Herman Cain


Well-Known Member

there is no disputing that the newest woman is a "garbage pail" kid herself. She clearly admits to being a "whore" and does not shy away from her indiscretions. All the background garbage makes no difference whatsoever.

Today, she released text messages from CAIN from as late as last week. CAIN was worried about her coming out and he had the "headsup" from her. How bad do "YOU" on the right want to see him fall? You keep asking for proof (pictures, texts, phone calls, etc etc)

If these things exist, do you really want them exposed to the public where CAINS wife and children will have to read them? Dont you think that would crush his marriage?

Would you really be satisfied seeing proof to the extent that it ruins CAINS life and not just his candidacy?

Why not just ask him to BOW out and move on before he destroys not only his career, but his family as well. For me, I dislike the man because he is a dope with stupid ideas. A man of little intelligence when it comes to foreign problems and moreover, a puppet to the right wing operators.

While we can all agree that Ginger White is a creep, we should also agree that CAIN is a bigger creep for flying this woman around just to sleep with her while away from his wife. There is plenty of creep to spread around on both sides.

Why do you only focus on the women instead of CAINS judgement?

Yes, you can "CLING" onto CAIN as long as you like, but it wont change the eventual outcome. I am sure you have your belief system set to levels of acceptability for personal conduct, but dont you really believe that the GOP in handling CAIN has LOWERED the bar for personal conduct?

What about the future? Are you ready to say that all future candidates should get a pass for being a cheater, womanizer and liar?

How LOW are you willing to set the bar for personal conduct for a presidential candidate? Would you give John Edwards a pass if he ran for the presidency in 2016?

CMON, think about it.

Tonight, Herman Cain released a statement saying that his "decision" to stay in the race will REST with his wife who he has to speak to FACE TO FACE. He said he spoke to her on the phone but not face to face and he has to speak to her this week and see if "SHE" wants him to quit the race.

That sounds alot like he's guilty, needs to be forgiven, and afterwards, needs to see if his marriage can hang on despite what has come to light.

Either way, this isnt good news for you or Brett who just cant seem to accept the reality of his situation. Looking for angles to excuse him on a daily basis seems to be the both of yours objectives.

Embattled Cain says campaign plans rest with wife - Yahoo! News


It appears to me that Herman still wants to run despite these allegations, but that he is taking into considering the impact this is having on his family. Its really sad that no matter where leftists exist they go after your family if they can't go after you. I was watching a documentary on North Korea by National Geographic and they interviewed a former guard of a North Korean concentration camp and the man stated that the camp was meant for the families of those who committed "crimes" against the government. You didn't even have to commit a crime yourself to end up in one of these camps you merely had to be related to someone who did. Its the same here only the left cannot simply imprison Herman's family into a labor camp for the rest of their lives they are attempting to plant seeds of doubt in their minds to ruin the relationship they have with this honorable and well accomplished man. Herman Cain's crime was injecting common sense and real solutions into this Presidential campaign cycle so those on the left are going after his family in a vicious manner. I suppose when you pride yourself on having no morals or honor this is the level your side stoops too. How very very sad. I have pity for you and all you think like you.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It appears to me that Herman still wants to run despite these allegations, but that he is taking into considering the impact this is having on his family. Its really sad that no matter where leftists exist they go after your family if they can't go after you. I was watching a documentary on North Korea by National Geographic and they interviewed a former guard of a North Korean concentration camp and the man stated that the camp was meant for the families of those who committed "crimes" against the government. You didn't even have to commit a crime yourself to end up in one of these camps you merely had to be related to someone who did. Its the same here only the left cannot simply imprison Herman's family into a labor camp for the rest of their lives they are attempting to plant seeds of doubt in their minds to ruin the relationship they have with this honorable and well accomplished man. Herman Cain's crime was injecting common sense and real solutions into this Presidential campaign cycle so those on the left are going after his family in a vicious manner. I suppose when you pride yourself on having no morals or honor this is the level your side stoops too. How very very sad. I have pity for you and all you think like you.


If I didnt know better, I would say you were 15 years old. Its amazing how you want to go with extreme excuses to explain CAINS reality. There are no LEFTIST involved with this. This is all on CAIN. YOU havent seen anything from the left with respect to any candidate. Any dirt wouldnt be wasted at this juncture.

The republicans have done this to CAIN. Cain was rising too fast for "their" liking, and despite all the right wing radio claims to the contrary, that is nothing more than a distraction to keep YOU in line.

The republicans preach hate and use that hate to keep their followers away from the truth.

Somehow, you want to compare Korea with a republican candidate whos character is suspect do to his own actions? Thats really silly.

Nobody is saying Cain hasnt suggested some changes through ideas. What we are saying is that the "right" has to live by its own words. When Bill Clinton was just a candidate, his "affairs" with women was all the right wing was talking about. They tried to use it to eliminate him from the process. They brought out women and paraded them in front of the cameras.

People (like me) thought that he had been with these women, but he wasnt out calling himself GODLY, or telling america that GOD told him to run or stay in the race. Clinton wasnt parading around the country holding prayer meetings and tellng crowds how he fears GOD and lives his life by the word of GOD.

CAIN did.

You shouldnt have pity on anyone but CAIN. He knew this garbage was out there before he ran for office, he rolled the dice and thought this information would remain silent and he would get a free pass and that just didnt happen. Once he started opening his mouth and slamming the women, what did he think was going to happen?

I said early in this thread long before it got this ugly, that the more he spoke, the worse it would get and it did.

I just wonder why someone like you wants to hang on so tight to a guy with a questionable character? Are your other choices really that bad? In your mind, do you think the bar has been lowered by CAIN for personal conduct by candidates?

Just wait, NEWTS turn at the wheel will come just about the time IOWA gets going. How many women do you think will come forward on NEWT?

It will be the same story, and I bet a dollar that all of you will try the same defense for him as well.

In the meantime, CAIN will have to face his wife (face to face) and once he sees the damage he has caused her and his family, he will quit.

You should do the same, look in the mirror, look at yourself face to face and ask why you would hang on to a sinking ship.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This morning, CAINS lawyers are asking for her text messages between Cain and Ginger White. HMMM?

You have to wonder how big this circus will get. Why not get them from CAIN? Why not ask CAIN to give permission to release his cell phone records?

It appears, they want to see how many messages she has kept and how damaging they are before they comment on them. Maybe they dont realize that the cell provider upon request of subpoena, can extract ALL TEXTS ever made as well as ALL CALLS made.

I hope CAINS people go there.

Cain admits knowing the woman and making calls, but why would he need to befriend an unemployed "whore" who cant pay her bills? There is NO REASON whatsoever for CAIN to be friends with this woman.

She wasnt a business partner, she wasnt a part of any company he worked for, she wasnt an associate with another company doing business with him, instead, she was a woman at a bar who he purchased alcohol for and invited her back to his room for sex. Afterwards, he made a 13 year phuque buddy out of it.

Plain and simple.

But I know TRp will come with some lame defense of even that action by CAIN and excuse the behavior.

They say things are bigger in Texas, and I guess excuses can be lumped into the equation.



Für Meno :)
It's no big deal, seems the republicans are jumping from 1 whore to the other -Cain to Newt.

Sure will make a good impression having one of those above being the "world leader" !
If Bachmann was only a hooker, she would be top of the republican polls now.
She should learn - maybe it's not too late to have a few affairs quick, and her poll numbers could rise ! ;)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why not just ask him to BOW out and move on before he destroys not only his career, but his family as well. For me, I dislike the man because he is a dope with stupid ideas. A man of little intelligence when it comes to foreign problems and moreover, a puppet to the right wing operators.
Like you give a crap about Cain's family, yea I believe that. You let the "caring side" of you out of the bag way back on the thread about Beck's family being harassed at a public concert. It's plain that you do not care about Cain's family anymore than 0bama does.

You know, youre wrong on this point. (but what else is new)

I do care about his family, they are innocent victims to CAINS actions, and so far, CAIN has tried presenting his wife on television (FOXED SPEWS) to do damage control once. That should be expected. Shes obligated to do that at least once.

But where i will lose my sympathy for his wife and children will be when the CAIN camp decides that power and money are more important that CAINs family, and they start to parade his wife around TV and/or they present his children to speak on the subject. At that point, I will leave the sympathy train and hope they all get destroyed.

Cain is in an unusual place. Hes stuck between advisors telling him to hang in there, and his wife who has to be devastated by the news on her husband. By now, she probably wants to hide her face in public or crawl under a rock with humiliation.

But does Cain really care? He says he does. And thats why hes going home to face the music.

Does anyone really believe mrs CAIN doesnt have a thousand questions for herman? Does anyone other than TRP believe that mrs cain will simply listen to the PR excuse that "its just a friend?"

Cain acknowledges knowing the woman for 13 years, thats all a wife needs to know to spawn a thousand questions. Do you think CAIN will stand there and answer them all?

Cain needs to do what every other republican caught in this trap did, BOW out without a fight. Look over the last 8 years at all the GOP politicians in the same boat. They all left without a wimper.


He's done. Say goodbye to this lying sack of GOP B.S.

Do you have anything relevent to say on the subject?

What's wrong TOS? Are you not smart enough to see the comments in brown text and not know they were replies to you? Everyone relevant to your post.

This morning, CAINS lawyers are asking for her text messages between Cain and Ginger White. HMMM?

You have to wonder how big this circus will get. Why not get them from CAIN? Why not ask CAIN to give permission to release his cell phone records?

It appears, they want to see how many messages she has kept and how damaging they are before they comment on them. Maybe they dont realize that the cell provider upon request of subpoena, can extract ALL TEXTS ever made as well as ALL CALLS made.

I hope CAINS people go there.

Cain admits knowing the woman and making calls, but why would he need to befriend an unemployed "whore" who cant pay her bills? There is NO REASON whatsoever for CAIN to be friends with this woman.

She wasnt a business partner, she wasnt a part of any company he worked for, she wasnt an associate with another company doing business with him, instead, she was a woman at a bar who he purchased alcohol for and invited her back to his room for sex. Afterwards, he made a 13 year phuque buddy out of it.

Plain and simple.

But I know TRp will come with some lame defense of even that action by CAIN and excuse the behavior.

They say things are bigger in Texas, and I guess excuses can be lumped into the equation.

I've made no excuses for Cain, not one. All I did was ask you to provide the "PROOF" of you claims. Of course we all know that you won't do that.

You know, youre wrong on this point. (but what else is new)

I do care about his family, they are innocent victims to CAINS actions, and so far, CAIN has tried presenting his wife on television (FOXED SPEWS) to do damage control once. That should be expected. Shes obligated to do that at least once.

But where i will lose my sympathy for his wife and children will be when the CAIN camp decides that power and money are more important that CAINs family, and they start to parade his wife around TV and/or they present his children to speak on the subject. At that point, I will leave the sympathy train and hope they all get destroyed.

Cain is in an unusual place. Hes stuck between advisors telling him to hang in there, and his wife who has to be devastated by the news on her husband. By now, she probably wants to hide her face in public or crawl under a rock with humiliation.

But does Cain really care? He says he does. And thats why hes going home to face the music.

Does anyone really believe mrs CAIN doesnt have a thousand questions for herman? Does anyone other than TRP believe that mrs cain will simply listen to the PR excuse that "its just a friend?"

Cain acknowledges knowing the woman for 13 years, thats all a wife needs to know to spawn a thousand questions. Do you think CAIN will stand there and answer them all?

Cain needs to do what every other republican caught in this trap did, BOW out without a fight. Look over the last 8 years at all the GOP politicians in the same boat. They all left without a wimper.


He's done. Say goodbye to this lying sack of GOP B.S.

One thing that would be new would be for you to show any true compassion for anyone on the right side of center. You sure don't have me convinced that you give a crap about Mrs. Cain or her children.

Where do you get the idea I think Mrs. Cain will do or say anything or believe anything ? I never even said I believe that the woman was "just a friend". All I did say was I wanted to see your proof. Of course wa all know you don't have any.

I admit that you are pretty good at twisting things, but don't let that swell your head. In the end, the twists are nothing resembling the truth and you knoe what that makes YOU.


Für Meno :)
I'm sick of it, "Show your Proof" attitudes.

Gee, why not stand up for the football team coach , too ? Show the proof !
There is no DNA !

Why should we believe kids or women ?

Men rule ! (right) ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What's wrong TOS? Are you not smart enough to see the comments in brown text and not know they were replies to you? Everyone relevant to your post.

I've made no excuses for Cain, not one. All I did was ask you to provide the "PROOF" of you claims. Of course we all know that you won't do that.

One thing that would be new would be for you to show any true compassion for anyone on the right side of center. You sure don't have me convinced that you give a crap about Mrs. Cain or her children.

Where do you get the idea I think Mrs. Cain will do or say anything or believe anything ? I never even said I believe that the woman was "just a friend". All I did say was I wanted to see your proof. Of course wa all know you don't have any.

I admit that you are pretty good at twisting things, but don't let that swell your head. In the end, the twists are nothing resembling the truth and you knoe what that makes YOU.

Like I stated TRP, you have said nothing of relevance to the subject. You present the same right wing talking points on the subject of cain and your "brown typeface" is only indicative of your feelings towards me:

You're sick huh? Too freakin bad.

Are you not aware that TOS lied about Laura Bush on these boards? Well he did. He knows it, I know it and every other poster on the board knows it. Except for maybe you. Then he tries to twist what other people say to fit his other hate filled rants. Guess what, that's lying also.

Well I'm sick too, sick of you and a few others making wild ass claims with nothing to go on but your own made up fantasies. A couple of the posters on here have been known to out right LIE and you think everyone should just take them at their word? Not happening pal.

If anyone is going to claim I said something, they dang well better be able to prove I said it or face getting called on it.

as far as the rest of your little hissy fit, I have no idea what orifice you pulled that out of but can stick it right back there. Irrelevant and off the current topic.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You're sick huh? Too freakin bad.

Are you not aware that TOS lied about Laura Bush on these boards? Well he did. He knows it, I know it and every other poster on the board knows it. Except for maybe you. Then he tries to twist what other people say to fit his other hate filled rants. Guess what, that's lying also.

Well I'm sick too, sick of you and a few others making wild ass claims with nothing to go on but you own made up fantasies. A couple of the posters on here have been known to out right LIE and you think everyone should just take them at their word? Not happening pal.

If anyone is going to claim I said something, they dang well better be able to prove I said it or face getting called on it.

as far as the rest of your little hissy fit, I have no idea what orifice you pulled that out of but can stick it right back there. Irrelevant and off the current topic.

Youre sick of it? Cmon, cowboy, take a chill pill. Nobody has to prove anything to you, if you want to prove something to the contrary, go ahead, make our day. Otherwise, turn up the radio, I think Hannity has an hour of brainwashing for you.

I know it sucks to watch your political party self destruct right in front of your eyes, we went through that a few times ourselves. Right now, its just your turn to look foolish defending your party of do nothing morons. Good luck with that.

Like I stated TRP, you have said nothing of relevance to the subject. You present the same right wing talking points on the subject of cain and your "brown typeface" is only indicative of your feelings towards me:
Just what I figured, you got nothing. But, that's not surprising.

Actually the brown type face speaks to what I think of most of your posts, pure crap. Don't worry, it isn't about you personally, just your lies.
As I said, everyone on this board, including you, knows you lied about Laura Bush.

Youre sick of it? Cmon, cowboy, take a chill pill. Nobody has to prove anything to you, if you want to prove something to the contrary, go ahead, make our day. Otherwise, turn up the radio, I think Hannity has an hour of brainwashing for you.

I know it sucks to watch your political party self destruct right in front of your eyes, we went through that a few times ourselves. Right now, its just your turn to look foolish defending your party of do nothing morons. Good luck with that.


I don't don't need a chill pill, but your little brother seems to need one.

You are correct though, I can't force you to prove anything. From this point on I will take everything you post as a lie unless you back it up with proof otherwise.
Unless Hannity sings country music, I'm not likely to hear him.

Well, see how badly the party is destructed at a later date, the way it appears to me is it could go wither way. Of course that wouldn't fill you wish list, I'm sorry.

Don't think I have actually defended anyone but have stated over and over that I will wait for the actual evidence to come out. So far (on Cain) nothing but allegations and alleged proof has been made known. Kinda hard to convict someone with out that pesky proof. If you would care to revisit the thread on Weiner ,you will see I took the same stance as I have Cain.
Also, as I have said other times, the republican party really isn't my party, as such. So, there goes another one of your twists down the tube. A news flash for you, everyone that opposes zer0bama isn't a republican.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I did notice something posted to the tune of "do I want to see cains family stand by and see the texts and the phone calls, and be humiliated even further, something akin to that jargon.
Yes if hes guilty she is already dealing with it, but just what if hes not. Some of you condemn me for blaming the victim, instead of the accused. what if the accused is the victim?
there were 70 emails/texts. He responded to 17. He responded to them never initiated them. Those were from cell phone records.
I hope none of you have had a vindictive aquaintance who tried to ruin your life. Tried to profess great love because you were kind to them, instead of trashing them like everyone else has done their whole sorry life. And their advances were unwarranted and unwanted.
Until I see proof, Im standing by my man, and screw you all who dont like it.
Its the perfect storm, destroy Cain now get him outta the way. Destroy Newt with allegations when he gets the nom, then we are stuck with Mit, who in my opinion cannot beat Obama. Although he would be to the power of 50 better than Obama.
Two black men toe to toe for the president of the USA. How historic would that be !!
An aged man with experience vs a young ideolog whipersnapper. . For anything he lacks he could have Newt as his Secretary of state, he is smarter than all of them on foreign policy. Romney as his economic advisor, or whatever they call that position that who has it now cannot manipulate turbo tax correctly, and someone with the common sense to put people in positions that are the best at what they do.
Instead of hiring some yahoo who sends guns into Mexico, gets thousands killed with our guns, to try to take our guns away. And should be fired and jailed for doing so, forever.
I cant even think like some of you people. Sorry been there done it dont work for me.
Go Herman, whether its the Republicans or the Democrats trying to down you, stay in it to win it!
And if it turns out I am wrong, then and only then will I admit defeat!


Engorged Member
I did notice something posted to the tune of "do I want to see cains family stand by and see the texts and the phone calls, and be humiliated even further, something akin to that jargon.
Yes if hes guilty she is already dealing with it, but just what if hes not. Some of you condemn me for blaming the victim, instead of the accused. what if the accused is the victim?
there were 70 emails/texts. He responded to 17. He responded to them never initiated them. Those were from cell phone records.
I hope none of you have had a vindictive aquaintance who tried to ruin your life. Tried to profess great love because you were kind to them, instead of trashing them like everyone else has done their whole sorry life. And their advances were unwarranted and unwanted.
Until I see proof, Im standing by my man, and screw you all who dont like it.
Its the perfect storm, destroy Cain now get him outta the way. Destroy Newt with allegations when he gets the nom, then we are stuck with Mit, who in my opinion cannot beat Obama. Although he would be to the power of 50 better than Obama.
Two black men toe to toe for the president of the USA. How historic would that be !!
An aged man with experience vs a young ideolog whipersnapper. . For anything he lacks he could have Newt as his Secretary of state, he is smarter than all of them on foreign policy. Romney as his economic advisor, or whatever they call that position that who has it now cannot manipulate turbo tax correctly, and someone with the common sense to put people in positions that are the best at what they do.
Instead of hiring some yahoo who sends guns into Mexico, gets thousands killed with our guns, to try to take our guns away. And should be fired and jailed for doing so, forever.
I cant even think like some of you people. Sorry been there done it dont work for me.
Go Herman, whether its the Republicans or the Democrats trying to down you, stay in it to win it!
And if it turns out I am wrong, then and only then will I admit defeat!

Interesting. Sometimes, I really wonder if Righties have a short-circuit in their wiring.