Herman Cain


Engorged Member
No matter what else you all want to throw into the Herman Cain gravesite, the man is :


I can hardly wait to see who he's going to endorse. Maybe that person doesn't want the taint of Cain upon them. It's all so very funny. Herman is probably on the hotline with Jesus right now asking Him what he (Cain) should do. What an effing idiot.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Gee, Newt is so nice to all of those "negroes". Maybe Cain will reward him. (I hope).



Engorged Member

Newt is a racist. If that's playing the race card, so be it. If Gingrich can get Cain's endorsement, millions of "negroes" will come flocking to the Republican Party (not). If you don't think Newt's little rant about "inner city" (read black) kids wasn't code for the Tea Partiers, then you're even less observant than I thought.

Newt played the race card himself last week. It was the Ace of Spades (pun intended), and he declared open season on Blacks with his stupid statements. Exactly what the Tea Party ordered. For a guy that's supposed to be so bright, Newt seemed pretty stupid to me.