Herman Cain


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Let me re phrase. I dont care how they spend their money. As long as they pay me. If they start supporting killing whales, or endangered species, or refusing to deliver to farmers, oil well workers, or yacht builders, and I dont like it, I can quit, and not give them my productivity. I can go work for whale wars, work with Green peace, or I could protest the company.
If I dont like what the union does......... I can pound salt, remove myself by evoking my beck rights and shoot myself in the eye, if I get set up by them. or I can continue to let them use part of my dues, kind of like extortion to remain in business. to be sent to candidates I dont approve of. mafia tactics you say? Kinda, but its a fact of life for now. Just one I dont agree with.
happy Thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving, Tooner and all.


Here's the Rockstar Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe just for you and the rest of the gang here.

How To Cook A Turkey: First, buy the turkey and a bottle of whiskey. Pour yourself a glass of whiskey and put the turkey in the oven. Take another 2 drinks of whiskey, and set the degree at 375 ovens. Have 3 more whiskeys of drink and turn the oven on. Take 4 whisks of drinky and turk the bastey. Stick a turkey in the thermometer, and glass yourself a pour of whiskey. Bake the whiskey for 4 hours, take the oven out of the turkey, and floor the turkey up off the pick. Pour yourself another glass of turkey. Now just tet the sable, and turk the carvey!

My daughter got this from our good family friend in Toshi Iseda thus why we call it the Rockstar Recipe. I talked with Toshi earlier tonight and he swears the outcome of the recipe is always different. I'm not surprised!

Have a great holiday everyone!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Good one wkmac, looking like how my day will go. No company so, let loose and cook the goose, turkey whatever. No schedule, no company, no food, no commitment.


Well-Known Member
True, but would you rather work for UPS wages or FedEx wages for the same type work? Who profits the most by a low-wage workforce, the employee or the employer? If you only knew how good you have it in comparison to non-union companies that do the same thing. You make 30-40% more per hour, with good medical and retirement, plus they cannot fire you just because they feel like it that day.

If it weren't for the great pay and benefits I would not be a truck driver right now. I had other aspirations in life, but was presented with a good job opportunity with a solid company which really made sense for what I wanted to accomplish in life. If I found myself working for Fedex I certainly would not be complaining about it because I would have been the one who filed out the job application and accepted the position at whatever pay it happened to be. I would then work hard to better my life by either going into management or finishing up school to move on to a more lucrative career. Do you see a common theme here? I am willing to rely on myself to better my life. I wouldn't run to a union or the government to do it for me because that is not what a truly free individual does.

If you really drink the GOP Kool-Aid, quit UPS and come over here to FedEx. With your UPS experience, they'd hire you in a second....for $15 per hour. Then you could pull yourself up by your bootstraps Republican-style without that socialist Teamsters union. Really, you don't have a clue.

Oh give it up, TOS has tried to make the same point, but I believe I have earned where i am today. I worked most of the last decade making peanuts in order to get here, and the only way I am giving it up is because i found a better deal elsewhere, or circumstances beyond my control force me out. I can assure you that I won't go just because a couple of :censored2:s are unhappy with my viewpoints.

Here's the Rockstar Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe just for you and the rest of the gang here.

My daughter got this from our good family friend in Toshi Iseda thus why we call it the Rockstar Recipe. I talked with Toshi earlier tonight and he swears the outcome of the recipe is always different. I'm not surprised!

Have a great holiday everyone!
Love the recipe! Funny stuff there.
Not to take away from your friends accomplishments but to show my ignorance of rock music, the only associate or group listed in his bio that have heard of is Frank Zappa. LOL Maybe it just shows my age and personal choice in music?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You (Fedex) and Buck have all the answers! How has that been working out?

Somehow I posted the wrong quote.. This was meant for MrFedEx about his post in response to Brett. non-union jobs = lower wages.

MrFedEx, I realize I am just a simple man but as you were writing another post asking someone to quit UPS and go to FDX and make $15 / hour .... I was thinking why hasn't this person (you) quit FDX and come work for UPS. I just don't get it. You are a free individual to make positive changes in your life for a better wage & benefits. Why do you keep working at FDX?????

I love how you continue to show your elitist attitude...putting down anyone to the right of you. To me personally, this re-inforces my feeling about the type of folks I consider ubers.

When it comes to gathering news and information to help guide me in my decisions, I utilize my life learning history and what I have seen happen. I gather news that is in the mainstream of our population. My compare the political spectrum to a bell curve. I discount the extremes on both sides left and right. I consider you to be an kool aid drinker on the left and anyone on the right such as Limbaugh (who I think is an extremist on the right).

My feeling is Buck has helped to promote the left vs right waring factions which has stagnated this country and sent it in the wrong direction. It is forcing reasonable people to PICK A SIDE. If I have to pick a side I will side with the right every time. I don't like what is happening with this country that is why Buck and his leftist, socialistic group has got to go! It won't be long and we will be comparing this country to what happened in the 1850s and 1860s.


Engorged Member
If it weren't for the great pay and benefits I would not be a truck driver right now. I had other aspirations in life, but was presented with a good job opportunity with a solid company which really made sense for what I wanted to accomplish in life. If I found myself working for Fedex I certainly would not be complaining about it because I would have been the one who filed out the job application and accepted the position at whatever pay it happened to be. I would then work hard to better my life by either going into management or finishing up school to move on to a more lucrative career. Do you see a common theme here? I am willing to rely on myself to better my life. I wouldn't run to a union or the government to do it for me because that is not what a truly free individual does.

Oh give it up, TOS has tried to make the same point, but I believe I have earned where i am today. I worked most of the last decade making peanuts in order to get here, and the only way I am giving it up is because i found a better deal elsewhere, or circumstances beyond my control force me out. I can assure you that I won't go just because a couple of :censored2:s are unhappy with my viewpoints.

You sound like a page from the Libertarian playbook. I may be a ":censored2:", but at least I have a grasp on reality. If you're such a strong believer in individual accomplishment, walk your talk and leave your union "crutch" behind. You are being propped-up by a socialist organization (the IBT), and you need to give the UPS "job creators" free reign over your wages by letting the market decide. You're way too easy.


Well-Known Member

How hard are you pushing FedEx to unionize? What are you doing to equalize the disparity? As a self-proclaimed liberal, pro-union backer, doesn't some of this fall back on you?


Engorged Member
Somehow I posted the wrong quote.. This was meant for MrFedEx about his post in response to Brett. non-union jobs = lower wages.

MrFedEx, I realize I am just a simple man but as you were writing another post asking someone to quit UPS and go to FDX and make $15 / hour .... I was thinking why hasn't this person (you) quit FDX and come work for UPS. I just don't get it. You are a free individual to make positive changes in your life for a better wage & benefits. Why do you keep working at FDX?????

I love how you continue to show your elitist attitude...putting down anyone to the right of you. To me personally, this re-inforces my feeling about the type of folks I consider ubers.

When it comes to gathering news and information to help guide me in my decisions, I utilize my life learning history and what I have seen happen. I gather news that is in the mainstream of our population. My compare the political spectrum to a bell curve. I discount the extremes on both sides left and right. I consider you to be an kool aid drinker on the left and anyone on the right such as Limbaugh (who I think is an extremist on the right).

My feeling is Buck has helped to promote the left vs right waring factions which has stagnated this country and sent it in the wrong direction. It is forcing reasonable people to PICK A SIDE. If I have to pick a side I will side with the right every time. I don't like what is happening with this country that is why Buck and his leftist, socialistic group has got to go! It won't be long and we will be comparing this country to what happened in the 1850s and 1860s.

Actually, I make most of my income from investing and real estate, so the only reason I stay at FedEx is for the medical, which isn't great, but is better than paying independently. I'm in my mid 40's, so shifting over to UPS would be difficult at best. I don't want to spend 5 years or so as a pre-loader.

It's funny you mention the 1800's, because that's where I think the Right wants to go. Back to an era where white was always right, there were no environmental concerns, and you could do whatever you wanted to whenever you felt like it. We can't go back in time, unless you're on the Right and believe that it is possible. That's romantic idiocy, and completely backward.

If the fact that I fervently disagree with you and the Right makes me an "uber", then I'm proud to be one. The Right is the side that discounts science, evolution, and global warming, yet believes in a one size fits all religion (Christianity) that will make everything OK. Righties also seem blissfully unaware that there is actually a world beyond our borders where other cultures view things differently. In other words, the USA can't steamroller their way of life across the rest of the planet like they used to, and that pisses you off.

"Buck" is just another way that you on the Right try and twist the knife around with terms that a lot of people would be offended by and would normally choose not to use. It's a game constantly played by the folks at FOX and countless Libertarian and GOP radio hosts around the country. Race-baiting, attacking public employees, and painting anything progressive as socialist when you don't even know what socialism is.

The one thing I'll agree with you is that the truth is neither on the Far Left or Right. I discount Olbermann and Schultz just as much as I do Hannity and Limbaugh. At least the Lefties pander to a more intelligent crowd of "ubers' than the dummy Tea Party types, who let others do their thinking for them.


golden ticket member
".............. The Right is the side that discounts science, evolution,........."

This broad-broom statement isn't so. I'm right and I believe in evolution !!! I don't think I'm the only one! Your repeating crap that you hear from Wolf or Chris or another of MSM stooges.


golden ticket member
".................At least the Lefties pander to a more intelligent crowd of "ubers' than the dummy Tea Party types, who let others do their thinking for them. ...........""
Oh, like Alan Colmes, Sally Kohn, Maddow, Pollan, Bob Beckel,Juan Williams....... That Sally broad drives me nuts.....it's not intelligence, it's not pausing to take a breath during her litany of talking points. She's ridiculous!


Engorged Member
".................At least the Lefties pander to a more intelligent crowd of "ubers' than the dummy Tea Party types, who let others do their thinking for them. ...........""
Oh, like Alan Colmes, Sally Kohn, Maddow, Pollan, Bob Beckel,Juan Williams....... That Sally broad drives me nuts.....it's not intelligence, it's not pausing to take a breath during her litany of talking points. She's ridiculous!

I fully agree that some of the Far Left is just as bad as the Far Right. I don't listen to them very often, and some of the ones you've mentioned, I've never even heard of. I wouldn't want to live in either Berkeley or Madison, but, in general, the Left is better-educated and more attuned to science than religion.

Being self-made these days is still possible, but largely a myth perpetuated by the Right. "If you just work harder, you too can be a millionaire like us". For a few people, that might be true, but for most of us, that just means working harder for less so the "job creators" can have more. Are you likely to ever be a "job creator", drive a Bentley, and live in a huge mansion? No, you aren't.


Engorged Member
I'm not bustin your chops, but what kind of source can you back this statement up with?

I've heard statistics (on the radio) that there are more college-educated people on the left. I can research it if you'd like, but I see no reason to doubt that. I do know that Berkeley and Madison (liberal meccahs) both have rates in the 70th percentile for 4-year degrees. I'll find out, and post the actual rates.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I could not have described the elitist attitude any better than MrFedEx or POS seem to make post after post. Obviously, someone who pigeon holes conservative thinking folks as racist, unintellegent white hillbilles can only surround themselves with like thinking elitists.

I have a theory about who the far left really are. They are predominently from academic backgrounds and have little understanding of the practical world. They pin everything on theory and feel that they have all the answers because they are of the "intelligent academic community". A lot of other far left folks have been handed everything to them on a platter or have "worked" for government community activist agencies and just don't get how the normal world works.

I only put the far left or uber loons into this theory. I do not have any disdain for respectful left thinking people. I know a lot of good people who have views to the left and our country needs that diversity to be strong.


Engorged Member
I could not have described the elitist attitude any better than MrFedEx or POS seem to make post after post. Obviously, someone who pigeon holes conservative thinking folks as racist, unintellegent white hillbilles can only surround themselves with like thinking elitists.

I have a theory about who the far left really are. They are predominently from academic backgrounds and have little understanding of the practical world. They pin everything on theory and feel that they have all the answers because they are of the "intelligent academic community". A lot of other far left folks have been handed everything to them on a platter or have "worked" for government community activist agencies and just don't get how the normal world works.

I only put the far left or uber loons into this theory. I do not have any disdain for respectful left thinking people. I know a lot of good people who have views to the left and our country needs that diversity to be strong.

Hmmm. Let's see. I'm a FedEx courier, so does that count as an "academic background with no understanding of the practical world"? That makes me a box monkey just like you probably are. I have a college degree, but I don't think that makes me superior. Nothing was handed to me. I put myself through school using government loans (which were paid), and have advanced myself through hard work by flipping houses, investing wisely, and often working 2 jobs. I drive a big diesel pickup, ride motorcycles and snowmobiles and do all sorts of other things the Left hates. If I could, I'd rent a steamroller and flatten every Critical Mass bicycle rider I could and then throw their bike over a cliff. So don't pigeonhole me.

I believe in the death penalty, support law enforcement, and have had more than my share of personal challenges. My world view comes form actually traveling around the world, and seeing how smug and generally ignorant Americans are about the rest of the planet.

On the college degree deal, I just did some brief research and it really depends on where you look. dabacon.org has the degree rate at about double for Democrats, but that's a Liberal site. CNN.com has a higher rate for Democrats. Some of the lowest rates are for Far Right Conservatives, which doesn't surprise me at all. Do your own checking and see if I'm wrong, and don't forget to cite your source, and why the information might be biased (something you learn in college).