
Is this a club or something? Am i supposed to check in everyday? I use this site to see what other upsers are chatting about across the country. Then I see posts from know it all wannabes like you and i ask myself wtf was i thinking.
I thought this was a website of brotherhood that I could learn from... About 3 threads in of reading, there's nothing but cyber bullies talking cyber trash protected behind their computers.. not one of these guys would have the balls to say what they say on here to my face..


That's because I tagged in them you idiot. That was the point.

You're really not all that bright Mr measter
You didn't tag me in them... I just came across it... I see you tried to tag me.. but it didn't highlight me in your desire attempt to pull me to anther thread and talk smack

Orion inc.

I like turtles
You give what's given?!?! I think it was my my very first post disagreeing with you to another poster that you were giving bag info too! He was asking how long it takes to become a driver.. you told him 7-9 years of he's lucky.. I told him not to listen to you or anyone for that matter based on my past with the company, cause that's absolutely wrong! I would have been driving 3 months after I quit if I stayed.. but I let the hub director tell me it would be another 8-12 years back in 2010... Never listen to anyone about anything in this company.. do your job! Wait your turn is what I learned! And I was driving in less then a year upon my return to the company this time! Every center and hub is different Orion!! Not everyone operates the way yours does!! I'd think you'd know that after 25 years!

Let us all know when you hit 25 years and mostly full time years.

Most of us will be long gone retired by then rookie

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Finish the phrase "Orion". But we all know you can't.
would you like my employee number, or my seniority date back in 91? Maybe my center slic code which is 4 digits?Maybe I still have some copies of the ups compass newsletter or the big idea they used to give us??

I remember the stupid slogans and the old HABITS bs.the every package is personal type bs? Yes I remember that. Or the strike in 97 or the Olympic sponsorship and NASCAR.

How about "don't be the one" when it came to safety. Remember that one?

Orion inc.

I like turtles
You would know.. you have the available time to read every post written.. I was just scanning thru a random thread about the 70 hour work week I think it was.. I've never even been in that thread.. read it/posted on it.. anything.. and the very first 2 posts you put there are talking about me.. you sir are trash that can't keep my name off his brain.. it's cool to know you think of me so much tho! Shetbag!

Is this a club or something? Am i supposed to check in everyday? I use this site to see what other upsers are chatting about across the country. Then I see posts from know it all wannabes like you and i ask myself wtf was i thinking.

Again another insult. I guess that's ok?

Every post of yours includes an insult. I wish we could chat face to face.

Well, in 25 years, you'll probably be dead old man.. don't wait around...

Kinda of hypocritical of you to cry others pick on you and are bullies etc and yet here's your posts.

Pot meet kettle???

Orion inc.

I like turtles


Ups went through that phase a lot about how every package is a customer or personal or whatever the catch phrase of the week was. I especially enjoyed when working preload, we used to have to have a tape gun on us and tape up anything immediately that was questionable. I also miss the huge load charts back in the day on the back of the package card and preload had to have some area knowledge and do stop counts by hand.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
65-70 is a nice time to go... You may exit earlier if you'd like... I won't be mad at cha..

I know you're used to disappointment since you drive Honda but I'm in excellent health and will probably outlive you.

I mean you'll be working until 65-70 or later so you might want to worry about your longevity.