be a serious difficulty IMO. Also raises questions as to the inerrant and infallible bible ideal.

I do think some of the teachings in the gospels regardless of who or how has good value both in philosophical, moral and social values but beyond that they carry no extra merit and as history should be held with serious suspect.

All that is nothing but yadda yadda yadda to me and has very little to do with my claim that a man called Jesus (with language translation) who claimed to be Christ did exist. There are many reported accounts out side of the Bible that support this is true. THAT and ONLY that is my claim. I never said the the man known as Jesus of Nazareth was indeed the Savior of man's soul or anything else. But if you feel the need to write a 300 word essay on the topic, knock yourself out. We live in a (at least) semi free country, live like you wanna live, do what ya wanna do.
Granted zimmerman seems to be already found guilty by public opinion, I think he should be arrested by the facts of the case so far. The police certainly have enough resonable suspicion to make an arrest. (Maybe the fact that zimmerman's father is a local judge has delayed this??) Whether he is guilty of those charges a jury will decide.

804, my point is that the "facts" of the case have been so perverted by the media that all we know, may be untrue. If we read (or listen to) the same media, are we really getting the "facts" to come to the conclusion that Zimmerman is guilty or innocent or somewhere in between? I am not confident enough in any of the articles/reports to say either way. With that said, I still believe that in this country we should be innocent until proven guilty. We can speculate all day long and at the end of the day, we don't know the whole truth.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Here is a FACT that you choose to ignore....not at one point have I defended Zimmerman. I have only pointed out that YOU DO NOT know all the details of this case... THAT IS AN INDISPUTABLE FACT. I do not know all the details either.

Does it really make a difference what the lead detective said ? The words he spoke were his opinion. He may well be right but he could be wrong, IDK.

Yep. the DA's not prosecuting the case before ALL details and FACTS are known is another story. And yes, I need much more than an investigators knee jerk reactions and speculations before I call Zimmerman a liar. Do you know the "lead investigator" has had two trial acquittals due to faulty investigations?

You may be right that the FBIs ballistic and trajectory will prove Trayvon was murdered, but so far that hasn't happened. I actually doubt that those tests will prove murder but they will show approximately how close they were at the time of the shooting, a point that as far as I know is not in question.
Really, you think the FACTS are out??? That must be because your handlers have told you these are the facts, even though there are other facts that don't fit YOUR facts.
YOUR facts:
(1)FACT, a phoney 911 call was placed.
(2)FACT, zimmerman exaggerates the call to increase the urgency
(3)FACT, zimmerman tells police Trayvon is on Drugs without proof.
(4)FACT, zimmerman makes a racial slur while on the phone referring to Trayvon as a "coon"
(5)FACT, zimmerman chases Trayvon and when told TWICE to stop, he continues anyways armed with a semi automatic pistol.
(6)FACT, zimmerman engages Trayvon and a fight breaks out, zimmerman at some point shoots the kid.

(1) How is this a phoney 911 call? Zimmerman as part of a neighborhood watch saw what he deemed to be a suspicious person dressed in a hoodie (in Florida on a warm night), walking around and stopping to look around.
(2)What were Zimmerman's exaggerations? Exactly what part is exaggerated?
(3)In the part of the 911 call that I heard on ABC news, Zimmerman did not say anyone was on drugs. I did hear him say the person was acting strangely ( a point of opinion) and was POSSIBLY on drugs. So you are twisting the truth here....AKA lying.
(4) I personally have not heard this part of the 911 tape so I can give no opinion on what it sounds like. I have read somewhere that that part was misunderstood and meant something else. I also know nothing of the street language used in that area.
(5) From all that I have heard (again on ABC news) Zimmerman followed (not chased) Trayvon and when turning around to retreat, Trayvon rushed him. I do not know what is the truth here, and NEITHER DO YOU.
(6) according to witness accounts, it was Trayvon that engaged Zimmerman. Again, I was not there and did not see what happened. AND NEITHER WERE YOU. and THAT is a FACT.
What more do I need to know? Since you nor I do not know anything other than what we have read or heard from the media, I will reserve the right to NOT judge someone guilty when I do not have indisputable facts.
What YOU can not escape is that the "sworn affidavit" by the lead investigator was his opinion based on a single interview from someone who had just been involved in a shooting that lead to someone's death. I guess you think this lead detective in the one and only honest person in that county and is always 100% correct in his assessment.

Oh and BTW, above when I said "
Do you know the "lead investigator" has had two trial acquittals due to faulty investigations?", that is a complete fabrication of the truth. I only said that to show that you are not the only one that can make **** up.

ALL THIS is a lot of YADDA YADDA YADDA. Nothing but pure spoon fed mis information. ON this very thread, I posted the actual 911 call that zimmerman made. All you have to do is listen to it. Some portions were redacted by the owner of the video, like addresses and the friend-ing coon part. The rest of the audio is 100% accurate.

Why do you continue to enter a discussion if you are not willing to examine all the facts? Why do you rely on having to be "told" what to think, because at the end of the day, thats what your telling us. You seem to want us to accept that you dont hav the wherewithall to form your own opinion and need to have "some" news channel give it to you.

As to the audio, its clear zimmerman intended on making something out of nothing. You seem OK with him making an assessment that Trayvon was suspicious just because he was black. You seem ok with zimmerman claiming he was suspicious because he was looking around. My question to you is simple: "Where is it illegal to be black and looking around?"

Zimemrman makes NO CLAIM that this kid did anything wrong, no car vandalism, no attempted break ins, no tagging, no littering, all he does is claim the kid is standing there looking around, but really TRP, its a residential neighborhood, what he suppose to look at? Is he suppose to walk staring at the sky in order to avoid suspicion? Do all persons standing on a residential street who are looking around become suspicious and deserve to have 911 called on them?

You say he didnt exaggerate the call, yet, you havent listened to it. How does that figure? How do you reconcile anything on the audio if you dont bother to listen to every word?

How many times does this have to be explained in order for you to get it? Why are you so dead set on defending the shooter?

On the audio, he tells the dispatcher that "the guy is black", "the guy is on drugs" ( not maybe on drugs, or possibly on drugs, or acting like hes on drugs) BUT "ON DRUGS". Zimmerman has no training whatsoever in drug behavior.

Second issue I have with you, is despite providing you on this very thread with the FACTS that Zimmerman was NOT A PART of ANY organized neighborhood watch, YOU continue to associate zimmerman with one.

""Zimmerman as part of a neighborhood watch saw what he deemed to be a suspicious person ""

Really? This is simply not true. He was a SELF APPOINTED vigilante driving around his neighborhood with a gun in his wasteband looking for trouble. According to the sheriff of florida, Zimmerman BROKE every single rule for a neighborhood watch person and would be kicked out of the neighborhood watch for doing what he did.

Zimmerman had no TRAINING that gave him the ability to determine that ANY PERSON was suspicious. Next you said "in Florida on a warm night""....wrong again. IT WAS A RAINY NIGHT and since when is wearing a HOODIE in the rain a part of suspicious clothing? Are you really this dense?

You also say there are witnesses who say this or that, but this is not true either. In all the reports taken by the police, there are no such reports that back up what you claim or what fox news claims. The witneses are AFTER THE FACT witnesses.

I do not dispute that zimmerman and Trayvon at some point got into a fight, but what has to be established is how that fight started and was trayvon fighting for his life. How you put Trayvon in the aggressors role is beyond comprehension. How you disregard the fact that zimmerman was told twice to avoid contact and did so anyway only to end up in a fight and then shooting the boy.

Somehow, zimmerman fires TWO shots. One of those shots hits the boy in the chest. No matter what the boy did, IT WAS NOT EQUAL FORCE. Zimmerman was probably getting his ash kicked and then became afraid after starting the fight and took out his gun and killed the kid.

As to the lead detective, how do you discount his trained professional opinion? You want to set aside the professional opinion of person trained to examine homocide scenes, yet accept an untrained self proclaimed neighborhood watchmens opinion on suspicious persons? Are you really this freakin serious?

You say the lead detective only provided his opinion, well, my friend, that detective spoke to all witnesses that night and subsequently and made his determination based on factors including zimmermans changing of his story TWICE.

You cant escape these words "ZIMMERMANS STORY JUST DOESNT ADD UP".

Of course it adds up for you and I believe its because the victim was black. Sorry, its the only thing your words point to.




golden ticket member
See, just don't get it. It's over your head. You're too old. Pick one, it's the same old feces throwing this monkey always does!!