Herman Cain


golden ticket member
I could not have described the elitist attitude any better than MrFedEx or POS seem to make post after post. Obviously, someone who pigeon holes conservative thinking folks as racist, unintellegent white hillbilles can only surround themselves with like thinking elitists.

I have a theory about who the far left really are. They are predominently from academic backgrounds and have little understanding of the practical world. They pin everything on theory and feel that they have all the answers because they are of the "intelligent academic community". A lot of other far left folks have been handed everything to them on a platter or have "worked" for government community activist agencies and just don't get how the normal world works.

I only put the far left or uber loons into this theory. I do not have any disdain for respectful left thinking people. I know a lot of good people who have views to the left and our country needs that diversity to be strong.
Oh, you forgot "gun-toting" in your first paragraph.


golden ticket member
Yep, you can't be a real Rightie without your metal security blanket. When God gives you a small penis, you get yourself a big gun to compensate for your inadequacies. I guess lots of Conservatives got short-changed.
God forgot to give me a penis.......I got a personality instead!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Hmmm. Let's see. I'm a FedEx courier, so does that count as an "academic background with no understanding of the practical world"? That makes me a box monkey just like you probably are. I have a college degree, but I don't think that makes me superior. Nothing was handed to me. I put myself through school using government loans (which were paid), and have advanced myself through hard work by flipping houses, investing wisely, and often working 2 jobs. I drive a big diesel pickup, ride motorcycles and snowmobiles and do all sorts of other things the Left hates. If I could, I'd rent a steamroller and flatten every Critical Mass bicycle rider I could and then throw their bike over a cliff. So don't pigeonhole me.

I believe in the death penalty, support law enforcement, and have had more than my share of personal challenges. My world view comes form actually traveling around the world, and seeing how smug and generally ignorant Americans are about the rest of the planet.

On the college degree deal, I just did some brief research and it really depends on where you look. dabacon.org has the degree rate at about double for Democrats, but that's a Liberal site. CNN.com has a higher rate for Democrats. Some of the lowest rates are for Far Right Conservatives, which doesn't surprise me at all. Do your own checking and see if I'm wrong, and don't forget to cite your source, and why the information might be biased (something you learn in college).

I was not talking about you specifically, I knew you would throw something like that back at me. I was talking about ubers in general... and again you prove my point. You feel the left is more educated than the right. I think ubers in general (not the left, the far left) feels they are better than the right because they are more educated etc etc. I don't care about statistics, I base my theories off of life experience and what I have seen going through the academic process.

You are on the far left. When a person in one spectrum surrounds themselves with only people from that spectrum you think you are part of the norm and to others you surround yourself with, you are!


Engorged Member
I was not talking about you specifically, I knew you would throw something like that back at me. I was talking about ubers in general... and again you prove my point. You feel the left is more educated than the right. I think ubers in general (not the left, the far left) feels they are better than the right because they are more educated etc etc. I don't care about statistics, I base my theories off of life experience and what I have seen going through the academic process.

You are on the far left. When a person in one spectrum surrounds themselves with only people from that spectrum you think you are part of the norm and to others you surround yourself with, you are!

Sorry to disappoint you, but my immediate family are all Righties, and I have lots of friends who are also conservatives. We just agree to disagree. I just think they're wrong on some things, and they think I'm wrong on some things. I go dirt-biking with my GOP friends, target-shooting with them (borrow their guns) and help them clear their land with my Bobcat. A lot of them are ex-cops or military, not exactly Left Wingers.

The academic process helps give you a world view and allows you to make more articulate arguments. I don't see it as a panacea. There are lots of really smart people who don't need college. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates immediately come to mind. Limbaugh didn't go either, but he's dumber than a stump, so maybe he should have gone to school instead of dodging the draft by saying his anal cyst kept him from serving his country.


Well-Known Member
I was not talking about you specifically, I knew you would throw something like that back at me. I was talking about ubers in general... and again you prove my point. You feel the left is more educated than the right. I think ubers in general (not the left, the far left) feels they are better than the right because they are more educated etc etc. I don't care about statistics, I base my theories off of life experience and what I have seen going through the academic process.

You are on the far left. When a person in one spectrum surrounds themselves with only people from that spectrum you think you are part of the norm and to others you surround yourself with, you are!

Fox "news": The more you watch...the less you know!!

Fairleigh Dickinson University Public Mind Poll


golden ticket member
Fox "news": The more you watch...the less you know!!

Fairleigh Dickinson University Public Mind Poll
Wow, I haven't even heard the words..."Farleigh Dickinson" since the old days of G.E. College Bowl !! Remember that show?? Allen Ludden, I think.

Checked it out...

Dick Cavett
Pat Sajak 1984
Art Fleming
Robert Earle 1962-1970

Allen Ludden 1959-1962 G.E.


Well-Known Member
Yep, you can't be a real Rightie without your metal security blanket. When God gives you a small penis, you get yourself a big gun to compensate for your inadequacies. I guess lots of Conservatives got short-changed.

You called it a few posts back- cite your source for this nugget.
If you'll allow me to post what I've learned without source, it would be this:
"Those who think and talk like they are well endowed, usually are the ones that bring the average down"


Well-Known Member
Im surprised this thread is even still going. Now that the damage to Cain is done, everyone has gone away. Mustve been some really important sexual harrassment.


Engorged Member
You called it a few posts back- cite your source for this nugget.
If you'll allow me to post what I've learned without source, it would be this:
"Those who think and talk like they are well endowed, usually are the ones that bring the average down"

My source would be General Psychology. This was discussed way back in Psych 201 in college, and is established fact. Those born with a small appendages "compensate" with long, cylindrical objects like sports cars (Corvette and Jaguar XKE), boats,big guns, and big, expensive toys. I'm not going to post a picture, but I would probably bring the average up(way up). :happy-very:If bluster, gun ownership, height, and names have anything to do with it, Micheal Savage (real last name Weiner), has a half-incher. Rush probably hasn't seen his in about 20 years, so I'm not going there.

If you see some guy who owns a Corvette, a cigarette boat, and a lot of guns, maybe there's a reason besides being rich.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Im surprised this thread is even still going. Now that the damage to Cain is done, everyone has gone away. Mustve been some really important sexual harrassment.
No Im still here, but now we are talking about penis size etc, and have gone completely off thread.
I still like him, I still support him. I think even with his lack of knowledge in some areas, overall he has more knowledge than who we have in many areas.
I feel he is sincere, would surround himself with the best. He at the very least knows how to work, and how not to stop the economy.
Are there candidates who have more knowledge of foreign affairs, yes, more experience with creating jobs or running states, yes, more knowledge in social issues yes, and Obama isnt one of those. Obama after his three years in office, although I did want him to succeed for our countries sake, has failed miserably. I probably have more knowledge of those things than he does, and Im just a truck driver. I have actually worked for a living.
So I still support Herman, I will vote for anyone who is NOT OBAMA
I dont hate him because he is black or elitist. I dont actually hate him at all, I feel sorry for him. But mostly I feel sorry for our country going through this 4 yr big stall in the economy.


Well-Known Member
My source would be General Psychology. This was discussed way back in Psych 201 in college, and is established fact. Those born with a small appendages "compensate" with long, cylindrical objects like sports cars (Corvette and Jaguar XKE), boats,big guns, and big, expensive toys. I'm not going to post a picture, but I would probably bring the average up(way up). :happy-very:If bluster, gun ownership, height, and names have anything to do with it, Micheal Savage (real last name Weiner), has a half-incher. Rush probably hasn't seen his in about 20 years, so I'm not going there.

If you see some guy who owns a Corvette, a cigarette boat, and a lot of guns, maybe there's a reason besides being rich.
Maybe.... or they may be trying to pick up a young lady...lol


Well-Known Member
No Im still here, but now we are talking about penis size etc, and have gone completely off thread.
I still like him, I still support him. I think even with his lack of knowledge in some areas, overall he has more knowledge than who we have in many areas.
I feel he is sincere, would surround himself with the best. He at the very least knows how to work, and how not to stop the economy.
Are there candidates who have more knowledge of foreign affairs, yes, more experience with creating jobs or running states, yes, more knowledge in social issues yes, and Obama isnt one of those. Obama after his three years in office, although I did want him to succeed for our countries sake, has failed miserably. I probably have more knowledge of those things than he does, and Im just a truck driver. I have actually worked for a living.
So I still support Herman, I will vote for anyone who is NOT OBAMA
I dont hate him because he is black or elitist. I dont actually hate him at all, I feel sorry for him. But mostly I feel sorry for our country going through this 4 yr big stall in the economy.
Not sure if I support him or not. But one thing he definitely has working in his favor is he is not a regular politician. So many people look for those "experienced" established politician. That in and of itself is a plus. I dont want my political leaders to want to be a part of the "game". Heath Shuler is my congressman and he was a good replacement for the old dog we had in office (Charles Taylor). Not so sure he hasnt been sucked in by now though.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
A big bulge in the back of the pants will definitely attract certain ladies of the gold digging persuasion.
I am at a total loss of what you are all discussing, saddened and at a loss. Either way I think this is the wrong thread, forum, or website for this discussion.