Herman Cain


Engorged Member
Good-bye you Hermanator ! (opposite of Terminator, = self dedructor), please close the door behind you, or maybe catch a ride on Sarah's bus !

Herman has assured himself a steady income from books, guest apperances, and maybe even a gig on FOX. I thought he might stay in after he said his wife "understood", but now the fruitcake (GOP field) has one less nut. The GOP faithful will buy all his crap, and ponder on what could have happened if only Herman could have stayed-in. God, all of those harlots who accosted his good character.

If you cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen, and Herman be gone. Folded like a house of cards and just what we would have needed as a President. BLAME YOURSELF HERMAN!!, not all of those hussies who "lied" about your junk and could probably draw an exact picture of it from memory.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Wet flapping :censored2:bag!



Nine Lives
One ironic aspect of Cain's dropping out of the race is that his speaking fees and forthcoming book deals will make him much richer than if he became president. not that he was hurting financially anyway.

So hats off to Herman on his successful life so far and probably even more successful in the future.
So was OJ Simpson, but he still had to pay !
Klein, I am typing this slow so you can catch up. The link showed that Jackson was acquitted, found not guilty by a jury so he didn't have to pay anything other than his lawyers. This has nothing to do with the civil case oj lost, which did not prove guilt but did asses responsibility, not exactly the same thing.

The settlement that mj paid was before the acquittal and since the amount was undisclosed, you have no idea how much the amount was. Once again you are making crap up to support your thoughts.
So, please try to stay on track...Cain is the topic.


Well-Known Member
One ironic aspect of Cain's dropping out of the race is that his speaking fees and forthcoming book deals will make him much richer than if he became president. not that he was hurting financially anyway.

So hats off to Herman on his successful life so far and probably even more successful in the future.

"Hats off to Herman"?? This irresponsible man thought he can CON the american people into voting for him WITH ALL THIS STUFF IN HIS PAST ?? How utterly disrepsectful and irresponsible!!

ANd you are ok with the fact that he took you all for a ride and will now clean up with his book deals ("Denied: How the liberal media destroyed a real american hero from the presidency" or "Railroaded: how those b!tches screwed up my candidacy" ) and tv deals (Fox Busines channel presents: "CAIN on cABLE" or "None of your BUSINESS, with Herman Cain")?? Sad
"Hats off to Herman"?? This irresponsible man thought he can CON the american people into voting for him WITH ALL THIS STUFF IN HIS PAST ?? How utterly disrepsectful and irresponsible!!

ANd you are ok with the fact that he took you all for a ride and will now clean up with his book deals ("Denied: How the liberal media destroyed a real american hero from the presidency" or "Railroaded: how those b!tches screwed up my candidacy" ) and tv deals (Fox Busines channel presents: "CAIN on cABLE" or "None of your BUSINESS, with Herman Cain")?? Sad
Nice rant, yet Cain has not been proven guilty of any of the claims against him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he didn't do any of it, just that so far not one claim has been proven.


golden ticket member
"Hats off to Herman"?? This irresponsible man thought he can CON the american people into voting for him WITH ALL THIS STUFF IN HIS PAST ?? How utterly disrepsectful and irresponsible!!

ANd you are ok with the fact that he took you all for a ride and will now clean up with his book deals ("Denied: How the liberal media destroyed a real american hero from the presidency" or "Railroaded: how those b!tches screwed up my candidacy" ) and tv deals (Fox Busines channel presents: "CAIN on cABLE" or "None of your BUSINESS, with Herman Cain")?? Sad
Obama made $$$ with a book he didn't write.............he's no sacred cow!
Archived-Articles: Who Wrote Dreams From My Father?


golden ticket member
Obsession!! Again you drag obama into this discussion. By the way i think obama did actually write his own book, rare for a pol!!
You brought up book deals........like Cain is the first to have a book deal. Buck wrote the one that didn't do well.......you know, the other one?


golden ticket member
A TOP CAIN ADVISER tells us the former candidate plans to endorse in the next few weeks — certainly this month, in order to affect the Iowa caucuses — and is most likely to go GINGRICH. They have a personal relationship that goes back to Gingrich’s days as Speaker, a much longer relationship than Cain has with any of the others. And they disagree on few issues. Cain can offer some Iowa organization and his power as a surrogate in the African-American community (including churches), a weakness for the GOP.


Well-Known Member
I truly hope that this man and wife and entire family are able to put this behind them and find peace.

Enough of the vile hatred--why contribute to that --there is already enough of that crap in this world.:sad-little:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A TOP CAIN ADVISER tells us the former candidate plans to endorse in the next few weeks — certainly this month, in order to affect the Iowa caucuses — and is most likely to go GINGRICH. They have a personal relationship that goes back to Gingrich’s days as Speaker, a much longer relationship than Cain has with any of the others. And they disagree on few issues. Cain can offer some Iowa organization and his power as a surrogate in the African-American community (including churches), a weakness for the GOP.


Who cares what CAIN says now? Oh yeah, YOU.

CAIN has about 7 days left in his news cycle, then its lights out.



golden ticket member
Whatever moreluck, first you celebrate Sarah Palins book, which SHE didnt write, but then knock anyone else who uses a ghost writer? How about Bill Orielly?

Get a grip.

Bill OReilly CREDITS the help writing to Martha Dugard.
Obama, on the other hand has just his name on a book that I think BillAyers wrote for him. According to experts, The Audacity of Hope was not written by the same person as the Dreams of My Father book. Somebody's lying somewhere.