
Inordinately Right
In all honesty... When I was a little kid maybe 6th grade, our school bus would always end up at the intersection the same time every day as when all the brown trucks left the hub, and I always thought it was so cool to see them lined almost in formation every morning.. I guess that started my infatuation with it.. i started with ups in 2005 and worked thru all the recession years and quit in 10 due to not being able to get on driving.. I lost so much of myself during those years working 2-3 jobs to try and stick it out, sleeping in my car in the ups parking lot trying to get every minute I could.. almost lost my marriage as well.. so it's kind of just been like, "I'm doing it this time"! Just to prove to myself I could do it.. and to fulfill that childhood memory.. :)


Well-Known Member
From the previous post.. again, the auto industry is the only business in the world where you can work for 25 years and make less then when you started... There's no benefits.. no vacation.. even when you take it, you're still working over the phone and emails.. there's no retirement.. no insurance... After 17 years in that business I'm done.. that's why... This is obviously my take home cause it's in my bank account..

Post your pay stup for 6/10 $100 says you got paid every two weeks....and why do you only have 4k in the bank if you in fact did bring home 1,700 every week lol


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I was 3.5 hours over aloud the other day.. my boss confronted me about it.. it was so nice to not have to feel like I need to protect myself.. I simply stated, "you guys filled the truck, I emptied it as fast as I could, and arrived back safely. I'll see you in the morning boss". And went home. Felt amazing...

:bsbullf::bsbullf::bsbullf:Just in case you don't know what those emoticons are saying....I think you're full of bulllshiit.

I had you on ignore but I was missing some really epic things you were saying, like the above, so I took you off and boy am I glad I did. You didn't disappoint! You are a covert narcissist and it's too bad you're so insecure with yourself you have to brag about things to people who really don't care.

Like I told you before, you should stick to talking to young kids and those starry eyed seasonals who are still crapping out orientation chow. They might believe your BS but we are adults here and you really have to bring your "A" game if you want to impress us.

A pre-seniority seasonal telling his boss off is classic. You should start a thread about how intimidated your boss was when you owned him.


:bsbullf::bsbullf::bsbullf:Just in case you don't know what those emoticons are saying....I think you're full of bulllshiit.

I had you on ignore but I was missing some really epic things you were saying, like the above, so I took you off and boy am I glad I did. You didn't disappoint! You are a covert narcissist and it's too bad you're so insecure with yourself you have to brag about things to people who really don't care.

Like I told you before, you should stick to talking to young kids and those starry eyed seasonals who are still crapping out orientation chow. They might believe your BS but we are adults here and you really have to bring your "A" game if you want to impress us.

A pre-seniority seasonal telling his boss off is classic. You should start a thread about how intimidated your boss was when you owned him.
That's telling your boss off?? I simply said I delivered the packages, and came back safe, see you tomorrow.. lol...

What world do you live in where that's considered telling off your boss?


Pineapple King
You holding a supposed car line up on a sunny day in the yard doesn't mean jack sheit.
3.5 hours o/a (that's over-allowed, not over aloud)then telling your boss to deal with it,the same one that supposedly massage's your ball sack by letting you make all this easy o/t? I'm done with your :bsbullf:you will hear no more from me. Good day Brownjakebag.


Post your pay stup for 6/10 $100 says you got paid every two weeks....and why do you only have 4k in the bank if you in fact did bring home 1,700 every week lol
Well damn, let's see that $100!! You're all talk, just like the rest.. I can't go back to June on the site anymore... But I'll post a couple from July. :) Of course they're smaller cause I started taking time off to start driving but just to show it was every week.


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Well damn, let's see that $100!! You're all talk, just like the rest.. I can't go back to June on the site anymore... But I'll post a couple from July. :) Of course they're smaller cause I started taking time off to start driving but just to show it was every week.


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Post your pay stup for 6/10 $100 says you got paid every two weeks....and why do you only have 4k in the bank if you in fact did bring home 1,700 every week lol
Those were $1800 I believe without working Saturdays (our busiest days in the car business) cause I was driving... So easily over $2000 if I worked them...


Post your pay stup for 6/10 $100 says you got paid every two weeks....and why do you only have 4k in the bank if you in fact did bring home 1,700 every week lol
That's my direct deposit account... Want to see the savings account??? Lolololol.. I'll hurt your feelings...


You left a job where you basically sat at a kiosk and were grossing between $80-100K to fulfill a lifelong dream of driving a big brown truck?
Stupid huh? I did it to have great insurance and to be able to retire someday.. I'm basically just matching my money and working a little more physical.. but the stress is so much less honestly.. like a breath of fresh air since I've quit the car business.. the only stress I'm dealing with at the moment is what am I going to do when they put me back on the hub in January/February... I can get a job at any car dealership service department with my background.. maybe just go write service again until they start needing me again during the heavier vacation months.. other then that, like I said, I show up, I deliver boxes, and I go home. There's really no stress involved working here.. at least it's so minimal I don't even notice it compared to what I'm use to.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
You left a job where you basically sat at a kiosk and were grossing between $80-100K to fulfill a lifelong dream of driving a big brown truck?

For once I agree with Dave.

Jake looks like you just got called out for all your egotistical BS by more than just me.

And you claim others are the stupid ones??

Orion inc.

I like turtles
In all honesty... When I was a little kid maybe 6th grade, our school bus would always end up at the intersection the same time every day as when all the brown trucks left the hub, and I always thought it was so cool to see them lined almost in formation every morning.. I guess that started my infatuation with it.. i started with ups in 2005 and worked thru all the recession years and quit in 10 due to not being able to get on driving.. I lost so much of myself during those years working 2-3 jobs to try and stick it out, sleeping in my car in the ups parking lot trying to get every minute I could.. almost lost my marriage as well.. so it's kind of just been like, "I'm doing it this time"! Just to prove to myself I could do it.. and to fulfill that childhood memory.. :)

What type of babbling BS story is this?

What are trying to do? Paint your life as a hallmark channel movie at ups???

You are not only severally stupid, you are serverly comical as well.

@Johney i bet this guy brags to the helper he gets about how he's big cheese at ups to fill his ego.

This kid must have very tiny tiny hands.

Very tiny.


For once I agree with Dave.

Jake looks like you just got called out for all your egotistical BS by more than just me.

And you claim others are the stupid ones??
Why don't you go try and make it to the level I made it in that business... I've already proved I can make it in yours.. and then you tell me which you'd prefer to do for the next 30 years..


What type of babbling BS story is this?

What are trying to do? Paint your life as a hallmark channel movie at ups???

You are not only severally stupid, you are serverly comical as well.

@Johney i bet this guy brags to the helper he gets about how he's big cheese at ups to fill his ego.

This kid must have very tiny tiny hands.

Very tiny.
I assure you, no problems there!! yuuuuge I tell ya! #makeamericagreatagain2016