
No names, that's one of the community rules.

8.) You are responsible for protecting your own privacy and respecting the privacy of others. This means no posting of your own or any other person's full name, last name, photos, email addresses, work or home locations, job titles, phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers, or any other personally identifiable or private information. This also means your full name cannot be used as your username or posted anywhere on our site.

Don't care enough to read the all of our rules? Here's the tldr version: Terms of Service and Rules | BrownCafe - UPSers talking about UPS

3. BE CREEPY. Protect privacy, everyone's privacy. You wouldn't like it if you discovered that someone else had posted your name, your face, or a pic of your Mom here. That's creepy, don't be creepy.
Who cares!!!!!!


Bad Moon Risen'
Just because you're a union employee doesn't mean you need to be lazy and avoid doing your job. My job entails working at a brisk pace.. so that's what I do. I work hard for the company I'm proud to represent.. like I've told you many times. I chose this job from a desk job.. you more than likely had no other option...
Define brisk pace. On my annual space & visibility ride my supervisor tries to get me to walk a little faster. Always respond with NM Article 37.1 which states he/she must take into consideration my age & physical condition and not overly supervise the employee.
It always ends there.


Bad Moon Risen'
No, 40 with guarantee pay is the norm.
Have worked 55-60 hours/week since Thanksgiving. They dump on all of us satellites because we don't have pick up pieces that need to make commits back to the center. We were all rolling stops on a consistent basis through peak. Those missed and/or EC'd parcels were never in our EDD the next day.


Define brisk pace. On my annual space & visibility ride my supervisor tries to get me to walk a little faster. Always respond with NM Article 37.1 which states he/she must take into consideration my age & physical condition and not overly supervise the employee.
It always ends there.
I'm 33.. I'm able to work a little harder. I will for sure slow my pace as I get older.. but for now, I earn my paychecks.


Have worked 55-60 hours/week since Thanksgiving. They dump on all of us satellites because we don't have pick up pieces that need to make commits back to the center. We were all rolling stops on a consistent basis through peak. Those missed and/or EC'd parcels were never in our EDD the next day.
I'd love to be a satellite driver.. sounds like a great gig.. any cons?


I started this.
Staff member
Who cares!!!!!!



Ideally the sat driver lives closer to the drop point than the center.
One of my son's friends dad is a satellite driver for about hub.. he loves it.. never goes to the center, never had to talk with management.. doesn't have to make the long drive every day... Sounds great..