Orion inc.

I like turtles
Ahhh yes... See that? A map, and PCs to be moved to the right spots.. my 6th report day.. so I do believe that means they're paying me $44 an hour to park cars... Lol I love proving your dumb azzzz wrong.. been driving since 8am.. and moving cars since 1pm.. still another hour or 2 to go.. :) $$$$

Doesn't count as a tcd report towards seniority :censored2:.

So you're a glorified car washer? They're going to pay you Saturday air rate I bet too. Better check how they coded rookie.

Guess what big guy? I made more in three days with Monday off then you'll make all week Mr you think you're a big baller.

Suck on that rookie.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
We can call it whatever you want it to be as long as I'm getting paid... The point is, this scuzz and the other guy talking all that sheit, and proved wrong yet again.. I don't even know why he tries to act like he knows how it goes down in my hub. Oh wait, I'm sure they're will be tons of guys wanting to file grievances for me doing such easy OT work.. my managers will have a fit with all this new paperwork they'll need to do....

And your management will happily take out the frustration you caused them in others filing grievances for free money on you.

Crap rolls down hill and your management will put it on you instead of them.

Enjoy that little rookie.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
@BrownJake needs to put his letter in for management in Orlando. I hear they need push over pansy yes bitches such as him.

I see the stock going up ten points with his autozone management experience.


Doesn't count as a tcd report towards seniority :censored2:.

So you're a glorified car washer? They're going to pay you Saturday air rate I bet too. Better check how they coded rookie.

Guess what big guy? I made more in three days with Monday off then you'll make all week Mr you think you're a big baller.

Suck on that rookie.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh yes... See that? A map, and PCs to be moved to the right spots.. my 6th report day.. so I do believe that means they're paying me $44 an hour to park cars... Lol I love proving your dumb azzzz wrong.. been driving since 8am.. and moving cars since 1pm.. still another hour or 2 to go.. :) $$$$
Cool. I sat home all day drinking beer watching FB. I don't need or desire a 6th punch.
$1765.81 this week was plenty


Cool. I sat home all day drinking beer watching FB. I don't need or desire a 6th punch.
$1765.81 this week was plenty
I made more than that TAKE HOME at my previous job... Lol thanks auto zone!! I'm here to retire someday... Not to brag about making $1700.. the point to my post was there's a couple guys here that think there know it all's and I just wanted to prove them wrong for what..... The 5th time is it Orion??


Staff member
I made more than that TAKE HOME at my previous job... Lol thanks auto zone!! I'm here to retire someday... Not to brag about making $1700.. the point to my post was there's a couple guys here that think there know it all's and I just wanted to prove them wrong for what..... The 5th time is it Orion??

Please. You left a 100k a year job for UPS?

I really don't think so.

BTW, *they're*

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I made more than that TAKE HOME at my previous job... Lol thanks auto zone!! I'm here to retire someday... Not to brag about making $1700.. the point to my post was there's a couple guys here that think there know it all's and I just wanted to prove them wrong for what..... The 5th time is it Orion??

You made more than $1700/week at AutoZone? Are you sure you're reading those checks right?


You made more than $1700/week at AutoZone? Are you sure you're reading those checks right?
I was a service manager for a car dealership... Everyone here just says auto zone... And I've already posted my paycheck stubs for all to see since money like that seems so mythical to everyone here.. so... Yea... I'm pretty sure I'm telling the truth.. lol


Sure ya did kid. $1700.00 take home weekly is equivalent to about $150,000 a year. Cool story. When you get a minute tell us another one
I've already posted my paycheck... Definitely not lying.. I've yet to lie about anything I've ever stated on here.. i think I've proved just about everything..


Well-Known Member
I was a service manager for a car dealership... Everyone here just says auto zone...

Fair enough. I saw the previous posts and went with it.

And I've already posted my paycheck stubs for all to see since money like that seems so mythical to everyone here.. so... Yea... I'm pretty sure I'm telling the truth.. lol

If that's true, then why would you leave for UPS of all places?! What the hell is wrong with you?


Fair enough. I saw the previous posts and went with it.

If that's true, then why would you leave for UPS of all places?! What the hell is wrong with you?
From the previous post.. again, the auto industry is the only business in the world where you can work for 25 years and make less then when you started... There's no benefits.. no vacation.. even when you take it, you're still working over the phone and emails.. there's no retirement.. no insurance... After 17 years in that business I'm done.. that's why... This is obviously my take home cause it's in my bank account..


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Well-Known Member
From the previous post.. again, the auto industry is the only business in the world where you can work for 25 years and make less then when you started... There's no benefits.. no vacation.. even when you rather it, you're still working over the phone and emails.. there's no retirement.. no insurance... After 17 years in that business I'm done.. that's why... This is obviously my take home cause it's in my bank account..

Hey, we all need a little change sometimes. I get that. But UPS?! You could've taken your skills and experience and gotten a great job somewhere else.


Hey, we all need a little change sometimes. I get that. But UPS?! You could've taken your skills and experience and gotten a great job somewhere else.
In all honesty... When I was a little kid maybe 6th grade, our school bus would always end up at the intersection the same time every day as when all the brown trucks left the hub, and I always thought it was so cool to see them lined almost in formation every morning.. I guess that started my infatuation with it.. i started with ups in 2005 and worked thru all the recession years and quit in 10 due to not being able to get on driving.. I lost so much of myself during those years working 2-3 jobs to try and stick it out, sleeping in my car in the ups parking lot trying to get every minute I could.. almost lost my marriage as well.. so it's kind of just been like, "I'm doing it this time"! Just to prove to myself I could do it.. and to fulfill that childhood memory.. :)


Hey, we all need a little change sometimes. I get that. But UPS?! You could've taken your skills and experience and gotten a great job somewhere else.
I happen to think ups is a great job! Yes, I could of taken my sales and Management experience elsewhere, but I don't want to push for money anymore.. I want to show up, clock in, do my job, and clock out... I was 3.5 hours over aloud the other day.. my boss confronted me about it.. it was so nice to not have to feel like I need to protect myself.. I simply stated, "you guys filled the truck, I emptied it as fast as I could, and arrived back safely. I'll see you in the morning boss". And went home. Felt amazing...