Any raise is a good raise. Look at GM, it took a strike to get a contract with no raise. What we need to work on is language in the contract about accidents. We just had a guy get into an accident Friday. He was turning left into a driveway, HAD HIS TURN SIGNAL ON, guy behind him tried passing on the left and t-boned the ups truck. The first thing the ups guy said was "Am I going to lose my job?". Didn't thank God he was alive, no wondering about his job, and more than likely if there was more than $4k in damage he'll be gettin papers, and have to fight to get his job back. THATS NOT RIGHT!!! Thats what we should be worried about. Every time I back in a driveway in the springtime I wonder, "God that grass looks soft, hope my tires not off the pavement" because we all know you leave a rut in the yard... well hell thats an accident. Or don't crack a $10 mirror, you'll have to call that into liberty. THATS NOT RIGHT!!!! Wheres the brotherhood then? PLEASE.....we need more protection in that area!