Orion inc.

I like turtles
I'm 33.. I'm able to work a little harder. I will for sure slow my pace as I get older.. but for now, I earn my paychecks.

I can guarantee you drivers with 20,30 or even 40 years are "earning their paycheck " much more than you. They built ups into what it is so that jerks like you can quit a first time and come back and get a job again.

Your problem is you don't know how to respect the ones before you who have more seniority and know this career. You think you're the "baddest,fastest and best" upser out there.

Sadly it's guys like you who get hurt, have accidents or so many concerns or DFUs that you damage the brand more than you contributed.

You need to learn your place. Talk less, and learn more.

Oh and the fact that you don't even show respect to @cheryl on her own site in your posts speaks volumes of your lack of character and integrity.

Change your avatar because you're a disgrace to every teamster who has to work with you. You're a typical "I'm the only one who works hard and you all suck compared to my greatness " me-ster!!
So then she should monitor this site for all the bullying and misinformation and take action.. she doesn't, so, again, WHO CARES!!!!
This is a self monitoring community, especially on the holidays while many of the Mods aren't around. If you feel that a post is inappropriate, please report.

And please, please, please


And Merry Christmas

Orion inc.

I like turtles
You and @Orion inc. would be the first she takes action against.
Be careful what you ask for!

Don't drag me into the same class as this ass. I only dish what is deserved at the particular moment.

And if anyone stirs the pot on here it would you. I've said before that your mod privilege should have been revoked awhile ago. But it is what it is.

Don't label others when you do the same or worse behind special protection.
Don't drag me into the same class as this ass. I only dish what is deserved at the particular moment.

And if anyone stirs the pot on here it would you. I've said before that your mod privilege should have been revoked awhile ago. But it is what it is.

Don't label others when you do the same or worse behind special protection.
It's Christmas
Mellow out my Friend

Orion inc.

I like turtles
So then she should monitor this site for all the bullying and misinformation and take action.. she doesn't, so, again, WHO CARES!!!!

You're more than free to leave if you don't like the way she runs things.


No one would miss you or care because you don't contribute anything anyway

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Site isn't what it used to be. Im sure "Cheryl" knows it too. I really dont understand how Orion is allowed to disrespect members so often without getting booted.

I only give what is given. You must have the thinnest skin alive.

And once again, who exactly are you? Because until this week, I've never seen your posts.


I only give what is given. You must have the thinnest skin alive.

And once again, who exactly are you? Because until this week, I've never seen your posts.
Is this a club or something? Am i supposed to check in everyday? I use this site to see what other upsers are chatting about across the country. Then I see posts from know it all wannabes like you and i ask myself wtf was i thinking.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Is this a club or something? Am i supposed to check in everyday? I use this site to see what other upsers are chatting about across the country. Then I see posts from know it all wannabes like you and i ask myself wtf was i thinking.

Uh huh Uh huh. Tell us more


I only give what is given. You must have the thinnest skin alive.

And once again, who exactly are you? Because until this week, I've never seen your posts.
You give what's given?!?! I think it was my my very first post disagreeing with you to another poster that you were giving bag info too! He was asking how long it takes to become a driver.. you told him 7-9 years of he's lucky.. I told him not to listen to you or anyone for that matter based on my past with the company, cause that's absolutely wrong! I would have been driving 3 months after I quit if I stayed.. but I let the hub director tell me it would be another 8-12 years back in 2010... Never listen to anyone about anything in this company.. do your job! Wait your turn is what I learned! And I was driving in less then a year upon my return to the company this time! Every center and hub is different Orion!! Not everyone operates the way yours does!! I'd think you'd know that after 25 years!