Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
I am at a total loss of what you are all discussing, saddened and at a loss. Either way I think this is the wrong thread, forum, or website for this discussion.

Really?? At a loss??? Over Her Man Cain?? Please, the guy is just working on getting himself a full time gig on Fox "news" channel next year as an "analyst"!! Like I said before: get used to Obama v Romney


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Really?? At a loss??? Over Her Man Cain?? Please, the guy is just working on getting himself a full time gig on Fox "news" channel next year as an "analyst"!! Like I said before: get used to Obama v Romney
Hello, world to 804.
I was talking about the bunches in pants front and back. The weeny whackers, etc.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Boy oh Boy,

the never ending trail of women has just got longer! CAIN himself tells CNN that he "expects" another woman to come forward and alledge that she had an extra marital affair with CAIN for 13 years!

I cant wait for the story to unfold!! Funny how this time, CAIN is trying to get in front of the curve, rather than wait for it. I find it wierd, that he knows the woman yet claims anything she might say is untrue, even though he hasnt spoken to her!

How would he know what she is going to say? How would he know that it is not true? Hmmm? Maybe its just a HUGE coincedence that all these women are coming forward... (yeah right!)

Oh well, Im glad Herman Cain can add more fuel to the fire for us all to laugh at!

Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh and this gem by his attorney!

Read Cain attorney Lin Wood's full statement below:

"Mr. Cain has been informed today that your television station plans to
broadcast a story this evening in which a female will make an accusation that
she engaged in a 13-year long physical relationship with Mr. Cain. This is not
an accusation of harassment in the workplace - this is not an accusation of an
assault - which are subject matters of legitimate inquiry to a political

Rather, this appears to be an accusation of private, alleged consensual
conduct between adults -
a subject matter which is not a proper subject of
inquiry by the media or the public. No individual, whether a private citizen, a
candidate for public office or a public official, should be questioned about his
or her private sexual life. The public's right to know and the media's right to
report has boundaries and most certainly those boundaries end outside of one's
bedroom door.

Mr. Cain has alerted his wife to this new accusation and discussed it with
her. He has no obligation to discuss these types of accusations publicly with
the media and he will not do so even if his principled position is viewed
unfavorably by members of the media."

Looks like things will be a bit "chilly" in the CAIN bedroom for a while....

Let me be the first to say:




Engorged Member
Boy oh Boy,

the never ending trail of women has just got longer! CAIN himself tells CNN that he "expects" another woman to come forward and alledge that she had an extra marital affair with CAIN for 13 years!

I cant wait for the story to unfold!! Funny how this time, CAIN is trying to get in front of the curve, rather than wait for it. I find it wierd, that he knows the woman yet claims anything she might say is untrue, even though he hasnt spoken to her!

How would he know what she is going to say? How would he know that it is not true? Hmmm? Maybe its just a HUGE coincedence that all these women are coming forward... (yeah right!)

Oh well, Im glad Herman Cain can add more fuel to the fire for us all to laugh at!

Woman claims 13-year affair with Herman Cain - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


He didn't do it. Anyone who records songs to Jesus couldn't have had problems contolling his own urges. Don't you see? God, we Liberals are so "stupid". Where are all of those Righties who said Cain wouldn't crach and burn?


golden ticket member
When it comes to Jesus, you have to direct questions to people with a Rev. or a Father before their name....
Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Rev. Al Sharpton
Rev. Jesse Jackson

I'll take Father Jonathan Morris, thankyou.


Nine Lives
Unfortunately, I don't see much difference between these two.
That's what I said about McCann and Obama. I'll never make that mistake again.
Romney may not be your candidate (certainly not mine) but he is undoubtedly 100 times better for the country than Obama.
Keep your eye on the target ... anyone but Obama.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
OMG you people act like Cain if its true is the only man in the world who ever had an affair. Statstics say 1/3 of us cheat at some time in a relationship, and the rest have thought about it at one time.
Im not saying it is right, and I said along time ago, that I did not think he would get the nomination, but are ya all lily white?
if so good for you and you have a lucky, and deserving spouse since you do, take vows.
When I see pics from this 13 yr affair, I will believe it. As a woman having had several relationships before I found the right one, I took pics, tons of pics, and I have kept everyone. (except for a few I cut the heads off in a weak moment) So lets see pics of the dalliance.
And even then he is unfit because women came forward for their 15 minutes of fame? What to prove they were a trollop, who ran with a married man for 13 yrs, while she was also married.
He may not get the nom, but I applaud him for trying.
this is why I would never run for anything except my life. I am not a perfect person.
Judge not lest you be judged.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
We're on Newt & Mitt now, get with the program.
My worry with Newt is that he can be a loose cannon. The more support he gets I am afraid he will say things to infuriate the independants. He has a tendancy to overstep. He is probably the smartest legislator in the country but you have to be able to play to all people as a leader. Can he do that.
Personally, I think he would kick Bucks arse in head to head debates and I would love to see Bucks arse kicked all over the stage.

Newt has a proven record of working with the Democrats and I think we could see some great and historic legislation come from a Gingrich administration.


Well-Known Member
That's what I said about McCann and Obama. I'll never make that mistake again.
Romney may not be your candidate (certainly not mine) but he is undoubtedly 100 times better for the country than Obama.
Keep your eye on the target ... anyone but Obama.

The only thing Obama has got going for him is the weak bunch of clowns on the far right that are running against him. "Anyone but Obama " sounds alot like the 1996 slogan "ANyone but Clinton"...How did that work out??