Well-Known Member
I have no idea how any of this works and I'm not super clear on my responsibilities, they made it sound like I'll be sitting in front of a computer, making phone calls....guess I'll find out tomorrow.
That is the basics of what you will be doing. The most important thing is to make sure the helpers show up at the meet point on time (5 minutes early would be nice) dressed and ready to work. We will take care of any DIAD training that needs to be done. You will need to track their hours----you will become very familiar with the numbers .99----and make sure that helpers are not being underutilized (they will quit) or abused (they will quit). The single most important thing is to make sure you get their paychecks to them on the same day that they are in the center, which is usually Thursday or Friday. Helpers get pissed when we don't get their checks to them in a timely manner. Their last check is always held until they turn in their uniforms. You will catch crap from the drivers, helpers and management but, if you do a good job, the door is open for a permanent position after Peak. Good luck.