Herman Cain

Another closet "queer" hiding behind the cloth. Get serious.


I DID NOT sexually harrass doe's womens.... I DID NOT sexually assault doe's womens....

I DID NOT have no aff fars with any womens...


The pics is fine, the way you describe his speech (is) a little over the edge...............
The photo shopped pic is racist also. Tos wants us to believe only BLACK republicans dress like pimps. We all know that white democrats are also.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
One step forward, two steps back.....you'll never get ahead walking like that....

It must be sad to watch your GOP candidates blow up right in front of your faces like landmines, eh?


It must be sad to watch your GOP candidates blow up right in front of your faces like landmines, eh?
Awww, nice attempt at deflection...but alas.....another fail.

Is there a reason for finding a picture of a black man being excused for mine field duty? Are they not supposed to be happy about that or do you think that is all they are good for? WOW, you're obvious racism is glowing.

Oh, where's that proof of Laura Bush killing someone while DUI ????

One more little detail, which one of those are MY candidate?
Would you be one of those "fools?"

I would say yes, but I would like you to acknowledge it first.


I didn't need to magnify the pic to know......The fool is you for even posting it after you have riled time and time again against photo shopped photos.I was merely throwing your own words back to you.


It must be sad to watch your GOP candidates blow up right in front of your faces like landmines, eh?



You just keep hoping this is the case. Even though we know Herman Cain is completely innocent of these allegations that doesn't mean Obama wouldn't use it against him if he becomes the nominee. It is what Obama does since he has a poor record that won't draw in voters he has to tear down his opponent through false accusations in order to have a shot at a 2nd term. Don't you think its quite sad when your ideals won't win you an election and your only hope is the demonizing of your opponent?

I have already posted an article on a much more accurate lie detection system and that is voice analysis. Cain's speech at his press conference was run through such an analysis and it came out that he was telling the truth. His accusers press conference was run through the same analysis and was found to be a lie. This voice analysis has been found to be 95% accurate in lie detection and is used by police departments here and abroad. Cain is telling the truth, and his accusers are not. Case closed!
The facts are in the article I posted. Are you so afraid of the truth that you avoid reading it when it is put right in front of you?

This is an excellent example of why we need a loser pays court system. You see these sorts of allegations can be made by just about any female in the workplace, and they can be difficult to prove or deny. The company gets stuck in the middle of these arguments and knows that it has two choices, either pay attorneys tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting claims like these in the courts, or pay the accusers a little bit of money to get them to go away. The money doesn't necessarily mean the accuser was right, but that the company knows that even if it wins in court it still loses out on a lot of money in legal fees. If we had a loser pays court system these accusers would be less likly to make these claims, and even if they did the companies are more likely to fight them in court knowing they should get fully reimbursed at some point in the future if they win. In Herman's case this would have been a non issue because the court would have already decided the women were just a couple of gold diggers looking to extort money from their company and his reputation would not be put into the jeopardy that it is.

Those of you cheering on this circus better understand one thing, and that is if Herman comes out of this unscathed, and starts to win primaries when they start up in Jan. this will not weaken him, but only make him stronger. He is still polling ahead in Iowa as well as other states so obviously people are not too worried about this, and when this is all over you are going to have to contend with a nearly bullet proof candidate who will completely decimate Obama in the general election.

Moreluck is right. You have no credibility.
It's scientifically verifiable evidence that Herman Cain is telling the truth and his "accusers" are not.
As soon as you stated what I highlighted in bold you immediately lost the argument. Keep in mind the software in the article is a $15,000 piece of software. It is no joke and is in use actively by both authorities here in this country and around the world. Its obvious Herman is innocent as this has more weight than some nameless, faceless bimbos who only wish to smear the reputation of an honest, hard working man.

I realize that you cannot compete with me toe to toe when it comes to intellect, but must you post pictured of places you want to visit on vacation when I leave you speechless?



Well-Known Member
I think it would really benefit Herman to get some of the best private investigators in the country to go follow these women around and see who has been paying them or otherwise coercing them into making these untrue statements. Science has already proven Herman is telling the truth, so he needs to look into what forces are behind the obvious smear campaign. I still maintain this is Chicago politics at play here and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever wonder why that press conference of all of Herman's "accusers" never happened? I will tell you why. The women involved had bogus claims and knew they were, and when Herman brought Lin Wood into the fray they could count on getting subpoenaed and having to explain themselves in an actual court of law instead of the much safer (for them) court of public opinion. They knew they would be exposed not only as liars, but would be exposing themselves to potentially millions of dollars of liability for ruining Herman's good name. Now we have a woman Herman knows, and has known for a long time, and the best you can come up with is she had his private cell phone number? Most of the people that I consider friends have my personal cell phone number, but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with that.

I have come to the conclusion that Herman is a threat to the current establishment of politicians who doesn't want someone honest, up front, and is actually willing to tackle tough problems with real solutions rather than political rhetoric. The obstacles thrown in his way may prove to be too much to overcome, and it only highlights why many qualified and intelligent people who would make fantastic President's don't run because this circus is more than they want to put up with. I personally find it sad that when you can't overcome the ideas of your political opponent you must tear apart his character in front the public eye in order to maintain a shot at an office that you either doesn't deserve to win or continue to hold.