Herman Cain


Engorged Member
OMG you people act like Cain if its true is the only man in the world who ever had an affair. Statstics say 1/3 of us cheat at some time in a relationship, and the rest have thought about it at one time.
Im not saying it is right, and I said along time ago, that I did not think he would get the nomination, but are ya all lily white?
if so good for you and you have a lucky, and deserving spouse since you do, take vows.
When I see pics from this 13 yr affair, I will believe it. As a woman having had several relationships before I found the right one, I took pics, tons of pics, and I have kept everyone. (except for a few I cut the heads off in a weak moment) So lets see pics of the dalliance.
And even then he is unfit because women came forward for their 15 minutes of fame? What to prove they were a trollop, who ran with a married man for 13 yrs, while she was also married.
He may not get the nom, but I applaud him for trying.
this is why I would never run for anything except my life. I am not a perfect person.
Judge not lest you be judged.

He tried. He lied. He failed (probably). Not judging yet, but the water in Herman's pot is at 211 degrees friend right now. I think Mrs. Cain probably has a large cast iron model that's going to have an imprint of Cain's head very soon.


Well-Known Member
My worry with Newt is that he can be a loose cannon. The more support he gets I am afraid he will say things to infuriate the independants. He has a tendancy to overstep. He is probably the smartest legislator in the country but you have to be able to play to all people as a leader. Can he do that.
Personally, I think he would kick Bucks arse in head to head debates and I would love to see Bucks arse kicked all over the stage.

Newt has a proven record of working with the Democrats and I think we could see some great and historic legislation come from a Gingrich administration.

LOL, the newt is just the latest flavor of the not-romney month. He might be the smartest on that stage, but that doesnt say much. The newt is an ideologue, nothing more. He likes to hear himself lecture. He is very arrogant. Romney is already running against Obama. The circus is over. Obama v Romney. Obamacare vs Romneycare. Obama equipped with his teleprompter vs Romney equipped with his magic underwear. GOOD GRIEF!!


Nine Lives
LOL, the newt is just the latest flavor of the not-romney month. He might be the smartest on that stage, but that doesnt say much. The newt is an ideologue, nothing more. He likes to hear himself lecture. He is very arrogant. Romney is already running against Obama. The circus is over. Obama v Romney. Obamacare vs Romneycare. Obama equipped with his teleprompter vs Romney equipped with his magic underwear. GOOD GRIEF!!

It all is rather pathetic in a way but this is the way it is done.


Well-Known Member
It all is rather pathetic in a way but this is the way it is done.

Time to stop doing things "the way it is done" because it just gets us what we already have . Why not open up the system to third parties. Have Ron Paul run on the libertarian ticket, nader run on the green ticket and Obama and Romney can run in the two 1% parties. Allow them into the debates next year with matching funds from the treasury and lets have a real debate and a real democratic race!!


golden ticket member
My worry with Newt is that he can be a loose cannon. The more support he gets I am afraid he will say things to infuriate the independants. He has a tendancy to overstep. He is probably the smartest legislator in the country but you have to be able to play to all people as a leader. Can he do that.
Personally, I think he would kick Bucks arse in head to head debates and I would love to see Bucks arse kicked all over the stage.

Newt has a proven record of working with the Democrats and I think we could see some great and historic legislation come from a Gingrich administration.
I like the working across the aisle thing. Obama has proven he can't and we have proof that Newt can and so says Bill Clinton!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I dont think Ron Paul should run on a third ticket. He is a strong candidate, but they never give him any time. they want to write him off as a whack job, as they do Nader. I disagree with 9/11 being deserved, as Paul says, but other than that on most things I agree with him. At least he doesnt have women problems, yet.:happy2:
Nader, hes mostly into consumer frauds, is he not? Never heard him say much else. Never heard him at all this yr.


Well-Known Member
I dont think Ron Paul should run on a third ticket. He is a strong candidate, but they never give him any time. they want to write him off as a whack job, as they do Nader. I disagree with 9/11 being deserved, as Paul says, but other than that on most things I agree with him. At least he doesnt have women problems, yet.:happy2:
Nader, hes mostly into consumer frauds, is he not? Never heard him say much else. Never heard him at all this yr.

Read up on Ralph. He has alot to say about the important issues of the day and he has a strong and respectable resume'.


Well-Known Member
I like the working across the aisle thing. Obama has proven he can't and we have proof that Newt can and so says Bill Clinton!!

The only reason the newt "worked across the aisle" is because he had to.. The president was a Dem and he would veto their agenda.

To say that Obama did not try to be bipartisan is nonsense. His problem is that he is too centrist with no core philosophy. Repubs are just too far out there!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
When it comes to Jesus, you have to direct questions to people with a Rev. or a Father before their name....
Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Rev. Al Sharpton
Rev. Jesse Jackson

I'll take Father Jonathan Morris, thankyou.

Another closet "queer" hiding behind the cloth. Get serious.



Engorged Member
I like the working across the aisle thing. Obama has proven he can't and we have proof that Newt can and so says Bill Clinton!!

How do you negotiate with people whose only ideas are to say "no", and to make sure Obama isn't re-elected? Newt has nothing but the same old stuff he had before. Different words, same concept. Yawn.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
OMG you people act like Cain if its true is the only man in the world who ever had an affair. Statstics say 1/3 of us cheat at some time in a relationship, and the rest have thought about it at one time.
Im not saying it is right, and I said along time ago, that I did not think he would get the nomination, but are ya all lily white?
if so good for you and you have a lucky, and deserving spouse since you do, take vows.
When I see pics from this 13 yr affair, I will believe it. As a woman having had several relationships before I found the right one, I took pics, tons of pics, and I have kept everyone. (except for a few I cut the heads off in a weak moment) So lets see pics of the dalliance.
And even then he is unfit because women came forward for their 15 minutes of fame? What to prove they were a trollop, who ran with a married man for 13 yrs, while she was also married.
He may not get the nom, but I applaud him for trying.
this is why I would never run for anything except my life. I am not a perfect person.
Judge not lest you be judged.

Theres a big difference between YOUR description of "affairs" and Herman Cains. You did not include GOD in your descriptions. CAIN on the other hand, has tried to portray himself as a GOD fearing Christian, a man whos soul answers to GOD, a man who tells us that GOD spoke to him and told him to run for president.

This is the problem with the Christian right. They are all so phoney with GOD and their beliefs. Look at Newt, now all of a sudden he wants to claim that he Spoke to GOD and GOD forgave him for his indescretions.

At any rate, The GOP 2012 INDECISION gets more ridiculous as the months pass.

CAIN will be out shortly, right about the time his wife leaves him. I hope he goes to speak to GOD again and takes better advice than to run for elected office.

The PAIN Train has left the tracks!

Another closet "queer" hiding behind the cloth. Get serious.


I DID NOT sexually harrass doe's womens.... I DID NOT sexually assault doe's womens....

I DID NOT have no aff fars with any womens...

Now we have you one record as a homophobic and a racist...next thing ya know you'll be proving out to be a hypocrite.
Ooooops, that ship has already sailed too.
Another closet "queer" hiding behind the cloth. Get serious.


I DID NOT sexually harrass doe's womens.... I DID NOT sexually assault doe's womens....

I DID NOT have no aff fars with any womens...


Theres a big difference between YOUR description of "affairs" and Herman Cains. You did not include GOD in your descriptions. CAIN on the other hand, has tried to portray himself as a GOD fearing Christian, a man whos soul answers to GOD, a man who tells us that GOD spoke to him and told him to run for president.

This is the problem with the Christian right. They are all so phoney with GOD and their beliefs. Look at Newt, now all of a sudden he wants to claim that he Spoke to GOD and GOD forgave him for his indescretions.

At any rate, The GOP 2012 INDECISION gets more ridiculous as the months pass.

CAIN will be out shortly, right about the time his wife leaves him. I hope he goes to speak to GOD again and takes better advice than to run for elected office.

The PAIN Train has left the tracks!

I don't remember Cain being proven to have committed any sexual harassment to date. I don't remember Cain ever saying God told him to sexually harass anyone or have an affair with anyone. Care to provide proof of either or both of those? I didn't think so.
You're failed attempt to tie these together as well as Newt's statement illustrates only one thing. You have no understanding of Christian faith and only contempt for anyone on the right side of politics.