
Well-Known Member
Wow. Really? Did they arrange the stops in ODO on the shelf or do you still have to dig through the load?
I'll let you know. Preload isn't starting any earlier so I can't imagine the Orion solutions will be done by the time they start. Most days they aren't even done when we start.


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know. Preload isn't starting any earlier so I can't imagine the Orion solutions will be done by the time they start. Most days they aren't even done when we start.
Gotcha. Well the only way to be able to order it from 1000-8999 on the shelf is if the system knows of everything that’s coming for the day. I heard that they are supposed to order them in Orion order at some point. If your forced to dig through the load, that would be awful. I do an average of 200 stops with a packed truck. 9.5 it is when that happens over here.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with that.
I signed a bid for a route a week ago. I follow orion as close as I can. If I went turn by turn, I would easily triple the number times I back into driveways.
when I am forced to follow ORION I give them 100% - EXACTLY what they asked for - NO driveway backs - but I will go around the block 3 - 4 times...

Blackadder 2

Well-Known Member
when I am forced to follow ORION I give them 100% - EXACTLY what they asked for - NO driveway backs - but I will go around the block 3 - 4 times...

Yep, a few guys in my building followed it 100%, after a few days they were told to not use Orion. I wonder how this will work out...... no I don't. It will be a fluster :censored2:


Well-Known Member
guys I have met ORION & he works night shift at the Valero...


IE boogeyman
Has not been implemented yet and I would not run it if they did.
My job is to deliver businesses first(which I do) and then residential. I will ignore all other options even if I run 40 miles over the solution because I know that my commercial customers are taken care of.
There are certain ways a route must be run and Orion ignores that fact on every solution.
Take for instance when Orion wants me to drive past commercial stops. These are stops that turn that AM delivery around and ship it same day. But Orion wants me to save it all day long and deliver with their scheduled pickup. It ignores that fact that my PO closes at 4 o'clock and wants me to deliver all my businesses after they close. But yet all these stops that it wants me to save for PM delivery are all 1s and 2s.
I have talked to my PDS until I am blue in the face and all he says is it is above his paygrade to fix. Deal with it. So I do... I run it my way and I do it the right way.
your dispatcher lied to you, he can fix that 100%


Well-Known Member
Most mornings its airs, then deliver what's in the way and business customers before entertaining RDO or ODO. There are logical runs that Orion is right on and others that are complete misses. I usually flip between the two for the best route. I wish there is a way for a driver's direct input into Orion in the morning for that day's manifest.

The time for driver's direct input was when the Orion team was in your center.


IE boogeyman
Not if he hasn’t been trained to fix it.
except for training to train drivers, there is no training in FT management

however, the resources available are bottomless; there is a :censored2: ton of educational materials available, all you have to do is ask

a good FT always asks, the :censored2:ty lazy ones never do

i’ve met maybe a couple who honestly wanted to do better but just had no idea how to find resources, 99% fall into the :censored2:ty/lazy category


IE boogeyman
There are probably 100 solutions for every route. that's an awful amount of work on top of what they are already doing.
is that a joke? that’s pretty funny

the hardest part of the PDS job is dealing with whiny drivers from 730-830, and maybe your own center or DM the hour before that

before and after those times, it’s ez


Well-Known Member
except for training to train drivers, there is no training in FT management

however, the resources available are bottomless; there is a :censored2: ton of educational materials available, all you have to do is ask

a good FT always asks, the :censored2:ty lazy ones never do

i’ve met maybe a couple who honestly wanted to do better but just had no idea how to find resources, 99% fall into the :censored2:ty/lazy category

Ok I'm asking. What can I tell my PDS to study? Please I'd love to know. He thinks he knows everything but it's obvious he doesn't. We have ORION but don't use it here so he has no excuse there.