Has anyone left UPS? (non-retired)


Well-Known Member
I have left UPS, I have not looked back, I have been much happier and life is good.

here is a thread I made

If you are thinking about leaving DO IT.

Some of us old-timers who have given, sacrificed and broke down our bodies over the years can't just up and leave. We are trapped by a thing known as "retirement", sometimes also known as "pension".
I/we are glad you made the choice early in your life/career. If I knew for sure that there would be no pension waiting for me.....I'd be out of here tomorrow.
The really sad part is.......it's not the work, I enjoy driving feeders. It's the people I have to put up with, that force themselves upon me that I can't stand. Will the company ever figure this out? Probably not.


New Member
Dfigtree is right. UPS is the Marine Corps of the business world. I spent 6 years in IS there. Got calls all hours of the night. I thank God for the old-timers who told me to get while the gettin is good. All those guys are retired now. I'm much happier to the point where other people notice it. I'll tell you what the old timers told me; "get out before this company kills you..."


I have left UPS, I have not looked back, I have been much happier and life is good.

here is a thread I made

If you are thinking about leaving DO IT.

I hope to find time to read your thread soon.

I left after 16 years, I was a clerk, a PT Supv. for various departments, and in TSG (for most of the time).

Somewhere along the way I lost sight of my goals and aspirations. In TSG, life is easier than most other jobs at UPS. Still, TSG was a frustrating place.

UPS does not often allow someone to ascend to their potential. You are often stuck doing something beneath your ability. I suppose this is true most everywhere to a degree.

My problem was that I was more passionate about my job-type than the service offered by the company -- i.e., I liked computers more than brown boxes. For some reason, I fought against seeing that UPS will also be about what made it big and famous. This is not UPS' fault. I should have left years before, but the benefits were velvet handcuffs. I also now realize that I made excuses to avoid change. Since UPS went public, everyone had to endure big changes at UPS. I hate to say it, but I didn't leave UPS on my own terms. I didn't get fired or anything like that. I left voluntarily with a buyout during the Force Reduction for TSG. However, like I said, I didn't leave because I was ready, I left because the changes were so many and so bad that it forced me to do what I hadn't (and possibly couldn't) do on my own. I left because I couldn't endure the bull any longer.

Ok... so I reacted rather than acted. I am still glad I reacted. Life is truly greener on the other side.

My only regret is that I couldn't see the dead-end until I crashed. A crash that left me for years as a damaged and rusty employee. I finally turned around and left the same way I came in -- as a volunteer. I steered my way out of UPS and I have been cruising along singing a happy tune ever since.

Just the other day, at my new company, I was asked what I miss most about UPS. Apparently I hesitated a long time because my manager commented that I must miss something. I hesitated again, and then gave the only real answer I had -- some of the people and friendships I left behind.


New Member
Re: APWA Update: Indianapolis, Ind. Center

Left 18 Months ago but still going on a web site dedicated to his former employer............makes you wonder dont it......................

For me, I was just shown this website from my first manager who is still at UPS and really wants out bad. I came here to this thread to shed a little hope for people that there is a good life outside of UPS. It's very scary to leave cause Big Brown definitely brain washes you into thinking there isn't anything else out there and they are the only gig and no one can survive without them... Well as many have said, I am sooooooooo much happier, i have a great life, make more money and don't work all the time.

When I was at UPS I would work up to 90 hours a week and for my reward have a D!cK for a boss belittle me and tell me how things need to work and what I should do and how I can better myself by being more like him and how he is always right and everyone else is always wrong... all the while not getting any overtime because of being salaried. Now I have people in higher positions asking me to do stuff instead of telling me I had better or we will have a sit down where my manager does all the talking and I do all the listening and because he's the boss and its good to be the king. Pathetic

Wow, worked up a bit of anger there, but now I get paid more and I hardly ever work more than 40 hours a week. Life is good, work is good, family is good, and my mental state is fantastic and my family and friends can stand to be around me again. At one point I was so angry from the company draining me I could barely stand to look at anyone.

My advice is if you are thinking of getting out of UPS. Do it! I have pulled 4 UPS employees away and helped them get other jobs. My happiness comes from their happiness and improved lifestyles.