Herman Cain

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
:sad-little:A man who happens to be Black, disciplines himself to get a good education, works his way up the Corporate ladder in more than one organization is now villianized by the left.

It is amazing to me what strong partisan politics can do to people. If Cain was a Democrat you would hear how he beat "Racism" Worked very hard to educate himself in an unequal school system and is a role model as a Father that has not abandoned his family but has given them the tools the education and work ethic to be successful in life.

Whether the allegations are true or not- why is his obvious success so ignored by the left ?
White, Irish JFK is still consided a "saint" by most people. He was the "role model" for Clinton. How many Monroes did JFK do ?

As far as I know none of the accusers has commited suicide yet or have died drowning after being driven off a bridge.

Cmon Island,

Why do you swim at the surface so often on issues? Swim a little deeper and you see CAIN was no success at any company. Merely holding a title doesnt make a successful leader. Just ask Newt.

Dive down into Cains history, look beyond the hype of his work record and see the facts.

Was he successful at Aquila?? Answer that.



Well-Known Member
Cmon Island,

Why do you swim at the surface so often on issues? Swim a little deeper and you see CAIN was no success at any company. Merely holding a title doesnt make a successful leader. Just ask Newt.

Dive down into Cains history, look beyond the hype of his work record and see the facts.

Was he successful at Aquila?? Answer that.


Yes, you must be right again or should I say left. I imagine he got those "titles" only because of affirmative action for minorities???

Cain has contributed to society. He has educated himself, worked, raised a family. He did not work off the books, feed on social programs ,use his race as a crutch, supported his children not dump them on the rest of us but of course in your eyes he is a failure.

Many men , not just Black men , if they used Cain's life as an example the country would be much better off.

Out of work, uneducated, dope sellers, woman beaters and children deserters obviously get more credit in your wierd world.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yes, you must be right again or should I say left. I imagine he got those "titles" only because of affirmative action for minorities???

Cain has contributed to society. He has educated himself, worked, raised a family. He did not work off the books, feed on social programs ,use his race as a crutch, supported his children not dump them on the rest of us but of course in your eyes he is a failure.

Many men , not just Black men , if they used Cain's life as an example the country would be much better off.

Out of work, uneducated, dope sellers, woman beaters and children deserters obviously get more credit in your wierd world.


how did he contribute to society? By professing his love for GOD? Surely, not because of the hundreds of employees he put on the unemployment line while running godfathers pizza? What about stealing from his employees at Aquila? Was it GODLY to convince your employees to take their savings out of 401K and IRA's and invest that money in company stock on a promise of a great return, only to find out after the company folded that you were SWINDLED into the investment in the first place?

Was it GODLY for CAIN to ripoff those employees and pay himself and his board members MILLIONS of dollars while the company was on the brink of collapse?

When the employees SUED CAIN and his board, they won a judgement against him and his Eboard for over 35 million and CAIN and his cohorts in the scam had to repay that money to the employees.

Is that your description of a "hard working honest man"?

CMON brother, dive deep, get off the surface of right wing talking points.


Cain and Aquila
Herman Cain Company, Aquila, Settled Lawsuits Over Retirement Plan, Gas Price Manipulation
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Well-Known Member

I would not get too hysterical over "serving" on a board. Also I see you missed the "personal " responsability and "risk" that any investor takes.


Engorged Member

I would not get too hysterical over "serving" on a board. Also I see you missed the "personal " responsability and "risk" that any investor takes.

How does one reconcile using Jesus to further one's political aims? "Personal responsibility"and "risk" are Libertarian and GOP talking points that are so obvious that you shouldn't be using them. Did Jesus advise Cain to invest his money, or to drop his pants, or to take personal responsibility? Maybe Herman should do the godly thing and just confess his sins so we can get on with him no longer being a contender. What a phony, and you just keep on swallowing it.... hook, rod, and reel.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
After listening to about 12 hrs of news, and 6 of it being the far left talk radio in my town. I am staying on the train. As I said, before, show me the prrof. I havent seen it yet. Any socially functioning, half a wit human, is innocent until proof be shown. Show me a picture, a card, a stained blue dress. Then I will rethink.
for now, while in the nasty political world he is getting beat to death, to take our attention away from such important things as firing Eric Holder, investigating fast and furious, and a multitude of others, I will go tell Herman to hang in there. this too shall pass.


Engorged Member
After listening to about 12 hrs of news, and 6 of it being the far left talk radio in my town. I am staying on the train. As I said, before, show me the prrof. I havent seen it yet. Any socially functioning, half a wit human, is innocent until proof be shown. Show me a picture, a card, a stained blue dress. Then I will rethink.
for now, while in the nasty political world he is getting beat to death, to take our attention away from such important things as firing Eric Holder, investigating fast and furious, and a multitude of others, I will go tell Herman to hang in there. this too shall pass.

Bill Clinton was obviously guilty as the evidence gathered around him. I feel the same way about Cain. There are receipts, airline tickets, and a bunch of other stuff that will eventually come out as more women come forward. Herman had better ask Jesus what he should say now, lest he insert both feet into his mouth.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Bill Clinton was obviously guilty as the evidence gathered around him. I feel the same way about Cain. There are receipts, airline tickets, and a bunch of other stuff that will eventually come out as more women come forward. Herman had better ask Jesus what he should say now, lest he insert both feet into his mouth.
if that is the case, then as I said I will rethink my choice. As for now I dont think there is much to it but diversion. I understand you "feel" that way. does not make you correct. Have not seen the receipts tics etc.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


there is no disputing that the newest woman is a "garbage pail" kid herself. She clearly admits to being a "whore" and does not shy away from her indiscretions. All the background garbage makes no difference whatsoever.

Today, she released text messages from CAIN from as late as last week. CAIN was worried about her coming out and he had the "headsup" from her. How bad do "YOU" on the right want to see him fall? You keep asking for proof (pictures, texts, phone calls, etc etc)

If these things exist, do you really want them exposed to the public where CAINS wife and children will have to read them? Dont you think that would crush his marriage?

Would you really be satisfied seeing proof to the extent that it ruins CAINS life and not just his candidacy?

Why not just ask him to BOW out and move on before he destroys not only his career, but his family as well. For me, I dislike the man because he is a dope with stupid ideas. A man of little intelligence when it comes to foreign problems and moreover, a puppet to the right wing operators.

While we can all agree that Ginger White is a creep, we should also agree that CAIN is a bigger creep for flying this woman around just to sleep with her while away from his wife. There is plenty of creep to spread around on both sides.

Why do you only focus on the women instead of CAINS judgement?

Yes, you can "CLING" onto CAIN as long as you like, but it wont change the eventual outcome. I am sure you have your belief system set to levels of acceptability for personal conduct, but dont you really believe that the GOP in handling CAIN has LOWERED the bar for personal conduct?

What about the future? Are you ready to say that all future candidates should get a pass for being a cheater, womanizer and liar?

How LOW are you willing to set the bar for personal conduct for a presidential candidate? Would you give John Edwards a pass if he ran for the presidency in 2016?

CMON, think about it.

Tonight, Herman Cain released a statement saying that his "decision" to stay in the race will REST with his wife who he has to speak to FACE TO FACE. He said he spoke to her on the phone but not face to face and he has to speak to her this week and see if "SHE" wants him to quit the race.

That sounds alot like he's guilty, needs to be forgiven, and afterwards, needs to see if his marriage can hang on despite what has come to light.

Either way, this isnt good news for you or Brett who just cant seem to accept the reality of his situation. Looking for angles to excuse him on a daily basis seems to be the both of yours objectives.

Embattled Cain says campaign plans rest with wife - Yahoo! News



Staff member
:sad-little:A man who happens to be Black, disciplines himself to get a good education, works his way up the Corporate ladder in more than one organization is now villianized by the left.

It is amazing to me what strong partisan politics can do to people. If Cain was a Democrat you would hear how he beat "Racism" Worked very hard to educate himself in an unequal school system and is a role model as a Father that has not abandoned his family but has given them the tools the education and work ethic to be successful in life.

Whether the allegations are true or not- why is his obvious success so ignored by the left ?
White, Irish JFK is still consided a "saint" by most people. He was the "role model" for Clinton. How many Monroes did JFK do ?

As far as I know none of the accusers has commited suicide yet or have died drowning after being driven off a bridge.
Do you think it is because he is black? It's not. It's because he is yet another over-bearing radio talk host. Now if the republicans would have found their intellect and tempered their fringe, they could have nominated Colin Powell. But then who would have been denegrating the "black republican"? It would have been the loud mouths on the far right. What about Condi Rice? Hell, look what the right has done to Michael Steele. It really has nothing to do with race. The far right is at the steering wheel with a destination of "anywhere but Romney". What does the right have against Huntsman? Pawlenty? Paul? They've had some decent candidates, but seems like they can't stand their own sanity.