
Never bought my own handtruck
You said 70 hours, which isn't true. Please provide the BA initials. But you can't cuz you were lying. Thats sad.


You live an hour and half away from your center????

So you don't live in Orlando. Well of course that's smart. Let's try to make a career at ups and have that long a commute.

You really do things the hard way don't you Mr quit and try again.
45 minutes... To and from is an hour and a half.. 2+2=4


I've been called worse by much better than you.

And next time learn to write clearly. The way you word your post made it sound as if you drove in to work and it took you an hour and half.

I'm sorry you're as stupid in life as you are here.

Btw way big guy, I'd could leave ups next week permanently and still live a better quality of life than you'll ever come close to. In fact I live a better quality of life now than you'll ever come close to.

But let me know how you feel when you're still working in your 60s/70s for a 20 year pension.

The only garbage on here is all your claims you make at ups. We all know you're so far up your CMs ass, you can see his colon.

Go get in your suped' up Honda and keep thinking you're awesome.

I bet you bragged to your helper how you're "the man" at your center.

Let's us all know how the sort isle in January
I was busting out 230+ stops for 2 weeks with no helper bud. Only needed help 1 night in a blind area... And I was getting most nights done in less than 11 hours..


Says the small penis kid who's never read the contract or supplement.

Nice teamsters avatar. Too bad you don't know your way around a union contract or this union job.

What's it like going through life pretending you're something?

Maybe you can quit a second time like you did the first because the job got too stressful for you.
I've read the contract in all areas that concern me and where I want to be..


And you think that makes you look like your a "bad ass" driver?

No it makes you look like a stupid one who doesn't know how to work at a safe pace and follow the methods.

Hope you can keep that runner gunner pace up the next 30 years. They know now what you'll do.

You just showed everyone on here you don't know how to play the game.
Why? Because he earned his $35 hr? Guess all drivers who work hard are runners and gunners.


And you think that makes you look like your a "bad ass" driver?

No it makes you look like a stupid one who doesn't know how to work at a safe pace and follow the methods.

Hope you can keep that runner gunner pace up the next 30 years. They know now what you'll do.

You just showed everyone on here you don't know how to play the game.
Just because you're a union employee doesn't mean you need to be lazy and avoid doing your job. My job entails working at a brisk pace.. so that's what I do. I work hard for the company I'm proud to represent.. like I've told you many times. I chose this job from a desk job.. you more than likely had no other option...
Actually I have many options unlike you.

Learn to work smart, safe,taking care of the customer and by the methods rookie.

25 Plus year drivers learn that. Guys like you believe the garbage you just posted
They don't learn until it's too late. Nobody here said to work slow, just work like a human being. You don't stay 30 years old forever.