
Yes, I know I'm working late.
won't be anything left to hide behind

why doesn't Orion work?
It's like this.... They give you a spoon and tell you it's a hammer. Not just any hammer, but the best damn hammer in the world. A billion dollar hammer with a fancy name (Orion). You will be able to build a house in 8.25 hours with this super hammer. But it's still just a damn spoon.


Well-Known Member
As far as management goes, where on the totem pole is the dispatcher?
In my old district they were either the mgr candidates or the 30+ year sups who remembered when a belt and a motor was new technology, so either way, they were the "lead" sups. Since I've been in corporate I've been surprised to hear a lot of districts are putting rookies in the PDS jobs.


parameters or the map info are :censored2:ed up

because we’re retarded?

the real answer is our base maps are so :censored2:ed up but nobody wants to admit that it would take 3-5 years of detailed work being done in each district by PFT

nobody wants to sit down and actually fix the system when they can just blame drivers

Finally the Truth is Out

Thank you


Well-Known Member
parameters or the map info are :censored2:ed up

because we’re retarded?

the real answer is our base maps are so :censored2:ed up but nobody wants to admit that it would take 3-5 years of detailed work being done in each district by PFT

nobody wants to sit down and actually fix the system when they can just blame drivers
What is a base map and why is it different than whatever the heck we are screwing up now?


Well-Known Member
You know, you keep coming on here to justify Orion and its function. I applaud your dedication to the beast that is Orion. However, the one ultimate question that remains is.....Why, if all these variables could be included in the Orion solution, was it not done right before implementation?
What could have been a thing that is helpful or beneficial has made a mockery of the UPS driver position and made us look like fools.
I'm giving you a heartfelt, honest response to that one. Too many people in mgmt work at looking good instead of being good. Why grind away for 11 hours a day and refine some geeky tool when I can play politics and song and dance my way into a promotion instead. We've cut management to where we can't check up on each other, so, we pull the power out of IE and just take the ops managers word for everything. That's where this fight is. We know that no one is fixing ORION. The next chess move is to remove the RDO crutch in a bid to MAKE people fix it. We will see what happens.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I think that ORION sounds good in principle, but it wasn't ready for it's full potential when it was implemented. From a safety standpoint, it fails big time in knowing the best way to deliver a section because it simply doesn't know it's Left from it's Right. As a driver, I want to work out of my passenger door all day as much as I can. I want to drive down a main road and deliver the subdivisions on the right side to save time in traffic and make right turns as much as possible. Anybody with a brain should understand that.

I remember when EDD/PAL started, a team was put into our Center to figure out the best way to run a route. We were asked to come in ten minutes early for our input using our area knowledge. Some drivers took advantage of this, but most didn't bother. So the team drug the mouse over the computer screen to set up a master trace. This was done by somebody that had no idea about the many variables that a driver has to deal with every day. It seems to me that my ORION trace is based on this faulty data. I can beat my planned day by several miles if everything goes right. I have three areas that I know I can outsmart the computer. I waste a lot more time in the back of the package car digging through a poor load trying to make the plan happen. With all this technology UPS has, why can't the package car be loaded in order?
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Been around the block a few times
With all this technology UPS has, why can't the package car be loaded in order?

Even if it was loaded in order, it would not be correct until time is taken to write the entire route correctly. If the Orion was loaded in the truck just the way it sits now, it would be the worst CF you could ever imagine.


IE boogeyman
What is a base map and why is it different than whatever the heck we are screwing up now?
i mean to say the DOL/RDO that exists now + whatever characteristics we put into the ORION maps (speed limits, road types, blocked paths, etc) when they were deployed

for example, most of what the ORION teams introduced was probably fine and good stuff

the problem is if they came into a center and the DOL/RDO was already screwed up, or it just happened to be an extremely complicated trace, they just rushed past it instead of fixing the rot that had been there for years

this is 90% about fixing the mistakes the PAS/EDD teams made years ago, with maybe another 10% in detail the ORION teams may have left out

The Driver

I drive.
They pay us $36 an hour to deliver a lot of stuff. They can't rely on people making the kind of money we make to do it in the smartest way possible? Hubris.


Well-Known Member
They pay us $36 an hour to deliver a lot of stuff. They can't rely on people making the kind of money we make to do it in the smartest way possible? Hubris.
Not hubris, but a challenge moving forward, absolutely.

In the drive to automate, that information can't be only held in the minds of a driver or two, and possibly an on-road sup. We have to download it to the system.

What we are finding is we can gather the information, but we have a shortage of people who can interpret and utilize the information properly. The question is becoming less about automating the driver and more about asking if there is an opportunity to automate the PDS.


IE boogeyman
  • so traffic patterns will now factor automatically into your ORION solutions, rather than having to be input manually by the PDS
  • driver suggestions can now be made on your check in stations, electronically they will need to be resolved by the PDS; so basically if you say some street is jacked up they will be forced to resolve it or have to explain to IE why they didn’t


Well-Known Member
My Orion after it was set up was pretty much 95-100 percent everyday. Management couldn't believe I could run it 100 percent when it was implemented. When the first upgrade to the Orion came out months later all of the information by the Orion team was wiped out. Its been a total disaster since.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Until The truck is loaded 100% ORION I can not run ORION! It is as simple as that. Friday I had 300 pieces in a P8. I could not walk through my truck before 3:30. My 4th through 6th stops ORION wanted me to pull singles from 5200. I could not see the 5000 boxes let alone touch those packages! Orion also had me delivering no less than 11 packages to commercials after 6:30 which I knew closed at 5pm.

Removing RDO from boards will result in UPS no longer "bricking" out my truck day in and day out. It is not only my route but also the route to the east of me as well as the both routes to my north! I do not see UPS shooting itself in the foot this ignorantly! Just my 2 cents!


Been around the block a few times
Until The truck is loaded 100% ORION I can not run ORION! It is as simple as that.

Again....It is not as simple as that. As I stated before the Orion solution is derived from information that is flawed. Until routes are rewritten to the nth degree of perfect then the Orion solution will never be correct and you will spend more time chasing runners than delivering the route in its most effective form.