Herman Cain



What is the time line for this "relationship"? When did it begin and was it still on going or when did it end?

I would bet that you have lady friends from on the job your wife knows nothing about. I know I did when I was driving and never mentioned them to my wife simply because it never seemed important. Of course I didn't pay for any of them to do anything, but is it proven that cain did? I know it has been said that he did, but has it been proven?

Tri, if memory serves, I believe that Herman Cain said that his relationship with this woman lasted 13 years. He defined the relationship as one that involved friendship, and financial assistance to her. A relationship that he also said that his wife did not know about until it broke out in the media.

Now I understand that what you say about lady friends is true. Your wife may not know about them. But one that you know for 13 years? And one that you gave money to? Don't you think you would tell your wife about that????

As for the other things the woman said such as accompanying him to the holyfield fight or that it was an amorous affair. Cain did not admit to that, but he did admit to the stuff in the first paragraph..

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Proof proof proof proof....in other words, blah blah blah blah...

All the proof that is needed is contained in these words:


Nothng else needs to be said.

If youre innocent, then you stand up like a man and take the heat. You demonstrate that you are a man of your word, and not excuses. CAIN managed to show us all that he was a man of EXCUSES, nothing more, nothing less.

I hope his marriage doesnt suffer, but down the road, I am sure it will.

Better for CAIN to get out before he was forced out. As for proof, give that a rest. The AP texted CAIN from ginger whites phone and CAIN personally responded in minutes.

Game over.



golden ticket member
Proof proof proof proof....in other words, blah blah blah blah...

All the proof that is needed is contained in these words:


Nothng else needs to be said.

If youre innocent, then you stand up like a man and take the heat. You demonstrate that you are a man of your word, and not excuses. CAIN managed to show us all that he was a man of EXCUSES, nothing more, nothing less.

I hope his marriage doesnt suffer, but down the road, I am sure it will.

Better for CAIN to get out before he was forced out. As for proof, give that a rest. The AP texted CAIN from ginger whites phone and CAIN personally responded in minutes.

Game over.


Just like all the proof we needed was Michelle Obama saying, "When Barack was visiting his home country of Kenya...." HaHaHaHahaHaHaHa !!!

Michelle says Barack's Home country is Kenya - full statement - YouTube

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Good point, and Cain did much more than just face to face !

I used the word "American". You are not an American are you? I don't perceive to know much about Canadian justice and would not make any attempt to push my POV on you and folks in your country. I would be interested in what Scratch has to say on the matter. I wonder if Scratch feels that your POV is representative of the general Canadian population. It may be... I don't know.

I certainly would not want someone like you sitting on an American jury. Could you be fair and impartial??? I don't think so.
Tri, if memory serves, I believe that Herman Cain said that his relationship with this woman lasted 13 years. He defined the relationship as one that involved friendship, and financial assistance to her. A relationship that he also said that his wife did not know about until it broke out in the media.

Now I understand that what you say about lady friends is true. Your wife may not know about them. But one that you know for 13 years? And one that you gave money to? Don't you think you would tell your wife about that????

As for the other things the woman said such as accompanying him to the holyfield fight or that it was an amorous affair. Cain did not admit to that, but he did admit to the stuff in the first paragraph..

I really don't know why I am bothering offering dialog on this, I guess it's for the principle of fair play or innocent until proven (yes Tos proven) guilty. My experience with lady friends is a bit different than Cains in time. Some of the women I have been friends with longer than I've known my wife. Some even go back to school days, they are simply my friends. No I've not given any of them money but none of them ever needed it nor asked for it plus I'm not a man of significant means. If one of them called me today needing a bit of financial help I would first discuss it with my wife, not doing so would not be the smart thing to do but who can honestly say everything they do is the smart thing to do.

Can't speak for anyone else, but know first hand that some people can take a friendship for more than it is and delude themselves into thinking it goes both ways.
If memory serves me, this woman at one time was a "head hunter", many me in Cain's occupational status use HH's to seek a change in employment or are looking for the next corporate genius to hire. Was Cain's relationship with this woman in the beginning of those 13 years and then it turns into a platonic friendship for him, yet more in her mind? I'm not saying it is, but it's dang sure possible. I would agree that a smart man will tell his wife about every woman he meets while away on business, if for no other reason than the prevent having to later do damage control. However, innocent men don't usually think about damage control in advance.

All of this is irrelevant at this point to anyone but the Cains. In a way, I hope all these allegations are true because if they are not there is severe damage done to a man and his family that is beyond repair.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Benefit of the doubt, I love it. The new republican standard for infidelity. TRP, lets be clear without the political spin. CAIN knows dam well he is guilty. Its too bad, because he had a shot at giving the others in the GOP a race for the nomination.

Unfortunately, his past came back to haunt him. We have all seen situations like this, and it is what it appears to be. We can make all the excuses possible, but at the end of the day, CAIN was guilty and this last woman whom hes had an affair with for 13 years may be easy for the TOONERS and BRETTS to accept and forgive, the only person that mattered was CAINS wife and its CLEAR that she is angry at CAIN and wanted him out of the race.

Seems like she was the only one with a clear mind on the situation. If CAIN stayed into the race, by his own admission, there would be more women coming out with more "trumped" up charges. Funny how he knows this is coming before any other names were dropped.

As he made that statement, you have to know that he is feeling the heat of his own past. Nobody knows the truth but CAIN himself. I feel pity on him for putting his quitting the race on his wife.

Thats a cowards move.



Staff member
Proven guilty? That's legal standard. Politics has nothing to do with legality. That's why Karl Rove could suggest that John McCain's adopted daughter was from an affair. Why republicans could say that Clinton was a murderer and Obama not a citizen. In politics, nothing has to be proven. It's a popularity contest, not a courtroom.


golden ticket member
Last time I checked, infidelity wasn't a crime. And don't talk about character....cause Bill Clinton was a character!! Fidelity gets you Carter.