Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
Announced locally here in Atlanta that Herman will be endorsing Newt ... maybe to be announced as soon as Monday afternoon.

That comes as no real surprise. To be honest, from Cain's POV, it's the most logical choice. IMO Cain and Gingrich are cut from the same cloth anyway.


Nine Lives
That comes as no real surprise. To be honest, from Cain's POV, it's the most logical choice. IMO Cain and Gingrich are cut from the same cloth anyway.

I know they are friends and I may be wrong about Newt but I don't think Newt will reduce the size of the Government like Herman would have.
Funny in a way that Newt, the career politician, is more of a big business person than Herman, the career businessman.


Well-Known Member
I know they are friends and I may be wrong about Newt but I don't think Newt will reduce the size of the Government like Herman would have.
Funny in a way that Newt, the career politician, is more of a big business person than Herman, the career businessman.

Always the cynic, I've got no faith in either one of them.


Well-Known Member
With Herman there was hope.

How about Ron Paul ... any faith there?

Ron's got the track record, no doubt but I can't see the political system for one letting him win regardless. I actually believe the hierarchy of the GOP would rather see another 4 years of Obama than for Ron Paul to get elected. But even still, if he did win, I think the republicans and democrats in Congress would act in league to undermine him at every turn.

Where Ron has done his greatest is shape the discussion and even opened doors to where folks on the right and left, not party shrills but the real McCoys have begun a cross talk and found common ground even among differences. That has been where Ron is his greatest.

400 years ago we began an enlightenment that began to erode state power in the name of individual rights and economic liberty. It was a type of evolution but it was only a start. Just as 10k years ago we evolved into organized nationstates, I do believe 400 years ago was a beginning towards the evolutionary process out of nationstates and more towards the ideal of voluntary self organized societies where the individual is free and regardless of one's station or status in life, stood on equal footing with all other individuals. Thus moving man towards what is the greek word anarchos or meaning without rulers. I do believe man is evolving towards that end and although there will be many bumps in the road we will ultimately get there and thus in the interest of jumping time and space, I'm just going to focus on getting there and ignore the best I can all the efforts thrown out there to try and divert attention to the evolutionary obvious.

Ron would be a nice rest stop but like Reagan, too many people went back to bed on the first Wednesday morning in Nov. 1980' and it's taken 30 years to get the libertarian/limited gov't/free market ideas back into any major discussion. The neo-conservative or Americanized fascism if you will took over and if I had a choice of returning to slumber or keeping people wide awake, Obama and a congress full of statist democrats would be the more welcome. Outside of Ron, any other GOPer would be like the seeming perfect date giving you the lovely rose at the door only to learn later as you lay gasping for breathe on the floor that it was laced with deadly poison. Yes, that is what I think of the GOP not that the democrat party is any better but it makes no pretense to hide it's fangs. Thus you always stay on your guard.

It boils down to you doing it your way and me doing it mine because in the end I still believe in being "without rulers" and IMO voting violates that ideal as well as the non-aggression axiom. I never said this was easy!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Nice rant, yet Cain has not been proven guilty of any of the claims against him. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he didn't do any of it, just that so far not one claim has been proven.

It is not only nice to see that there are Americans who still believe in innocent until proven guilty but it also restores my confidence in our system of justice. Media assassination is too prevalent in our society and this 24 hour news cycle and the cyber highway certainly does not help matters.

Of course, people on both sides of an issue will justify or rationalize their point of view to make a round peg fit in a square hole.


Für Meno :)
Brett, besides needing a new Avatar, you need a new slogan , too . 9-9-9 is gone. Too bad, I must say, it would have made the US part of South America.


Well-Known Member
Brett, besides needing a new Avatar, you need a new slogan , too . 9-9-9 is gone. Too bad, I must say, it would have made the US part of South America.

Interesting, I wasn't aware a simple tax plan had the power to physically move continents from one side of the equator to the other. Its amazing what you Canadians think you know!


It is not only nice to see that there are Americans who still believe in innocent until proven guilty but it also restores my confidence in our system of justice. Media assassination is too prevalent in our society and this 24 hour news cycle and the cyber highway certainly does not help matters.

Of course, people on both sides of an issue will justify or rationalize their point of view to make a round peg fit in a square hole.

He didn't tell his wife about his friendship with this woman, a friendship that lasted for over a decade. If any of you dear readers are married, would you be more than suspicious if your spouse was having any sort of relationship for so long and you didn't know anything about it????
He didn't tell his wife about his friendship with this woman, a friendship that lasted for over a decade. If any of you dear readers are married, would you be more than suspicious if your spouse was having any sort of relationship for so long and you didn't know anything about it????
What is the time line for this "relationship"? When did it begin and was it still on going or when did it end?

I would bet that you have lady friends from on the job your wife knows nothing about. I know I did when I was driving and never mentioned them to my wife simply because it never seemed important. Of course I didn't pay for any of them to do anything, but is it proven that cain did? I know it has been said that he did, but has it been proven?