Herman Cain


Engorged Member
Excuse me say what you will. Herman Cain does not speak like Mike Tyson. And yes I like Mike.

Mike Tyson is smarter. The "Cain Train" hit the quarter on the tracks, flew off the rails, ran into an oil refinery, a nuclear power plant, and a hazardous waste facility, then plowed through an elementary school, a church, and an old folks home, then it landed upside down in the manure holding pond for a pig farm. It's over.


Well-Known Member
I think it would really benefit Herman to get some of the best private investigators in the country to go follow these women around and see who has been paying them or otherwise coercing them into making these untrue statements. Science has already proven Herman is telling the truth, so he needs to look into what forces are behind the obvious smear campaign. I still maintain this is Chicago politics at play here and nothing more.

LOL, wow in this day and age a good ol true believer. LOL, back in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, etc many a dem said similar things about another politcian . Maybe its the "vast" left wing media conspiracy!! LOL, hey brett dont you think it is time to change the picture on your posts. Let the man drop out and continue his book tour and find a good divorce lawyer!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Brett, whatever you do ...don't let an uber influence your decision to change your picture. But this is typical of an uber they think they know what is best for the rest of us!

Frankly, I don't understand why everyone is fanning the flames of these ubers. WHO CARES what they think... ignore them. They are in the 1% of the over the edge, over the top ultra left wing hypocrates.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
LOL, wow in this day and age a good ol true believer. LOL, back in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, etc many a dem said similar things about another politcian . Maybe its the "vast" left wing media conspiracy!! LOL, hey brett dont you think it is time to change the picture on your posts. Let the man drop out and continue his book tour and find a good divorce lawyer!!
Pretty obsessed are you not with herman? Go float your boat with your guy.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think it would really benefit Herman to get some of the best private investigators in the country to go follow these women around and see who has been paying them or otherwise coercing them into making these untrue statements. Science has already proven Herman is telling the truth, so he needs to look into what forces are behind the obvious smear campaign. I still maintain this is Chicago politics at play here and nothing more.

Hey Brett,

Just tonight, Herman Cain has told his "advisors" that he is re-assessing his run for the GOP nomination due to this latest "revelation". The impact of his prior actions is starting to take a toll on his family and he needs to think this out clearly before he puts his family at risk.

He knows the truth, these women know the truth and shortly, the american public will know the truth. No matter what happens, EVERY single right wing talking head has already said CAIN has no chance of being the nominee for the GOP, so why stay in the race and have his garbage out there in the public?

Does his wife need to be hurt by CAINS "private" actions? Does his wife need to see that she is married to a two faced liar?

Does she need to hear how he has "consentual adult encounters behind closed doors" while on the road and away from his family?

Get serious BRETT. Time to throw in the towel, the GOP has.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll




Nine Lives
Brett, whatever you do ...don't let an uber influence your decision to change your picture. But this is typical of an uber they think they know what is best for the rest of us!

Frankly, I don't understand why everyone is fanning the flames of these ubers. WHO CARES what they think... ignore them. They are in the 1% of the over the edge, over the top ultra left wing hypocrates.

I've come to think that TOS and MFE are totally disingenuous and just come here to have fun and there is nothing wrong with that.
I cannot remember a single post by either of them that has any logic or substance and so I have decided to let Moreluck deal with them.


Well-Known Member
Brett, whatever you do ...don't let an uber influence your decision to change your picture. But this is typical of an uber they think they know what is best for the rest of us!

Frankly, I don't understand why everyone is fanning the flames of these ubers. WHO CARES what they think... ignore them. They are in the 1% of the over the edge, over the top ultra left wing hypocrates.

the person in question can't even use the proper term for my "picture" and that is an avatar. Anyways, this particular individual has proved time and time again that they do not possess a basic understanding of economics, history, or even a grasp of basic mathematical skills. I will leave my Herman avatar up for as long as he remains in the race, and even if he pulls out I may leave it up to pay homage to a man who could have been an enormous positive influence on this country for years to come.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I've come to think that TOS and MFE are totally disingenuous and just come here to have fun and there is nothing wrong with that.
I cannot remember a single post by either of them that has any logic or substance and so I have decided to let Moreluck deal with them.

Well, that makes sense to me! Moreluck certainly does a good job with it as well!


Engorged Member
I've come to think that TOS and MFE are totally disingenuous and just come here to have fun and there is nothing wrong with that.
I cannot remember a single post by either of them that has any logic or substance and so I have decided to let Moreluck deal with them.

Not up to the task? The things that get said here are often so ridiculous that someone (usually myself or TOS) simply have to say something. I know you think Dubya was a Socialist, which pretty much explains why someone has to object.

Several of you are on the record saying Cain was going to "send Obama back to Kenya" next November, and you've said basically the same thing about every Republican who has surged to the top of the dung heap. Perhaps you just choose to ignore reality. I don't really know what you folks are thinking.


Well-Known Member
:sad-little:A man who happens to be Black, disciplines himself to get a good education, works his way up the Corporate ladder in more than one organization is now villianized by the left.

It is amazing to me what strong partisan politics can do to people. If Cain was a Democrat you would hear how he beat "Racism" Worked very hard to educate himself in an unequal school system and is a role model as a Father that has not abandoned his family but has given them the tools the education and work ethic to be successful in life.

Whether the allegations are true or not- why is his obvious success so ignored by the left ?
White, Irish JFK is still consided a "saint" by most people. He was the "role model" for Clinton. How many Monroes did JFK do ?

As far as I know none of the accusers has commited suicide yet or have died drowning after being driven off a bridge.


Engorged Member
:sad-little:A man who happens to be Black, disciplines himself to get a good education, works his way up the Corporate ladder in more than one organization is now villianized by the left.

It is amazing to me what strong partisan politics can do to people. If Cain was a Democrat you would hear how he beat "Racism" Worked very hard to educate himself in an unequal school system and is a role model as a Father that has not abandoned his family but has given them the tools the education and work ethic to be successful in life.

Whether the allegations are true or not- why is his obvious success so ignored by the left ?
White, Irish JFK is still consided a "saint" by most people. He was the "role model" for Clinton. How many Monroes did JFK do ?

As far as I know none of the accusers has commited suicide yet or have died drowning after being driven off a bridge.

Wow. Why don't you just dredge-up every piece of crap "evidence" about Dems that you can claiming there is some sort of double standard "conspiracy" against Cain. Here's the irony, and none of you seem to understand it. I'm simply criticizing Cain for his views, which are dumb. So he's a successful businessman. Big deal, so are lots of others. Liberals don't care who he is banging, because it has nothing to do with Cain's ability to do the job. But it's a huge deal to the Right, as evidenced by Cain's plummeting numbers. We aren't bringing him down. You are.

No conspiracy. We're just holding Cain to the same standards that Conservatives use to trash Liberals, and you cannot tolerate that. Republicans can toss flaming accusations left and right, and then they whine like a babies when someone does the same to them.

I simply love the "fact" that the Left is conspiring to bring-down Cain. He did that all on his own.
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Well-Known Member
Of course there is no left wing or right wing bias -how foolish.

"I swear by the blood below my feet you can't raise a Cain back up when its in the field" Just singing to myself -sorry.:happy-very: