Herman Cain


Nine Lives
I kind of hate Coulter. She's angry, cold, and pretty much a hag.
I don't hate her but I find her very irritating. I can take about 15 seconds of her voice and overboard characterizations ... she reminds me of Rachel Maddow or a female version of Keith Olbermann.

I do love her sarcastic wit though.

I don't love to watch her strut.


Well-Known Member
You're sick huh? Too freakin bad.

Are you not aware that TOS lied about Laura Bush on these boards? Well he did. He knows it, I know it and every other poster on the board knows it. Except for maybe you. Then he tries to twist what other people say to fit his other hate filled rants. Guess what, that's lying also.

Well I'm sick too, sick of you and a few others making wild ass claims with nothing to go on but your own made up fantasies. A couple of the posters on here have been known to out right LIE and you think everyone should just take them at their word? Not happening pal.

If anyone is going to claim I said something, they dang well better be able to prove I said it or face getting called on it.

as far as the rest of your little hissy fit, I have no idea what orifice you pulled that out of but can stick it right back there. Irrelevant and off the current topic.

Hey trplnkl, laura bush did kill someone in a car accident when she was a teen

.snopes.com: Laura Bush Car Accident


Well-Known Member
I did notice something posted to the tune of "do I want to see cains family stand by and see the texts and the phone calls, and be humiliated even further, something akin to that jargon.
Yes if hes guilty she is already dealing with it, but just what if hes not. Some of you condemn me for blaming the victim, instead of the accused. what if the accused is the victim?
there were 70 emails/texts. He responded to 17. He responded to them never initiated them. Those were from cell phone records.
I hope none of you have had a vindictive aquaintance who tried to ruin your life. Tried to profess great love because you were kind to them, instead of trashing them like everyone else has done their whole sorry life. And their advances were unwarranted and unwanted.
Until I see proof, Im standing by my man, and screw you all who dont like it.
Its the perfect storm, destroy Cain now get him outta the way. Destroy Newt with allegations when he gets the nom, then we are stuck with Mit, who in my opinion cannot beat Obama. Although he would be to the power of 50 better than Obama.
Two black men toe to toe for the president of the USA. How historic would that be !!
An aged man with experience vs a young ideolog whipersnapper. . For anything he lacks he could have Newt as his Secretary of state, he is smarter than all of them on foreign policy. Romney as his economic advisor, or whatever they call that position that who has it now cannot manipulate turbo tax correctly, and someone with the common sense to put people in positions that are the best at what they do.
Instead of hiring some yahoo who sends guns into Mexico, gets thousands killed with our guns, to try to take our guns away. And should be fired and jailed for doing so, forever.
I cant even think like some of you people. Sorry been there done it dont work for me.
Go Herman, whether its the Republicans or the Democrats trying to down you, stay in it to win it!
And if it turns out I am wrong, then and only then will I admit defeat!

I agree let him stay in. Let the circus continue. It just demonstrates to independents how some of those loons on that stage are so unelectable. Let the circus continue!!


Well-Known Member
Today is moment of truth day for Cain. I said before to watch the wife and today it will all hinge on her!

When the latest story broke here in Atlanta and Cain offered his explanation, I thought, "OK, he's helping the lady out...blah, blah...the wife knows.... WHAT, SHE DIDN'T KNOW?"

As I said before, WATCH THE WIFE!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TODAY is yet another excuse for HERMAN CAIN. Indeed, he is going home to face the music with his wife. He already knows his campaign is over. He will use the GOP standard of "SUSPENDING" my campaign while I re assess my run for office, but we all know hes done.

CAIN last night "ADMITS" giving money to this woman over a period of 13 years. Frankly, I hope TOONER can see the light and BRETT can see the reality that he was hoodwinked by a professional liar.

No matter what happens after today, CAIN has a fork in him.




Engorged Member
TODAY is yet another excuse for HERMAN CAIN. Indeed, he is going home to face the music with his wife. He already knows his campaign is over. He will use the GOP standard of "SUSPENDING" my campaign while I re assess my run for office, but we all know hes done.

CAIN last night "ADMITS" giving money to this woman over a period of 13 years. Frankly, I hope TOONER can see the light and BRETT can see the reality that he was hoodwinked by a professional liar.

No matter what happens after today, CAIN has a fork in him.



You've got it all wrong. Cain told Jesus, and because Cain has a "soft heart" (brain), he assisted Ms. White financially. She wasn't a kept woman, and Herman wasn't violating his marriage vows or his love of Jesus by boinking her. He will probably re-assess from the hospital after Mrs. Cain batters him with a rolling pin. God, how can this not be obvious to everyone?


golden ticket member
Cain claims no affair, but yet he financially helped a woman without his wife knowing........who does that ?? Unless the other woman is your daughter or niece, etc. :sad-little:

I liked him, but he's toast now.

Probably will be dropping out tomorrow at his scheduled announcement.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And her blood alcohol level was ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Laura Bush's records on this accident were sealed once GW became gov of Texas. Laura Bush was heading to a college party with a friend when the accident occured. This "party" was not a religious prayer party either. She was hanging out with a girlfriend "allegedly" drinking before the accident occured and she killed a classmate who she was friends with.

Dont hold your breath for alcohol levels, there were no breathalizer tests back then.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Cain claims no affair, but yet he financially helped a woman without his wife knowing........who does that ?? Unless the other woman is your daughter or niece, etc. :sad-little:

I liked him, but he's toast now.

Probably will be dropping out tomorrow at his scheduled announcement.

I applaud your throwing in the towel on Cain. Finally, you show some logic.



Engorged Member
Cain claims no affair, but yet he financially helped a woman without his wife knowing........who does that ?? Unless the other woman is your daughter or niece, etc. :sad-little:

I liked him, but he's toast now.

Probably will be dropping out tomorrow at his scheduled announcement.
Cain is going to stay in, and it sounds like the wife has bought his story. That's one dumb woman.